On a planet far away lived a group of chimps.
Every night, the leader gathered the chimps together to worship god.
At this time of year, a comet makes its annual pass by their sun.
Each year the comet gets closer to the planet as it melts and its orbit changes.
Every night as the comet’s orbit gets closer and closer to the planet, the chimps gather to worship.
A month later the planet and comet orbits cross.
On that evening the chimps gather to worship god, asking him to make it fly away and miss them.
But of course, the comet eventually collides with the planet killing everything on the surface.
The one chimp that survived, probably the wisest of the group, instead of gathering with the others to worship god, decided that the best thing to do was to leave on a rocket.
As it was for the chimps it is for us, we are told to worship.
But had a comet been heading for Earth or a tsunami for your house, would you have prayed for forgiveness and asked to be spared from god’s wrath, or would you have used the time for praying, to build a rocket and escape?