The Ocean Has Many Waves

The waves come in, and the waves go out. Smaller waves ripple the bubbling surf. Transverse waves bouncing off rocky jetties combining with the rolling swells, making huge swells in spikes or flattened valleys. Depending on the timing, the backflow can collide with an incoming wave to leave the beach mostly dry, or combine with it to launch foam far up the beach.

The irregular beat of crashing waves that surfers chase is layered on top of a longer-period ebb and flow of ambient water level, so that 10-15 waves, even very big waves as far as the surfers are concerned, will hardly reach your feet where you stand watching, but the next 10-15, big or small, will almost knock you over.

On larger scales, the moon creates the roughly 12.5-hour period ebb and flow of tides. Over the course of a month, the scale continues, so that certain highs are extra high, and extra lows expose extra sea bed. And throughout the year earth’s rotation around the sun adds a further influence, with a longer-period of ebb and flow.

These all move the same water, and each moves in quasi-regular patterns. But at any scale a sample of a few repetitions of the pattern will reveal irregularities.

How much of the irregularity in any of these patterns is just the interaction between each and the others? How many physical systems might be describable as layers of regular patterns creating the illusion of irregularity?


Can such large bodies of open water ever know conformity to patterns? Doubt it.

The illusion of irregularity, yes this says it well. All such systems are entirely causal-deterministic, even if they are also chaotic enough to reasonably be said to be somewhat unpredictable. Keep in mind that predictability/statistics is really not about ontology but a more epistemological issue.

I like how you explain the complexities of waves. I think it is indeed like this, many many many layers of subtler and grosser degrees of waves all intersecting and influencing each other within even larger contexts of things like cosmic circumstances. This is a view that very closely aligns with the philosophy of tectonics.

As for “how much of the irregularity… is interactions between each and the others” (as opposed to, say, more extra-systemic influences?), well I would say that there is truly no irregularity there at all. Everything is “regular” as being causal-deterministic. Or, what is your definition of “irregular” here? I assume you do not mean non-causal, so perhaps just attempting to capture the most or most-possible subtler patterns and/or extra-system influencing patterns?

By regular, I mean having a constant period and amplitude: the waves arrive like the ticking of a clock, and each is exactly as tall as the next.

When waves combine, their amplitudes can be either added or subtracted depending on how they align: two peaks add to make a taller peak, but a peak and a trough cancel out. So two regular wave patterns with different periods will make a new pattern of waves with a new period.

You can see this with a graphing calculator. Here are the sine curves for 2sin(x) (red), 2sin(\frac{x}{2}) (green), and 2sin(\frac{x}{3}) (black):

Screenshot from 2025-01-13 10-19-47

(Multiplying each by 2 increases the amplitude, i.e. makes the ups and downs bigger, which will make the pattern more visible in subsequent steps.) Sine of x has a period of 2\pi, sine of \frac{x}{2} has a period of 4\pi, and \frac{x}{3} has a period of 6\pi – i.e. each has a period of 2\pi times the denominator.

Now here’s the curve for those three curves combined, i.e. 2sin(x)+2sin(\frac{x}{2})+2sin(\frac{x}{3}):

It has a period of 12\pi, which is 2\pi \times 2 \times 3. The pattern repeats in those cycles, but in each cycle the pattern is irregular (though if you look closely you can see that the second half is the first half repeated backwards and upside down).

If we keep layering on curves, we’ll get a longer and longer period with more and more irregular waves in between. Here’s (part of) 2sin(x)+2sin(\frac{x}{2})+2sin(\frac{x}{3})+2sin(\frac{x}{5})+2sin(\frac{x}{7}):
Screenshot from 2025-01-13 10-41-25
This doesn’t show a full cycle, because the period is 2\pi \times 210 (i.e. 2\pi \times 2 \times 3 \times 5 \times 7). I chose those denominators because they are prime; the period will always be the product of the prime factors of the denominators, so for example 2sin(x)+2sin(\frac{x}{2})+2sin(\frac{x}{4})+2sin(\frac{x}{8}) only has a period of 2\pi \times 8.

The pattern looks pretty irregular, downright random, but it’s just a stack of perfectly regular sine waves. And if you keep going, it becomes indistinguishable from randomness. Here’s a chunk from a plot using the first 100 prime numbers as denominators (multiplying each by 100 so we can zoom out and still see the ups and downs).
Screenshot from 2025-01-13 11-14-29
Again, perfectly regular patterns, summing to produce something nearly indistinguishable from noise – I say nearly indistinguishable because there’s a clearly something non-random around zero:
Screenshot from 2025-01-13 11-24-43


I used LaTeX to make the functions, here is an example:


Unfortunately LaTeX doesn’t work in hidden sections, but when you put that into a post it looks like this:
Screenshot from 2025-01-13 11-32-28

I used this site for graphing, which is super fun to play with:
Desmos | Graphing Calculator

To make the sum using the first hundred primes, I got a list from wikipedia and used the list function on that site to make a sum:


Function (that sites support latex, so you can copy-paste this):


Screenshot from 2025-01-13 11-35-18
L[n] is the nth element from the list L.

Ah ok, that’s pretty cool. So I suppose all such irregularity is just combined regularity. Sometimes the regularity dominates and the waves look predictable and ordered, other times irregularity dominates and the waves look more random and unpredictable? It just depends on the accumulation of whichever factors happen to be influencing the result at any given point and time.