The Philosophers



But yes, absolutely this, this is also an indication of how deep it is entrenched in the Pentagon and every structure that matters over time - the honour which is always hungry like a wolf for itself is behind it.

The Jews showed, for better and for worse, that everything is relative to something, Even God, albeit to himself.
I showed, in the footsteps of Dionysos, this relating to be what we assume as being.
Thus we do not stand relative to things, things stand as their relation to us, who are that which things can be related to, with more or less violence.
But there Jews have already proven this to be the case by fulfilling prophecy and inhabiting, as warriors, the land that was once the origin of their will.

A God is the image of a will, a demon is an image of a lust, an angel is the image of a facet of the will; an Idea -

What the Jews now lack is a coherent idea about war and God.
Other than that God is war.
What is peace? That which God gives.

Note that Jupiter, Chesed, is king to the Kingdom, Malkuth.

Tipharet is the legend of the great king, the heart of the legend, like the grail in the grail saga. It is greater than a king, it is also the eagle above him and the snake below. It is a way to make that work. Magic; but the intention, not the method. The method is in contradistinction to the means, and together they might contradict the machinery of the universe, and often do. To find the path from labour to success, we have the path of Aquarius and that of the Sun - one mans glory must serve as another mans dream.

Fuck! I was just thinking, I fucking promise you, “maybe with the Moon…” Niahahaha. I would have broke it.

Who needs a watch when you have lord Moon?

But then now, why wouldn’t a simple Sextant do? You check which star comes out first and baddabing baddaboom, no? Greeks? Decans?

Having said it aloud, I now feel very silly. Fucking same star comes out wherever. You bastard.

So I still fon’t get the chronometer. Fancy moon?

Galileo was cool.

That moons of Jupiter thing was elegant as shit. Snazzy.


André-Marie Ampère was an autodidact who was allowed by his father to educate himself in the family library, after the advice of Rousseau that boys should be allowed to instruct themselves. Nevertheless he opted to follow latin classes in school as well to read the works of Leonhard Euler and Daniel Bernoulli. At age 12 he had attained an advanced proficiency at mathematics. During his youth the French revolution broke out and his father was summoned to serve in government but as he resisted when the Jacobins took control he was guillotined. André-Marie eventually moved to Paris, was appointed as a mathematics teacher and as he took on other functions he ripened as a scientist during the rise and under the reign of Napoleon. In 1820, he became aware of the work of Hans Christian Ørsted, who discovered that a magnetic needle is deflected by an electrical current, and began furthering this work, discovering that two electrical currents running in the same direction attract each other and, running in opposite directions, repel each other. With this the foundation of electrodynamics was laid, and he theorized the existence of an “electromagnetic molecule” as a connector piece between electricity and magnetism, foreshadowing the electron. Not long after he completed calculations that allowed him to formulate what is now known as Ampère’s law, describing the proportionality of charge, current and magnetism as a result of which his name became standardized in the lexicon of physics.

There must have been quite a lot of Ray 5 to Napoleon.

Fixed Cross,

That quote can taste like a yummy peanut butter cup in my mouth but at least a peanut butter cup is “real”.

So all of the freedom fighters in the world can pack their bags and go home?

So everyone who fights and works and struggles in their own particular way on their own mission to make this planet a better and lasting place can go home?

So then we just sit back and “wait on God” to give us/bring us peace? Peace is Death in other words?!

Why is god war then?
Because war is always over values, it is dying and killing over values, it is placing values over life.

God is terrifying.

Master pilot of consciousness required to even come close to seeing a couple of glimpses without freaking out, breaking into hyperdmensional mindsets aka psychosis or split personality disorder.