The Philosophers




That was really lovely, barbarianhorde. I didn’t realize that you had the heart of a poet but then how would I?

Was the “Prrr” of the bird’s wings like the Purr of a kitten or cat when completely content with the world all snuggled up to its companion?

Let me post this here too for good measure.

It was very difficult in comparison with the upper Sephirot to analyze these lower ones. From a philosophical training it is a doable task to do good justice to the top logics, but downward it gets impossible to approach it by principle alone. I had to run into some earthly limits.


Of course, lesser logic undervalued higher, for the alleviation of animal sacrifice projected outwardly, with glee and celebration. The limits to chaos. Totally understandable. It is purely existentially reactive to the monumental power of Being.

Forgetting we all had to go through it at some point, to variable and acceptable degrees of realization.

Occult requires explicit references because its implications multiply too fas (cloaked as it is)

my opinion on todays forum business

Arc - Prrr is the physical sound the wings made, harsher than the purring of a kitten - a sound that might startle a nervous person.


Pezer recommended that I just get a 200 dollar bottle of Whiskey and drink it slow.
I successfully took “200 dollars” to be a metaphor.

post from the internets by unknown author


First… Energies of Astrology 101 Feel free to skip ahead to the Saturn turning direct section

Keep in mind that I view astrology as a physical representation of our inner workings/subconsciousness. What we see in the cosmos is our individual consciousness (natal chart) and the collective consciousness (current sky) in action individually and in unity (the current sky transiting/cocreating with our natal charts) cocreating evolution.
One will feel like a slave to the cosmic energies until they master the Self and then they can co-create with the energies, and even direct them, as opposed to being a victim to them.
Free will is the reason why astrology is not a tool of exact measures but is instead a presenter of uniquely specified options.
Your natal chart is the coordinates you programmed before entering this life to ensure that you gain the tools necessary to complete your mission and become the badass you planned to become.
Free will and outside influences can take you off course and that is when life seems ”off course”. Because it fucking is. When you are not operating from the wheel of your own ship then something else is…
Want to know thyself? Well, that’s an inside job. My advice, meditate often. A nice guide/map is to learn your natal chart or have a reading from someone who is not feeding you bs pop-culture sun sign astrology. Astrology is far deeper and powerful than that shit.
There is no good or bad in Astrology. So raise the red flag when you hear doom and gloom astrologers painting any aspect, sign, planet, or house (poor 12th house) as bad or all good. Everything should be seen as a whole not from one pole. That legit applies to all of life not just astrology (bit of word play…).
If you read something that seems bad, know that the opposite possibility exists also, at the same time. And when you can see both possibilities you can choose the highest outcome from the pilot seat. The highest means realizing that you are the pilot, the passenger, the plane, and the energies in the weather.
Saturn is Moving Direct

