The NeoCONS - Ideology and Fantasy

This is an excellent series of videos. (14 videos approx 10 mins each)

The videos follow the rise of the two most powerful competing forces on our globe today – the neocons and Islamic fundamentalists. The video states that both these extreme groups have risen from the perception that today’s world is drifting in a sea of individual relativism with no absolutes or ideals.

I would have liked them to focus on the philosophy of Leo Strauss more; it would have explained that the neocon propaganda, lies and deception over the last few years are not mistakes but planned deception.

For those unfamiliar with the political philosophy of Leo Strauss – the darling of the neocons – Straussian neocons believed society is a hierarchy with the elites leading the inferior mob. Unlike other elitists like Plato, morality plays no part – except as a tool to use.

Three key Straussian principles relevant here are:

Deception: The masses need only be told what they need to know and no more. Lying to the people – for their own good – is necessary…

Power of Religion: Religion is necessary to keep the masses in one manipulative mass (note they coaxed the xtian religious right to power?). Morals and values are no more than national brands and slogans for the nation to gather around

Aggressive Nationalism: Strauss, like Hobbes, believes that a nationalistic state is required to retrain the aggressive (“wicked”) nature of man. Like Machiavelli, Strauss believes that order needs an external threat to keep it internally stable (e.g. perpetual war). People unite more naturally under fear and hate of an outside threat.

To neoCONS, freedom (liberalism) and democracy are like religion: they personally don’t need to believe in it but will happily preach about them to deceive and manipulate the mob. Keep all this in mind when viewing.


Part 1 The Neocons – Ideology and Fantasy … ed&search=

Part 2 The Neocons – Rumsfeld’s Imaginary War

Part 3 The Neocons – Birth of Islamic Extremists

Part 4 The Neocons – Recruiting Christians / Concept

Part 5 The Neocons – CIA’s $1 Billion Backs Future

Part 6 The Neocons – Ignored Warnings of Terrorists

Part 7 The Neocons – Destruction of the Republican Party

Part 8 The Neocons – Clinton’s Blowjob / Extremists Rampage

Part 9 The Neocons – “There’s No Al-Qaeda Organisation”

Part 10 The Neocons – “We’re Gonna Find Those Evil Doers”

Part 11 The Neocons – Hunt for Osama / The Disney Terrorists

Part 12 The Neocons – Godzilla was a Terrorist Mentor

Part 13 The Neocons – Dirty Bob / Precautionary Principle

Part 14 The Neocons – Fear is the Only Agenda


I’m going to have to beg my mom to get cable, as these videos take too long to load at dial-up … either that or move back out on my own again and pay for it myself (on second thought, who needs these videos anyway).

As for neo-cons, their economic crusading has once again run us “Europeans” afoul of an understandably angry bunch of Muslims.

When will the narrowminded ever learn.

When will the historymyopic ever see.

Well… the way I see it is that these videos are education and education is worth the wait (on dial up) or the money (cable). I’d go as far as saying that this is the most important education you can get in times like these. Virtually everything else is trivia; everything else can wait.


I don’t disagree with you about their value to those who have not already learned the lesson they may teach or who might benefit from a timely reminder.

But, contrary to what the neo-cons themselves might think, time doesn’t grow on clocks and money doesn’t grow on trees (okay, well maybe the Franklins do kind of grow on trees).

So, fortunately for me it’s all review, and I can forestall spending what I don’t have to spend until I either have it to spend or don’t mind going in debt … or can neo-con crusadingly bilk some poor Middle Easterner out of his hard-earned pittance.

But those of you doubters or forgeters with speedier time and money to burn, you download those videos right now!

I haven’t yet watched your videos, but I do know Leo Strauss. I regard him as a Jewish Nietzschean, which, coming from someone like me, is a paradox to say the least. I managed to salvage the following from (which is now inaccessible):

Now I agree with exactly the first half of the above. For, as for (4), I would rather like to steer philosophy precisely toward “these devastating influences”. For, as it says in (5), Straussians, according to the above, regard Athens and Jerusalem as the “two points of departure” of Western culture. Now I think these two legs on which modern (post-Socratic) Western philosophy stands should be razed to the ground (and with them, the whole body of that philosophy). One should note, though, that I call “modern” what is above ascribed to “the Ancients”, and call “classical” what is above ascribed to “the Moderns”. Straussians tend to regard Machiavelli as a modern, for instance - whereas his philosophy is precisely a return to the Classical, the Roman (he being a Renaissance philosopher)! And the so-called “Ancients” are the post-Socratics, whereas the Classical philosophers of Greece were the pre-Socratics! Or at least that is the Nietzschean point of view.

