The last hours of your life

If you all were to turn on the news one day, to find out that an asteroid (more than capable of killing all life on earth) was going to impact within the next twenty four hours, how would you all spend these last few moments of your life?

Grab a towel, something salty(peanuts?), drink several beers, stick my thumb to the sky, and attempt to hitchhike the Galaxy.

Don’t Panic.

Consentual rape.

Yeah, it’s a paradox. It may only exist in such a situation. I don’t know.

I don’t know

Take my girlfriend out into the countryside, have lots of alfresco sex then watch the show from the top of a hill

Smoking crack.

I’d probably get a good deal too:

“Dontel, it’s Epoche.”

“Sup playa? Ain’t talked to you in a minute! You still readin philosophy and tryin to start a revolution n’ shit?”

“Yeah. Hey listen man. I just heard on the news that an asteroid will hit the earth in three hours. So I was wondering if you could give me seven for a c-note. Think about it. You won’t be able to re-up after you flip this, so you might as well let me have it all. Yeah?”

“Sure thing, E. Damn. An asteroid eh? I gotta call my baby momma.”

I would drop every drug known to man. So when it hits, I’ll be in another reality.

I think it would be fun as a government official to have the media tell people across your whole country that this was about to happen. Just to see the reactions. Kind of like that guy on the radio 70 years or so ago who told everyone that aliens were invading the world and tons of people believed it. Of course that did lead to many suicides…

It was Orson Welles who did that, it was a fake radio news broadcast based on the novel ‘‘War Of The Worlds’’ by H.G Welles.(no relation). He did it on hallowe’en, when the radio execs told him that peope were rioting and crap, and to stop, he just said it was fake and continued, too late bythen though.
I have the recording on disc, it’s amazing.

and I agree, all the drugs known to man, kinda like doing acid while watching ‘‘2001: A Space Odyssey’’, but times a million, so cool.


freeing caged animals

extensive diy body modification

phone dad

Wondering whatever happened to brownies.

Then hearing he died of a crack overdose and the asteroid never hit. :cry: :cry:

While I was thinking about this, I wondered if the average person would have lowered inhibitions, knowing that they were going to die in hours, but I think alot of people would be afraid and have more intense feelings of guilt:
Religious morality ensures that people repress their desires to the end :unamused: If I was anable to convince a girl to take ecstasy with me and then seduce her, I might consider rape, and if failing in that, theres always crack or heroine.

I would laugh the most genuine and self-satisfying laugh mankind has ever seen. I imagine this would have an enormous effect on those around me, if it somehow got aired around the world, those who survived and saw it would consider the asteroid a small matter…

Good choice. I’m up for that sorta death.

In fact, it may be the best way to die. :confused:


That was pretty funny.

As for the OP

I do my part in the mass meditation to divert the astroid. If the entire world did that we’d be breezy.

Disaster, armageddon… that simply doesn’t have to happen if the world G’s up. We need some playas.

You guys ever heard of the Torino Scale. It’s a rating scale of the potential end of the world due to an asteroid collision. Sort of like DefCon, but for space attacks.

The scale is 0 to 10. 0 meaning no immediate risk and 10 meaning absolute certainty that life on earth will be destroyed by an asteroid collision. We have already been to 4 in the scales short history.

I’ll tell you what I’d really do.

I like this, it’s stupidly amusing.

I think I’d free people instead of animals; break through all the jail cells. The only thing is, the jailers would probably still be following the laws so I’d have to hijack a hand gun and blow them the fuck off the planet before I could. Then once I did I’d get raped and killed by all the guys I let free. Wee.

You know what I’ve always wanted to do? Ride like a maniac in a grocery cart down the street. Maybe I could get a dog to pull me. Dude.

In chronological order:

Bottle of Jameson’s



That is very noble of you, faust.