The law of conservation and transformation energy.

In classical physics this law exactly is not observed.
Only in quantum physics this law is exactly observed.
The observance of this law is connected to the formula E=Mc^2
Quantum theory says that at the interaction of the electron
with the vacuum, the energy and mass of it become infinite.
It means that the law of conservation and transformation energy is broken.
Unless can it be?
Honor and glory to mathematicians.
They thought up " a method of renormalization ", a method
" to sweep the dust under the carpet " / Feynman./ and so
they solved this problem.
But what process is really connected with
the " method of renormalization "?
Please, remember, electron is not a professional mathematician,
but it maybe a particle, maybe a wave.
The physicists say that electron is eternal particle because
it has less electric charge and therefore it cannot break-up.
So, how can electron keep its eternal condition?
How can electron escape its infinity?
How to understand the fact of
“conservation and transformation energy” of electron?
Electron is the particle which has a form of a sphere
(geoid), having energy E=hw.
But everybody knows that an electron is not a firm sphere.
Everybody knows that its form can be changed.
But nobody understands the borders of its change.
Electron cannot disappear .
Electron can only change its form.
So, what are the borders of this change?
According to the law of conservation and transformation energy:
Electron, having the geometrical form of a sphere,
loses their volume (density) and turns into an indefinitely
flat circle (C/D=pi).
What does “indefinitely flat circle “ mean?
It means, that we cannot reach Absolute Vacuum T=0K
and we cannot reach density of the electron in the rest .
In the interaction of the electron with vacuum
transformation of the kinetic energy of an electron ( E=hw)
in its potential energy E=Mc^2 take place.
It is impossible to understand the “last essence of electron”
dividing its geometrical form from energy.
The geometrical form and energy of electron
are united together inseparably

Particles are point-like and cannot have ANY shape in space.

… amongst other effects, an electric field is formed that for a static negative charge decreases in density with the square of the distance in all directions.

A circle that is “infinitely flat” is the kind of circle you dealt with in seventh grade geometry. This is the fabled cylinder with no height. That’s all I can answer sadly, the rest is outta my comprehension

Physics is just a bunch of formulas used to predict the behavior of experimental apparatus. It tells us nothing of what shape an electron has, if it is infinite in time or any other fairy tales.

The electron is just an abstraction used in formulas and to help us visualize an otherwise abstract item of reality. We know nothing about it and never will because our formulas and manipulations of reality are more than sufficient for our purposes and have more than enough knowledge we need. So renormalization works, good, who cares, reality is no deeper then how much we want it to be.

I’m with you, Guy on the geometry. Only in geometry class and classical physics would anyone imagine that a particle is really a point. A point is just simpler than possible.

The picture of reality from instruments and models reflect the nature of those instruments and models with whatever there is, out there. We can make comprehensible images from these, and even predictably interact, as long as we are faithful to our methods. And those are our realities.

old seems to be the quantum skepitc, but rember;

Every movie ever made has the theme of beliving from petter pan to the matrix.

Hey if I belive I can stop bullets…

we loose many great scientists that way…

book recomendation: Darwin awards
