The official "what I got for Christmas" thread

PlayStation 3
various games for said console

some books

I got:

The Dark Knight (DVD)
A bottle of 2005 J. Lohr Hilltop Pasa Robles Cabernet Sauvignon
Cold Steel SRK

Funny thing is I already had an SRK, an older one made of Carbon V (now fairly valuable). I’d misplaced it after a move, and my Dad bought me a new one to replace it. It so happens that I found it last week while looking for something else.

A vacation
loving family
the priviledge to do laundry dishes cook and clean whilst the guys relax and then great big bear hugs from them afterwards.
Time to spend with my guys, and phone calls to my family that I won’t get to see for a very long time if ever again.
A warm comfy bed at the end of the day
I am grateful for all of the above and the little things I have not listed.


as usual. :imp:

I got myself a plasma tv a week or so ago. By girlfriend gave me a bathrobe, a bottle of champagne and a bunch of strange candy from all these different countries. I also bought two ounces of hydroponic weed yesterday.

I got tube socks.

Sorry, Faust…lmao

I am going to combine what I got for Christmas and my birthday here just because they are so close together I’m not even sure what present is for what.

2 Packs of White Undershirts
2 Packs of socks
2 Long Sleeve Shirts
A new suede jacket.
A New England Patriots watch.
New Snifter glasses
Bottle of Disaronno
Bottle of Goldschlager
Bottle of Peppermint Schnapps

I think a few more presents may be coming for my birthday, I’ll keep you guys posted.

I got nothing… :unamused:

Nothing is better than tube socks.

…and I was gonna add in my PM to you, that tube socks are better than nothing, lol

Well, I treated myself to a bottle of port, but that just doesn’t count… [-(

I got The Dark Knight. That’s it.

I got boxes and wrapping :smiley: but my boxes were filled with tons of crap -_-

what were you expecting to get? :-k

Alcohol and stripey shirts. They’re learning…

Socks, Wiskey and Madness and ‘Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason’ by Michel Foucault

$150 of gift cards to various places
Subscription to Popular Mechanics
Dress shoes
Hands free can opener (as seen on TV)

…er, nothing :laughing:
