The overlay religion.

Ok just an idea I came up with in the last couple of hours. What I am looking for is not just plain critism, but solutions as well.

The idea is basicaly trying to create an “over” religion to go on top of all other religions. Basicaly additional ideas that will not conflict with their teachings but will guide the world into a better sense of unity. Right here it goes.

Belief in any Deity or holy text you so desire (or lack off).
Follow the code of your holy text as long as they do not infringe on these rules for whatever reason.

1:Treat people with the same respect you would give you parent/s.
Most people regardless of belief have a certain respect for their parents, if people where to hold everyone in their minds at the same level as their parents I believe many things would infact be much better.

2:Be submissive to new ideas.
People are full of ideas constantly, and they are often shot down before they have had time to develop or better still before they find someone with whome they debate and both mutualy agree to develop

3:Be supportive to others.
Show your support to other people. Help those less fortunate, help friends who are in need. Be there when people need a shoulder to cry on.

4:Respect others beliefs.
Everyone has a belief in something, if we just let people believe what they want without trying to force your own belief on them it could create a much more peaceful world.

5:Never do to another what you wouldn’t like done to yourself.
For example if you don’t want to be stabbed don’t go stabbing people. (don’t think there needs to be much explain on this one)

6:Always be a ambassader of this new Idea.
Whereever you are, you have a responsibility to be the best person you can be, and to show with action what this movement is about.

7:Always adopt the laws of the country you are in as long as they DO NOT conflict with your morality.

I understand that most religions have these rules anyway, but if they were to use this overlay (no name given as yet) there may a greater sense of friendship.

(Hmm ment to post this in philosophy, ah well probably deserves to be here lol. Mods move if you see it worthy :stuck_out_tongue:)

How would your first rule (Not rule 1, the one before it) and rule 4 affect religions that teach about things like hell, or the need for evangelism, and all that jazz? If a religion was insistant that “You need to convert people because they will go to hell if you don’t”, would that religion be inviolation of the first rule, or could that coexist somehow? I gues what’s important is, what classifies as “trying to force your beliefs on the world”? Are you just talking about like wars and beheadings and stuff, or are sticking little leaflets in people’s windshield wipers, or voting for people because they have the same religion as you nono’s as well?

As long as the spreading of your religion was done in a peaceful non forceful way, using your example of leaflets in peoples windshields it would be fine. If a holy war was decided, those who start the war would be in violation, not the religion itself.

The critical flaw here is that people of religious mindsets are not likely to accept anything ‘dogmatic’ not already provided by their religion of choice.

Well that would be the thing wouldn’t it. The mindset of believers who think this has been the cause of many wars and suffering since they where created.

I know this wouldn’t go down well, and to be honest this isn’t ment to be taken totally seriously. Its more of just a dream. and a method that could be used to realise the dream.

The world doesn’t need another religion; it just needs to become more spiritual. What’s the difference? Religions have there own agendas and power structures, that on the surface claim to be getting you in touch with God, but do nothing of the sort, there is still an emptiness or longing. They also dictate rules on how to live yourself with a carrot & stick approach (Heaven & Hell). There is a dark undercurrent to humanity, we love power and prestige as it open doors. Religious leaders get these two abilities and it gives them control over the minds of the masses. Look at what Muslims are doing killing in the name of God. Look at what the Catholic Church did during the Inquisition. All very barbaric! Why create something that could cause so much damage?

So how do you become more spiritual? Read from every religion and there mystical / spiritual teachings. The God in you, will find the God in that work. Take what makes sense to you and leave the rest. God is all things to all people, everybody believes their God is the best God. Why bicker over who has the best imaginary friend? Learn about them all and what you get will be the best bits, the rest can be discarded.

I believe with the ideas I have stated for an overlay for all religions, it would in turn build a better sense of brotherhood/sisterhood within the world, under this overlay, all religions would have to listen to one another, and accept each others idea, regardless of what they believe in.

The main problem with a lot of religions is that they do not believe in tollerance of other religions, without something else apart from their main religion guideing them this may help them to become more understanding.

I do agree in spiritualality. I spend everynight in meditation looking for my own answeres. But not everyone wants to look for answeres they want them handed to them on a silver platter. This overlay for religion would not help people get a long with God but instead get a long with one another, which will give them more time to focus spiritualy into the goodness of “God” or whatever they may believe in.

In a way its more of a law of the world that should be adhered to.