The New Left

It might help to point out that a lot of marxism critics actually, inadvertently and unknowingly, adopt an implicitly hegelian view of history when they determine that it is in fact a set of nefarious ideas that have created the phenomena of the left, and not the actual material conditions of society.

Lemme explain. You suppose that without the leftist ‘narratives’ you’d not have the same kinds of attitudes evolve in various people throughout society, e.g., the angered worker on strike, the student in a mountain of debt, the tenent about to be evicted, and so on.

Now this is unlikely, because despite how these people are taught to think about such problems, they are still problems nonetheless, and necessary problems, i.e., necessary results of a capitalist system.

All this means that, in fact, it is not the narrative, not the ideologues, that produce the leftist attitudes among people, but the actual lived conditions in society.

The driving force that brings Marxism is the specific set of material conflicts produced by the current operating system and NOT any ‘ideas’.

I do wish you had a clue about what I’m talking about here but in any case, you are part of a grand and wonderful irony that has pervaded through the senturies and you’ve no idea how profound your accident is. You’d get all this if you knew what it meant for Marx to flip George on his head.

Not literally. Figuratively. Nvr mind.

“Other people’s welfare isn’t your business or anybody else’s.”

r u saying I can’t be concerned 4 other people and want to help them (as in it is logically and physically impossible in any universe), or r u saying I shouldn’t be concerned 4 people and want to help them?

“Healthcare is a private enterprise, not a public one.”

r u saying it can only b private, or that it could b another way but shouldn’t b?

“Unless #2 - We have Homogeneous societies, of likeminded people and related bloodlines, which the liberal-left denounce as “racist”.”

What if we just had similar saliva composition? Could we call the few genes that control saliva production, the important ones instead? I mean dude I’ve got so much in common with a Filipino that it hardly matters our height difference, face shape, skin tone, hair texture, right?

And we certainly do have homogenous societies of people with approximately the same saliva composition… yet you refuse to consider this similarity and instead pick another arbitrary set of genes to work with. Unbelievable.

Actually anti-racism and feminism date back to the renaissance.
Both liberalism and socialism date back to antiquity, altho some say John Locke and Thomas Paine were the 1st modern liberal and socialist respectively.
Anti-racism was big in the states during the abolition and civil rights movements, feminism during the suffragette and civil rights movements.

Contemporary or 4th wave ‘feminism’ and ‘anti-racism’ have kicked it up several notches, because they don’t just target sexist and racist individuals, they target all men and all whites, and they don’t just target aspects of institutions where they think they’re failing, they want to throw out the entire institution, hence defund and now abolish the police.
At this time, politics in of itself (like anarchists and proponents of direct democracy), class and the environment don’t have this kind of revolutionary potential like the former two had during bygone eras, but identity does, specifically race.
It is the anti, or rather the reverse racists who are tearing shit up brought to you by Walmart, McDonalds and the mass media, not anarchists or socialists, and so I think we’re seeing a brand new phase for the left, where race is the chief thing, not a side issue.

I used to think the elite were promoting reverse racism as part of a divide and conquer strategy but lately I’m less sure.
At least half of the elite are Jewish.
Millions of nonwhites are pouring into our countries and being indoctrinated with hate.
What we’re seeing appears to be a reverse colonialism, lead by Jews and their useful white idiots.
All this could lead to a race war, the extermination or enslavement of the white race.

Actually anti-racism and feminism like liberalism and socialism date back to antiquity too, I mean Plato was a feminist and in the Roman Republic citizenship was eventually extended from Romans to all Italians and in the Roman Empire from Italians to everyone born in the empire.
Septimius Severus was their Barrack Obama, the 1st non-European emperor, a North African of Punic/Carthaginian and Roman extract.
But modern anti-racism and feminism like liberalism and socialism date back to the enlightenment, or renaissance.


I don’t disbelieve you. I’m not booksmart. What I’m amazing at is thesis, antithesis and synthesis.

If something comes across my mind, I’ll make sense out of it as an extreme example of the pattern seeking animals we are. I have no clue why I have this ability.

Without other people’s booksmarts, I wouldn’t know shit. I owe it to people like you to keep it real. You owe it to people like me to keep it real. We’re symbiotic.

In the latter half of the 2nd millennium, politics and economics were the chief concerns of the left, whether they were republicans, democrats or anarchists, liberals, socialists or communists, but as our nations are being flooded with nonwhites who’re taught to hate us from within and nonwhite nations like China are challenging western hegemony from without, I believe identity, especially race is becoming the chief concern of the left, with the environment and germs somewhere in the middle and politics in of itself and economics dead last.

I used to think the upper (middle) class white elite were just being Machiavellian, they wanted to take as much of the heat off themselves as possible by focusing on race instead of class, they also like the cheap labor and economic growth mass and illegal immigrations provides them at our expense in the short term and world government in the long term, but now I’m not so sure, many of them may really be self-hating whites and I’m sure many Jewish elites and Jewish plebs alike hate whites, see us as rivals and have Jewish supremacist ambitions of their own.

Even if they’re just being Machiavellian, still it could backfire and we could up wind up with a race war on our hands, or could that be part of the plot too?
Maybe it’s all of the above, some Machiavellianism, some masochistic guilt complex white elites developed, and Jewish supremacism, revenge for all those times we exiled them.
In any case, all of this doesn’t bode well for the west.

Anybody who marries or has sex has cognitive dissonance which equates to massive subliminal self hatred.

The Jews declared themselves the vehicle for gods words on earth, but in elevating themselves so high and sinning every moment of everyday - they are balls of hatred steaming beneath the surface.

Projection kills your spirit. The Jews are not the smartest people in the world. It has nothing to do with your race, it has everything to do with reducing cognitive dissonance and projection.

I want the Jews to come out someday and say, “sorry human species, our Torah is bullshit, sorry about that”

They were the ultimate propaganda and eugenic population on earth. Turns out, that worked pretty well for them. Then what happened? An enemy rose who did the same thing to them. Their mirror image. Projection.

This Zionist and Nazi shit is fucking ridiculous. These people need to figure out there is no master race. All there is, is projecting less - having the stewing cognitive dissonance reduced so the hatred buried inside diminishes.

Every man and woman and hermaphrodite on earth hates themselves for having sex and getting married. It stews in them. You can see the hatred in their eyes waiting to come out because of their hypocrisy. When they exalt themselves, the hatred stews even hotter, simmering as a boil waiting to explode at any moment.

I’ve been thinking about that as well, at what point in US history did the self-proclaimed “Elite” want to cut-loose of the general populace?

Up until the late 1900s, the US taught Civics and instilled Nationalism into the general populace. Thus even the rich and wealthy felt obligated and proud of their National identity. This is proved in the World Wars when USA unified stronger than ever before, to defeat foreign adversaries. It may also be a principle of a “common enemy” that binds disparate and diverse people. But, since the 1950s, within a few generations, the Civic underpinning of the United States has been completely removed and ripped apart. The wealthy, rich, upper-class no longer has anything in common with the poor and lower-class …not even and not especially in the Civic-Political sense. Along with the rise of Internationalism/Globalism, new classes and castes of Americans are now grown with no loyalty to this country, the American people, or our Civic structures (the Constitution). This is accelerated and common sense, proven in the advent of Trump and the events (and sedition) of 2020.

Now, the “elites” having disavowed their loyalty to the United States, and their corruption on full-display, only obsess about raw political power and wealth, which they cannot hold indefinitely, and the floor and foundation of the country is evaporating like sand in a fist. This results in more desperation, which further accelerates the division and rapidly imminent civil war. One half of the country no longer believes, trusts, or has any love for the other half. And a divided house cannot stand. There are pressures (enemies) within and without.