What TF is Saturn:
Exoteric Saturn
Saturn is the vessel that holds and directs the energies of boundaries, restrictions, calculated action (society calls this hard work) to reap ”reward”, structure, authority (self authority and the authority of others), isolation, time on earth, growth on earth; it is the no bs down to the bone grit, seriousness and focus.
Saturn is like the grandfather/authority who seemed like no fun but you grow up to realize that he was ”hard on you” so that you could learn structure and self discipline.
It is the testing of your maturity and responsibility to ensure you are prepared for what are considered ”rewards” or the passage to the next level. Saturn holds the energy that manages the systems on earth. Known as The Lord of Karma and The Gatekeeper of Initiation.
(Fun fact: Saturn rules general debility, teeth, bones, joints, rheumatism, asthma, lung disorders, skin diseases, tuberculosis.)
Esoteric Saturn
Saturn is the furthest planet visible by the naked eye from Earth. Saturn is the Gatekeeper who initiates your access to deeper (sub)consciousness. It is your own fail safe to make sure you don’t go fucking crazy trying to dive into deeper knowledge/waters without having the proper skills, structures and tools in the place first.
Thus, Saturn represents the personal responsibilities and skills one must master before they can reach the outer planets of neptune, uranus, pluto and beyond. These planets are the keys to deeper access of the subconscious and your soul. And Saturn does not play, it takes this shit seriously and will not advance you through if your ass is not ready, responsible and have the right tools. And this is why Saturn has a negative reputation. Because there are no fucking cheat codes. You must become the master that you already are (you’re e welcome for the cheat code).
Retrograde Meaning:
When planets go retrograde they are in Self Check Upgrade mode. Meaning, they ask us to apply what we have learned from the physical energies they hold in to our inner self. More clearly, reflect on the shit you’ve been through and transmute that shit into wisdom and knowledge. Upload your learnings and upgrade yourself.
It’s like reaching the boss at the end of a level. You get to upgrade your powers and get some dope ass new tools!!
Saturn has been retrograde since 4/30/19.
It is sharing space with the outer (collective) planet, Pluto, who holds the energy of transformation. And the South Node of the Moon, which holds the energies of our past lives and/or early life, the gifts and talents and tools accumulated from those past lives and/or early life to support us as we journey to our North node in this life (the journey to aquire new tools and skills while accomplishing the mission we selected for this life).
Together, Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node are in the space of Capricorn (one of the spaces Saturn rules). Capricorn, at its best, is the area of life that slowly uses tools to calculate, create and manage the most epic shit imaginable. In the land of Capricorn one quietly creates but when the masterpiece is complete it sits at the highest level for all to see and is impenetrable. Capricorn uses what it learns to build. The master builder. It sits in the house that is highest in the sky. Esoterically, Capricorn is when/where we learn to unify our personality and and soul. The master builder. Representing the tools we learn/gain and master from every experience and cycle in life and path we cleared to gain them so that the sun can now shine upon it. Capricorn is reputation from dedication and mastery.
(Fun fact: “Esoterically, all world Saviours and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn”).
So, for the past 5 months (approximately) we have been asked by Saturn what structures we need to break down and rebuild in the area of our greatest masterpiece. Whatever we are building within our lives and how we are applying the tools we collect along the way.
Saturn is a major part of the big cosmic questions being asked right now: What the fuck are you doing with your life right now? Does what you’re doing matter in the grand scheme of humanity? Are you a part of the SOULutions or the fucking problems? Are you still complaining and being a victim or getting in the driver seat? What did you really come here to do? Are you doing it? If not, why the fuck not?
Transiting Saturn placed restrictions wherever it sits in your personal chart to see if you’ve managed to build the structures and acquire the tools necessary for what is coming in the next phase of your life and for the powerful shit that is about to shift in the collective. And if you hadn’t, it gave your ass a crash course in the past 5 months. If you have, you’ve been chilling, refining and planning on the highest levels because you have already achieved that level of foresight. Saturn did some house cleaning to help you focus. Removed unnecessary people, places and things that were distracting you from building. Where this sits in your chart will give you more clarity unless you are self-aware and know how it’s affected you.
As Saturn moves directly you will physically see the manifestations of and progress made in the past 5 months.
As a collective, during this time, you decided on new structures and ideas of authority and what you will and will not accept. Thus, as Saturn goes direct you will begin to see these new decisions apply to your collective structures. Such as government/law, financial, religious, family, education, entertainment, actual physical building…
Those structures that are in line with the collective choices will stand and those that do not, will, in time, be restricted and/or removed. The same goes for your personal life.
This is round one in a line of coming events. In October we will see Pluto turn direct and this will accelerate the physical transformations we have refined internally.
Personally, I’m excited. How about you? Did you even make it this far in the read?

[END. Post by KrisTen Nicole] [Artist unknown. Found on the Tumblr space of the internets without credits. Will update when found.]

-----END QUOTE------

damn straight.

ace ventura
muhammad ali
al capone
mao zedong
dolly parton

all capricorns.

Elvis Presley too

He’s not part of the capricorn hall of fame. We kicked him out: 1:23

Poor Elvis.

He ain’t nothin but a round slob.


Act of contemplation.
Can religion and philosophy combine?

Heidegger says a Christian philosophy is like a wooden iron. And of course I see his point. Religion here doesn’t inquire.
But does this apply to all religion?

I don’t necessarily think so. Odin is known to sacrifice everything for the possession of knowledge.

Is not the love of wisdom itself wisdom?




I had no idea drawing a circle could be such a wonderous spiritual journey.

I liked the part when he said it wasn’t his arm drawing, but something else… that something had possessed his arm. In this way you can earn a curious fascination from your audience when the circles you draw don’t impress them.

They’re just circles, sure, but do you know how and what drew them?

‘ahhhh’ - audience