Ah red… the color of fire and blood, chaos and anger, happiness and excitement.
Who wouldn’t like that? :evilfun:

(Haha, Pureasonist’s link = fun)
Taste scorpion fools… but I was born in the year of the bunny… drat. On Friday the 13th.

actually, the colour of happiness would be yellow, and the colour of excitement would be orange, chaos doesnt have a comes in yellow,red,orange,and blue…

All just a perception. Yellow is the colour of pee… blue is overused… orange is merely a combination of red and yellow… pink is simply disgusting due to stereotypes… purple is pretty much gay… can’t say anything about black or green(it’s the colour of my room)… see what I mean. And fire also comes in green, depending on what you burn. :wink:

aaah…you must be very experieced in the field of burning :wink:

Only in chemistry class… i’m a good girl. Sorry to disappoint.

Orange is my power color, of course. Orange, black, and dark red. Nods


oooh…looks like we have a tie btwn blue and green…we need a tie breaker to determine the truely powerful colour!!!

P.S. screw you underground man, you non-conformist whore!!! choose one of the colours thats on there!!! :imp:

That’s inauthentic my good man or woman :unamused:

dont you roll your eyes at me you anarchist!! just pick a friggin colour!!!

I turn around for two minutes and we’re all headed for Salt Lake. Anyway, I heard that green was passe, and menage a trois could be making a huge comeback by summer.

(You may all insert your own acute and grave accents in the latter, and, by the way, I’ll be wearing black.)