Concerning the pressures without, China the CCP, Russia and Putin, Iran, North Korea, a long list of countries and people victimized by the Pentagon and Washington DC… these are the obvious enemies. The pressures within, the internal enemies, are much more difficult to identify and isolate. Because people in the US have varying degrees of loyalty and love for the country. In the end, I predict, because there is no Civic structure remaining, the US cannot stand another generation or two. There is no National identity or communion that unites Left & Right, nor is there any peace or reconciliation to come. The Left has, recently, denied Free Speech, incited riots and violence, threatened, along with street violence, core institutions throughout the United States, throwing all decorum out the window in a blatant power-grab, observed in real time by the whole world.

Many South Americans testify to the fear of watching USA fall to Communist and Marxist ideologies, that they recently escaped from or had family survive, the same applies to Eastern European immigrants to the United States.

The Left has used ‘Race’ to further drive in its spike into the heart of America. They convince the black population that “nothing good” had ever come from racial relations in US history, which stokes faction warfare across racial boundaries. White, Brown, Black, Yellow, Red, the Left push Regressivism under the auspice of “Progressivism”, setting back racial-relations decades or a century. Now Americans look upon other race or ethnicity as ‘otherness’ that cannot nor will be abridged. The Left desperately try to control all culture and narrative to stay ahead of this curve. But they will not stay ahead along.

I don’t see this as a “one-entity” problem, although the wealthy oligarchs are definitely the worst offenders. From the Judeo-Puritan-Anglo Washington DC and Pentagon establishment, I see these types as merely scrambling to wrest-hold of their own power, and prevent it from slipping away, which they instinctively fear, and are aware, that they cannot hold onto it all.

America is now a ship on the high seas, entering storms, with no Captain at the helm. Directionless, Leaderless, and Lost.

Because there is Division and infighting ahead, Foreign powers and interests will slowly chip away at US world hegemony and proxies, US allies will be cut loose. The world may see a strong rise of power from Central America, South America, or through the new Russia-China-Iran coalition that seeks to overthrow US and NATO power.

Internally, I believe rich oligarchs are merely trying to hang onto their own wealth and gains, like trying to save their gold coins on the ship without a captain.

Who are you to dictate whether people must vaccinate or not, against their will? It’s as simple as this question.

If you think the Government should be in charge of your health, then go ahead, but you certainly will not be in the United States.

The U.S. is built on a “healthy distrust” of the Government.

You know …like those public defendants they set you up with. You trust them, right???

It’s not that simple.

If you want to force a country to go through the Government for their healthcare, then those people have a right to trust the supposed “Authorities” in charge.

And this is only relatively successful in a homogeneous “Communist” or socialist nation. For example, the Chinese are Communists, do they trust their healthcare system? And what is that system? The Swedes are Socialists, do they trust their healthcare system? And what is that system?

Let’s go at this from a different angle, one that cuts more quickly to the point…

Do black people trust whites to care for their welfare more than they trust fellow black people?

Do white people trust blacks to care for their welfare more than they trust fellow white people?

If you answer no to either one of these questions, then you accept my premise and points.

So, by all means, continue spouting Communist-Marxist-Socialist talking points…

I have a simple talking point for you:

Public parks
Public education
The highway system (public)

The Best things in the US are socialist. How is it paid for? Taxes.

UrWrong… when I look at your mind, I see an ideology that can’t temper itself with facts, basic facts.

Until you understand this, your discussions are absurd and without nuance, and they are fear mongering.

Building a road is not equivalent to injecting yourself with untested substances,

Try again.

30,000 people went through that clinical trial before release. WAY more people than the Polio vaccine.

Does it ever occur to you that in the biomedical field that there are people with educations you don’t have who are WAY smarter than you

Think about this. Who got the shots first? All the leaders (including trump who lied about it to appeal to his base) and ALL the medical doctors. Do you know how fucking insane it is to kill all the doctors? No country is that stupid.

So what does that leave us with? You’re that stupid.

You’re slipping.

Most of the nurses and doctors who administer the vaccine, can’t speak with authority as to its safety, chemical nature, or long-term effects. They recently had to pull the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to deaths and adverse side-affects. Most doctors obey their own peers and authorities higher-up, meaning the pharmaceutical companies who line their pockets, and then the government who line theirs. So what exactly is in the vaccine, and which vaccine, and who knows? It doesn’t take much research to figure things out.

I’ve done my homework, you haven’t.

To Gloominary,

On the world stage, I just read an article that Biden Administration is accepting the Armenian Genocide, which further aligns USA with Israel …just weeks after Biden declined to speak against the Chinese current genocide of Uighur Muslims.

People only need to let this fact sink in, to understand global politics and where things are going. US is blundering very, very, very badly on the external level. And with the internal division, which every country knows about, US future looks very bleak.

It won’t take many more blunders to lead to calamity, a calamity which many accept is already among us.

To Ecmandu,

It’s not fear-mongering if it’s true.

Youtube-Twitter-Facebook-Googler have all censored and banished two primary topics over the last year:

  1. Covid
  2. Election Fraud

Not only is this intellectually dishonest and a flagrant violation of any Philosophic principle, it is also a violation of the US Constitution by which the general populace has a right to know about topics which concern direct personal safety and welfare, along with the very core institution which provides basic freedom and human rights. Because of these violations, people in the United States, and throughout the world, have a valid and worthy reason to reject and distrust the propaganda which these institutions present and propagate. Nobody has any good reason to trust without question and doubt, points which you cannot speak or reason against. Those who try to defend the institution (as you do Ecmandu), further earn and incur my wrath. YOUR anger is unjustified when you try to silence me before I can defend my own. More than half the United States feels this same way. And the pressure-pot is still boiling.

So I did my homework instead.

Concerning Covid, where did it come from? Who is responsible? Who was held accountable? Anybody? Who funds the WHO? Which country? The money all point one direction, if you will but seek-out the answers and truth.

If you want to swallow government pills, while they censor your questions on the other hand, then you choose your destiny. But you have no right to dictate to others when you cannot justify yourself beforehand.

Left relative to what?
Right relative to what?

I realized early this morning that Left & Right refer to Liberty.

The Left view of Liberty is “freedom to”. (Desire)
The Right view of Liberty is “freedom from”. (Tyranny)

Classical Liberalism synthesizes Left & Right together, because Americans traditionally have been able to chase desires (Freedom To) while enjoying a restricted government (Freedom From). However, across US history, up to now, everything has changed. Success leads to indolence. Indolence leads to atrophy. Thus the desires of the 1970s is not comparable to the desires of the 2020s. The restrictions of the 1970s is not comparable to the restrictions of the 2020s.

The “New Left” want to redefine categories such as Male/Female, but why and how? Why is Transgenderism, and Race, so pivotal in their thinking, ideology, and propaganda? Why is it, if you resist these changes, that you must be a bigot and/or a racist? As the Neo-Marxists claim, in anticipation of this argument, that if you posit any “Objective” (Biological) category, then you are a racist white supremacist. This is what they actually believe and dictate. So you must accept Transphobia, Racism, or a combination of the two, if you wish to refute them.

This is degeneracy, obviously, but the complexity is much more serious. That’s why this topic is an important one. And Gloominary (you) do well to ask how Classical Liberalism has transpired to this point.

How do Anglican Puritan-Christian British explorers, settlers, and colonizers go from America in 1720, to America in 2020, in three centuries?

From worrying about savage Indian scalpers and raiders in the forest wilds, to worrying about which gender your child “identifies with” in the public school systems?

Here’s the deal man.

I’m not a political person. I don’t say shit to get elected that I don’t believe because I think I can do a better job. Those bones are not in my body.

