I , a virgin who is 23 yrs old age, is having a conflict between the desire of my mind and my body, and the fear what people may say of me.
But out of shamelessness I shall make a say, for you to hear my problem of being a virgin and my idea of being a virgin.
MY mind or is it my body, desires sex , yet the teachings of philosophy, virtue, and religion prevents me of doing so. While, my friend argues it is okay, if you have control.
To me he has no control of his desires.
I have ask this questions in numerous forms, yet I recieve ridculous replys. Masturbation or self love, is a way to conquer this desire, but once your body recovers it goes back to that stage again. I know I will never find a solution to this epidemic because all of you never experience how is it like to be a virgin, when you are enlighten.
" It would have been better, if you have never been baptised because you will comit a worse crime before you were baptise" , said Jesus
" Those who have not found life, is not endanger of dying, but does who has found life is endanger of dying" said JEsus
The data is untrue because it ignores many ideas that promote healthy enjoyment.
Having sex with someone that you love helps develop self knowledge and the knowledge of another, thus those that avoid it end up knowing less about existence. It is likely that this is known by avoiders and is fear based.
Consider the prospect of a relationship. Worry not over the idea of virginity another moment. Your body is yours - if you don’t want to do it, don’t. But when you think about it, isn’t masturbation a form of sexuality? Isn’t lusting after what you don’t have and dreaming her up under your covers even more of a problem with the church? I don’t know - I was asking you, not judging you about it.
It is like the young woman who does everything but with many guys but is a virgin because she has never consumated it. Is she a virgin? I think you should concentrate on personal growth and finding someone to have a relationship with… if it leads you to intimacy it is not a bad thing, but a natural thing.
Are you more worried about your upbringing or that Jesus might not forgive you for it? Sex isn’t dirty. In my view you can remain a virtuous, sexual person - you don’t have to be a whore about it, Dan.
Your problem is not of the body, but of the mind. It is your mind that is in conflict – because you worry and think about something you have no knowledge of, no experience of. Your body is more intellegent than you give it credit for…
Is it the frustration that all of your peers have had sex and you haven’t, and that their lives have appeared to change for the better because of it?
I have a friend who (when he was sixteen (we are the same age)) went on a family vacation to Cancun and came back unvirgin, and since then he has been loving life and loving many ladies. Before he went on vacation he was depressive and lazy (like me).
Which, to me, makes unsense because we have had about the same amount of girlfriends growing up. Unfortuneately, all of my girlfriends were enslaved by the Christian ideal that they must wait until they are married before they have sex. I myself have been in the same dilemma as you have, Dan
Know yourself. Sex is sort of a contract, for me at least. I can’t go out and have sex with lots of women. I CAN but if they go out and have sex with other guys, then there’s shit going to go down. I’m a jealous man. I can’t help it, so I restrict myself to sex only while in a relationship.
Physically there’s nothing wrong with sex. But like I’ve heard it put before: Life is a sexually transmited disease. Wrap it up. Save a life, yours. Child support is a bitch.
dan, you need to start from the bottom… work your way up. i can tell your case is complicated… lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta interested parties, lotta what-have-yous…
what i mean by start from the bottom is go for a rock bottom girl that is absolutely butts ugly, a face only a drunken 23 year old horn dog could fake-love… you know what i’m saying?.. a girl that fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch… start with her… fucking make a move like ‘do you have the time?’, and close a sentence later with ‘come back to my place, it’ll be fun’ …fucking, get some confidence, and work your way up the pretty ladder. you’ll be fine. and when you’re in a rut… (and i often find myself in a rut) you just have to start from the bottom rung again… climb that ladder yom sayin. thats all i have. good luck.
I’ve come to find that there is more than one death awaiting us in life. And the best I’ve experienced, so far, has been that of the virgin. If you’re one of those in search of self-knowledge, I guarantee you, you will not come close until you learn to love somebody with your whole being.
Does this interpretation means, self knowledge is found through sexual intercourse or action? What do you mean " until you learn to love somebody with your whole being" ? If this is what you mean by sexual intercourse, then in order to do this, you must be bi-sexual.
Have you not betrayed your original principles? Like socrates deciding to escape from jail, betraying what his whole life he taught and believed in.
I would like you to look into yourself honestly and deeply and try to find out what it is you really desire from sex. I would also like to know what you think it is, but you don’t have to tell me, of course. For my own views on sex, you can follow this link: http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=152421&start=75
I’d also add that the prettier girls will be curious and jealous just seeing you with another woman, hence you’ll get their attention. They seem to want what they don’t have, then once they get it become bored and start searching for another man. Stupid I know, but women seem to be quintessential representaion of irrationality. But we men still go back for more so we probably deserve what we get.
So all women are like that? No wonder divorce rates are high, the bedroom is bored.
I shall tell you a story about my friend what he had told me. There was a man was about to get married, but her girlfriend rejected him because he cannot satisfied her. So I suppose there is no such thing as love.