Idealism is a ongoing construction of mythological metaphysical stories through transformation into “reality” which all extends from the absurd.
Idealism is the systematic approach of creating fantasy into reality no matter how insane the ideal may be. In short it is a way of making man’s elaborate imaginative mythology of himself and how he perceives the cosmos “ought” to be like into reality via constructionism.
Everywhere one can see the metaphysical and ontological qualities of idealism along with its religious ties.
There was once a time where stories of magical cauldrons circulated around ancient villages that had the ability to supply a never ending food source to all those who passed it.
Our idealistic society has created this under the guise of grocery stores.
There was once a time where stories circulated around ancient villages about magical gems that could control the minds of others.
Our idealistic society has created this under the guise of money.
There was once stories that circulated around ancient villages of the ideal heavenly like state of existence under the names of Atlantis and Shangri la.
Our idealistic society strives for this under the ideal utopian future of apathy followed with elaborate humanistic promises.
There was once stories that circulated around ancient villages about great vehicles that could reach the heavens and the gods.
Our idealistic society strives for this with Nasa.
There was once stories that circulated around ancient villages about a tower named Babel which was constructed to get near the gods and the heavens themselves.
Our idealistic society is the representation of this story under the existence of civilization.
There was once stories that circulated around ancient villages about powerful magical weapons of fire, stealth, and secrecy that could lay siege to entire armies.
Our idealistc society has created this under the guise of nuclear bombs, chemical warfare, and aircraft fighters.
Do you believe that there are smoke filled rooms full of old white men in expensive suits who create ideals for everyone all by themselves? To what extent do you see society at large constructing much of their own reality?
Upon this knowledge one could make the arguement that the ideal state and government is merely a mythological story constructed by drunk philosophers in amphitheatres namely by one particular man named Plato.
Idealism should rename itself to mythology and join the religious bandwagon from whence it came.
So what’s the alternative to idealism? It’s easy to point out hypocrisy and talk about how screwed up the world is. The challenge is in presenting a better alternative. What do you suggest?
I think there are better ways to accomplish such goals than to max poetic about them on a philosophy forum. I’m beginning to question your authenticity.
I don’t see reason as special nor the information we have acquired.
I don’t see this human condition that we hav constructed for ourselves as anywhere being unique or desirable.
Also note that man was a primitive animal as a hunter and gather much longer than this civilized charade. We are all primitive instinctual animals pretending to be somthing else.
That is natural selection where civilization in comparison protects and grows the weak.
Civilization is a straw house just waiting to be blown away.
See I think that the IS is what we talk about all the time. Govt tyranny, no justice for poor potheads or hooligans like ourselves. The OUGHT seems to be the “natural order” that you’re trying to postulate. Nature to me is what IS, not what I think it ought to be. I might want to change what is to what I think ought to be the new state of nature, but nature always is what IS. I guess that summarizes my position. I don’t think we really diagree about all that much.