Trumps entire life, and campaign and administration was about saying shit he didn’t believe because he thought if he got elected, he was the best person for the job once he got there. Existence doesn’t work that way man.

Less people have died from Covid vaccines than from the polio vaccine.

You seriously believe the hype instead of the facts in what has become an old hand machevellian world. I’d prefer Biden, even if he’s senile with handlers that are trying to bring people together (trying being the key word here) than a senile trump who divided with everything that came out of his mouth.

I’m also going to explain this to you very simply…

Don’t use my analysis of psychopathy which is way more advanced than the DSM.

Use their definitions: Trump is a psychopath. Melania is a psychopath. Ivanka is a psychopath. Kushner is a psychopath. These people are fucking psychopaths dude.

Let’s just examine the vast difference between these people and me, me who claims not to be a psychopath. I’m here for all beings to judge me!

I literally refuse sex because I know it hurts the feelings of other people. Everyone knows what I know. Why do they still do it? Because they are weak. They can’t handle the absolute existential void that would cause them to commit suicide right now.

I endured that shit. I’m still here.

Trump was a coward. Biden is slightly less of a coward.

They, like you, can’t handle this shit. That’s the truth.

I endured where angels fear to tread, and you’re not even a fucking angel dude.

Agreed, but the Overton Window as you put it has shifted much more to the left on nationality and identity than it has on the economy.
If you say you’re for cutting taxes and spending, the establishment will shrug its shoulders, they may even invite you to come talk about it on CNN, but if you say you’re for cutting immigration, you don’t support BLM or Me Too, they will character assassinate you, deplatform you, they may even try to get you fired, or lynched.
It’s alienated a lot of white working and lower middleclass voters from the left, their old base, but it’s attracted some nonwhite working and lower middleclass voters, mainly black, not so much Asian or Latino, and most curiously, it’s attracted a lot of upper (middle) class white voters, the right’s old base.
Why is that?
I’m not entirely sure, but I can think of some explanations.

1, about 50% of the elite are now Jewish.
Per capita they’re by far and away the richest and politically the most powerful ethnicity.
Jews love capitalism, especially crony capitalism, they’re masters at it, so why would they try to overthrow it?
It’s true Marx and many communists were Jews, but that was when many Jews were still second class citizens, they made it now in America and Modern Western Europe.
What Jews fear is nationalism, unless it’s Zionism, and racism, and so they support anti or reverse sexism too because they’re closely related to anti or reverse nationalism and racism politically.
And Jews have been indoctrinating upper (middle) class kids in universities to hate themselves for over half a century, and now they’re beginning to indoctrinate working and lower middleclass white kids in elementary and high schools to hate themselves too.
A lot of Jews hate whites, a woke crony capitalist system works best for them.

2, the more empathic upper (middle) class whites have been so well off for so long, they don’t know what to do with themselves, they already have more than they could ever ask for, so they search for meaning, for philanthropic and environmental causes to get behind, and since they feel little-no connection with working and lower middleclass whites because of the increasingly disparate socioeconomic circumstances we occupy, they seek to help the most vulnerable, the most needy, and so they take up causes like global warming, climate change or whatever, animal rights, save the illegal, the refugee and so on.

3, Machiavellianism, for the more sociopathic upper (middle) class whites, reverse nationalism, racism and sexism, along with fake or exaggerated environmentalism, germaphobia and so on are part of a diversify, divide and conquer stratagem, 'keep them fighting amongst themselves over scraps.

And insofar as the two established parties do address class, they use the republicons to cut taxes, mainly for the rich, and cut spending, mainly on the poor, and democons to raise taxes, mainly on the bottom 99%, and raise spending, mainly for the upper 1%.
Transfer riches and rights from one demographic within the 99% to both another demographic within the 99% and the 1%, but never transfer riches and rights from the 1% to the 99%.
Keep the hamsters spinning in their wheels.