I think it is reasonable to assume that humans are the most intelligent things to be created in the universe. The laws of physics are the same everywhere, and there is an abundance of many of the necessary elements that are needed to create and sustain life.
However, though the physical events that lead to a planet that can sustain life are likely in the universe as vast as we know it to be, the events that cause evolution to occur are in my opinion far less likely. The universe is about 13.7 billion years old. Our planet has been here for about 4.5 billion years, of which there has been life for about 3.5 billion years. Of that time, evolution has occurred mostly in short spurts, each explosion of new and varied organisms separated by millions of years of stagnant growth.
IF extraterrestrial life exists elsewhere in the universe, we do not know that it would be even similar to our own planet’s life forms. It could be that there, the beings do not go through a process of change, renewal, and variation as has happened on our planet through evolution.
I believe that the process of evolution is an act of creation that goes against all statistical odds, against the obvious chaos and entropy in our system, against all possibilities for destruction that could be compared to the possibility of an egg that was dropped and splattered reconstructing in exact physical form.
One event, an egg falling from some height and splattering against some lower surface, is infinitely more likely than its opposite, a splattered egg coming together to form an egg as it was originally. This is the nature of entropy. There are far more ways that the egg can splatter than there are that a splattered egg can be reconstructed.
This is very similar to the process that has created human beings (and many other beings of lesser intelligence) on earth. Life has occurred, and not simply life but incredibly complex life that is capable of self-awareness, with individuals directed by comprehensive, thinking brains. It is far more likely that this process be interrupted by the millions of possible factors that can cause life’s downfall.
This is why I think it is safe to bet that we are the most intelligent life form, and that there are other life forms in the universe of much lesser complexity.
Indeed, human beings have only been on the planet for a short period compared to the total time of life on earth, the earth’s existence, or that of the universe. So it is entirely possible, and in my opinion most probable that our race, and likely all life on earth, will fall off our precarious elevated height and splatter into a cosmic mess. Simply because it is so much more likely.