What is your favourite colour?

  • red
  • blue
  • green
  • yellow
  • black
  • white (if you consider it a colour)
  • purple
  • brown
  • orange
  • pink
0 voters

ok, um…i just wanted attention and to make a poll…my favourite color is green btw! :laughing:

Green sucks, blue is cool. Heh jk. I see you are from the UK, or perhaps Canada?

lol…actually i reside in CA, i just like spelling my words like that—its much nicer, isnt it?

also, may i take this time, since were talking of location, that i strongly dislike our :angry: president :angry: . the end.

:evilfun: why doesnt anyone do something about bush? :evilfun:

Heh, interesting that you picked up on why I thought you were from another country. Good eye.

As for El Fucko, don’t even get me started on him. I’m in a good mood, and I don’t want to ruin it with talking about the proto-fascist regime that is our government. How about you sign on AIM?

Guess what! Black is the new black! No one can get enough of it and it’s everywhere! Hoo-ray for the color that works under any and every condition possible. :evilfun:

blue is the color of the sky, the ocean, and the name of that catchy song

gender, height, age, photos, colours…

“Hey baby - what’s your sign…?”

Everybody - just get a room for God’s sake…

Oh - yes… Colours, I like that special kind of Amber you get when you hold up a Johnny Walkers to the light…

love 'em all!

my favourite color doesn’t have a superfluous “u”…

however my favorite favourite does…


Purple. It is quintessentially imperial.

(How does this determine our future?)

Tabula Rasa said:

AWESOME IDEA!!! do you wanna start the poll, or should i? :laughing: … 46&start=0

It’s already started and long gone embracetrees, embraceme.

Aye, Pureasonist - Uniqor!
Youre like my ideas in motion! :smiley:
Were going to get married one day, you just wait and see!

flattered, amazed, exalted, overjoyed and walking-in-the-air… how’s my english vocabulary baby?

…check that out Bess…

kind sir, i may be wrong, but have you resorted to referring to me as “baby” since that last remark of mine?raises eyebrow

and your vocabulary is gratifying by the way!

a baby is a baby, that’s not gona change too soon…

…what is it about the colour blue? i wonder if maybey you all see blue differently than i do…maybey your blue looks like my green! :smiley:

blue is the colour for libra, maybe there’s a few libras around

ok, what is it with you and the zodiac? i mean, i myself beleive in it and all that good stuff…but youre just taking it to a new level.

i’m into astrology/horoscope, simply because this: they work for me most of the time. and it’s nature that you think about what’s so real for you, think as in think scientificaly and philosophicaly