I believe it is very possible that we are all, or just maybe a select few of us, existing in a dimension that we think is our own personal life, but it is a variation of something we can’t imagine: such as a dream, a parallel dimension of life, etc… Of course I also theoretically think that we could never know of this because we would never have any proof, or that all that humans can imagine are the figments of experiences we’ve had in our so called lives (dreams, dimensions, etc…)
Well, here’s what’s reall! Every human is trapped in their own skull and it contains it’s own version of reality. This reality is sometimes much like that of others and sometimes it’s wildly different. However, it will never be exactly the same. So, we are all in our private universes. That’s interesting and it’s hell at the same time.
I like it. We are living in the universe’s singlemost best structure and worst at the same time (own universe, hell). But what “bounds” each persons universes to be “alike” and “different.” This would be the physiological world: but is the physiological world a matrix or not? Ahh… this could go on and on. You see your reply presented a view, but not an answer.Good thinking though.