The Mirror - Internal Monologue

Hi everyone :smiley:,

This is my latest “psychological/philosophical verity” writing, and I hope some of you will share their thoughts on it :smiley:.

Thank You,
Layla :*

"Oh, so you think, you actually know me? That’s sad… cause, see, NO ONE really knows me… NO ONE… An Actor is :

  1. A Person creating Horcruxes ( here must be explained, that a Horcrux, or this certain term, is one of Joanne K. Rowling’s terms, used in her Book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. A Horcrux is an item, in which a part of one’s soul has been locked, by bringing a certain sacrifice, murder, in order to split the soul into different pieces, which keep one’s soul alive, even after death of the body, if it’s [ the horcrux ] not destroyed. ) This comparison must seem pretty eclectic to you, and it truly is. Every role we play, we play it like it was part of us, because the expression of each role is unique. Through every role we play, our soul splits and a part of our soul is sealed away in the theater by a sacrifice… and the only sacrifice known to an actor, is the actual performance on stage. The trace we leave behind is memorable and never vanishes. We start losing ourselves in a chaos of mood swings and feelings. The performance of living makes us suffer more, than normal people do. When not on stage, the performance brought in our everyday lives, seals itself into oblivion.

  2. A Victim of Schizophrenia… the split mind. With each role we play, personalities grow inside of us, making us less impulsive and much more wiser, that’s why we actually evolve and live on stage more, than in the real monotony of our lives. The more these personalities grow inside of us, the more we learn controlling them. We’re almost known to hide behind these different masks, therefore making us completely unpredictable. We like everything, and yet again nothing. There’s no certainty in dealing with us.

  3. A Notorious Liar. These so credible lies we’re disclosing in front of you, are nothing more, than a testing of our own human skills and the Art of convincing. We’re the born liars, therefore our masks are much more credible and convincing… and certainly undefinable.
    The only thing you actually know about me… and see in me… is yourself. Facing one of our different masks, you’re actually looking into the mirror, seeing yourself and no one else.

So, you see… You don’t see me for me… You see me… for you, and not otherwise."