I think modern (post-Socratic) philosophy should be razed to the ground, and on its ruins a new beginning should be made with a natural, “pre-Socratic” (post-Nietzschean) philosophy. And, as for Straussian philosophy, my problem with it is not that society is thought of as “a hierarchy with the elites leading the inferior mob”, as you say, or that “morality plays no part – except as a tool to use”, or that deception, religion, nationalism, and the catch-phrase “freedom and democracy” are used as tools only, by an elite which does not believe in them; to the contrary, this is precisely the aspect of Straussian philosophy that I respect! - But that their politics is not great, i.e., that it is not a means to creating great men - that is my problem with Straussian philosophy.

Thanks for posting these videos; ‘The Power of Nightmares’ was a very interesting BBC documentary. The first youtube video cuts off the 2.30 min introduction of the programme which sets up the context for the show.

Here’s the Google video of the show. I hope they show this on BBC America sometime, but I’m not holding my breath.


I’ll have to check out that series on youtube, but not tonight, I’ve had enough NWO for one day.

Another useful link to a page that contains both google video players embedded, showing the three episodes of the Power of Nightmares, and also a transcript of the show.

The Power of Nightmares is hands down the best documentary (series) that’s been broadcast in this country in the last few years, since I’ve been seriously watching this kind of thing. Highly recommended.

Yeah the links you guys provided are better than the multiple links I first posted. I didn’t think of searching for a more condensed version.

The Power of Nightmares was brilliant – thank god for British documentaries. The link below is also very good. It’s primarily about the Gladio organization in Italy during the 70’s and 80’s but the real benefit of the video is in extrapolating what happened then, to what’s happening now. The structures and methods are the same; only the names are different.

Program 1: … 6200017796

Programe 2: … 0848760784

Programe 3: … 7600611346

In essence the 3 videos are about the Italian state’s secret service and their dealing with groups of right wing political terrorist groups that bomb civilians so the govt can blame the left and reinforce their power. Similar to the Power of Nightmare/NeoCON videos, this series share a similar theory that the population needs to terrorized to keep the puppet masters in power.

Aldo Moro (ex Italian Prime Minister), for instance, was just about to set up a coalition between the communists and his party when he was abducted and killed. The politicians and media blamed the communist ‘red brigade’.

Why would the communists abduct and kill the very person who was just about to let them have a political voice? How could the red brigade conduct such a sophisticated political abduction when its leaders were in prison and the rest of the group in disarray and, most importantly, who benefited from the resultant anti-communist backlash?

Notice that the only person in this video who debunks what these ex-participants confess to, happens to be Michael “total war” Ledeen a key Jewish American NeoCon who’s part of a neoFascist groups with links to mossad and right wing terrorist groups well know for conducting “false flag” terrorism around the world today. During the 1970’s, Ledeen studied Italian fascism and terrorism and worked for the Italian military intelligence and secret service. He was also part of Gladio and had dealings with right wing terrorist organizations. Later he was an intermediary in the Iran/Contra scandal and more recently the person most likely responsible for the forged Saddam/Niger yellowcake documents.


I watched those three Timewatch Operation Gladio shows a couple of months back, and despite the poor cinematic presentation, they contain a wealth of useful information. I implore the people reading this to have the patience to watch them and to concentrate throughout. … 6888068502

Dispatches: Spinning Terror

A 50 minute documentary on how the British Government have used terrorism for their own political gain, by Channel 4’s flagship doc. series. The presenter’s a bit of a wally, his hand gestures are ridiculous, but the content is excellent.

:laughing: I found it difficult to concentrate sometimes because I kept thinking it was a comedy sketch. I found myself hoping the presenter would interview Tony Bliar just to see the two of them try to outdo each other with their halting staccato diction, jerky hand jesters and intensely important facial expressions.

Having said that, the video was interesting. I hadn’t heard what happened after the Old Trafford incident or after many of the high profile British arrests were made. And now I know why.


Well, the Man U/Old Trafford plot didn’t get much coverage, though the Guardian/Observer did run with the story: … 43,00.html

It’s also interesting to note that Kamel Bourgass, the man at the centre of the ricin plot, was convicted of Conspiracy to make a Public Nuisance of himself, which as far as I know is not a crime defined by any of the four recent Terrorism Acts in this country.

These Neocons always thought of Orwells 1984 as a sort of How To Manual.