The new terror plot is just proof that

You can tell cancer that you love it all you want, but it shan’t stop killing you.

Of course you could be tempted into enslaving human kind. It’s human nature.

But it can cause cancer, just like other things…

Or cigarettes. cough

My momma taught me if you can’t say something nice… say it loudly.


Peter, are you suggesting that we don’t vote for W in the next election?

So we have to appease the violent religious fanatics, change our ways to suit them. How about they change.

With regards,

aspacia :sunglasses:

faust: Peter, are you suggesting that we don’t vote for W in the next election?"

K: uh, yah. Actually, I wish people would understand what
they are voting for. A vote for the GOP is a vote
for torturing people and a vote for permanent war,
a vote for less rights and freedoms, and a vote against
democracy. It amazes me how people say they are for
one thing and then vote for someone who does the exact
opposite thing.
