The Law of Love

I am deeply in love with a beautiful young women
In every way she is my ideal mate
Her physical beauty is a constant wonder to my eye
She is kind and gentle and content with the simple things in life
She has a fine mind and wry sense of humor
She loves our child dearly and mothers him with a deft hand
She has a strong work-ethic and manages our home efficiently
Her artistry decorates our home
I could easily let my love for her over-whelm me,
I could let it become all-encompassing
and be perfectly content to do nothing but remain constantly in her company.

But the Law of Love will not allow this to happen
I know she loves me dearly and is proud that I am the father of her son
But I know that I am not her ideal mate
I do not match the image in her mind
And that knowledge brings her pain
I am far older
I am framed by an earlier era of thought
And my habits are as deeply set as the wrinkles in my face
She is not yet old and wise enough to know
that those differences do not really matter
So there is a barrier
over which the full flood of my love cannot flow
for I would then be a trespasser and offend the Law of Love
Her embarrassment at being unable to reciprocate my love at that same level
would sadden our life
And so I must withhold the fullness of my love
And remain partly aloof
She will never know its true depth
I will never experience its full giving
Not in this incarnation
And so I must wait
Until we are born again

This love I have for her
I believe
Is similar to the love God has for Earth
She is His ideal mate
Her azure beauty astounds Him
Her fruitfulness fills His cup with nectar
The brilliance of their human child delights him
He would be perfectly happy to let the fullness of His love over-whelm Him
And bathe us all in His constant presence.
But the Law of Love holds Him back
He is not our ideal God
He does not match the image in our mind
He is far older than us
His habits are set by the laws of physics
They force Him to remain without Form
We are still too young to tear away the veil
And see that all form is energy
radiant with Divine Love
And so there is a barrier between Man and God
over which the fullness of His love cannot flow
er He embarrass us with the paucity of our return of love
and thereby sadden our lives
And so He must wait
Until we are born again

…that probably epitomises what we all yearn/search for in life - I admire the poetry of the piece, greatly, MM!