nothing is sacred.
Can you please show how this is a psychological phenomenon?
The only way I could forsee this to make sense in the psychological format would be that, at least in the western world, there is nothing which the psychological mind holds, as was said – sacred. In this sense, sacred could be meant to imply a physical object in which a belief is held. Not a belief in the form of ‘I belief that to be a sword’ but ‘I believe -in- that sword’
An exception could be the bible, or tho Torah; but what I took this to mean is that our understanding is so complete through science it leaves us with a certain apathy. We just short of… shrug off reality as vast and beautiful, but with no emotional depth. I mean think back to the medieval times; people didn’t know how things worked. You tell a peon that’s a magic sword… then it’s a friggin magic sword.
Perhaps you are right, Hass, maybe we do need something tangible to believe in, the proverbial teddy bear to hold late at night. Not quite strong enough to be the Mount Everest – religion/spirituality, just…some sort of foothill to poke from the misty neurochemical clouds, enticing us to stuff
I find that in sports. For me a basketball is sacred because no matter how it is represented, it is the focal point of such an expansive portion of my memory. My laptop is a close second… because is not so much an expansive, as a rather poor transcription of certain elements… and even then it’s just a gateway to the Internet archives… but I digress…
does having a sense for it count?
I guess handing out pills to indviduals is easier than correcting any of societies demands.
If you’ve never felt the stain, there is nothing he can show you.
paranoid schizophrenia is more prevelant in industrial societies than in primitive ones, where mutism is more often the case.
I saw this in a 70’s psych book in my grandmothers basement.
Of course having a feel for it counts but what does that really mean?
Pills? What are you talking about Mr Conman?
an over medicated populace.
wealthiest country, I’m guessing, shouldn’t equate with the most depressed people.
there has to be something said about empty living, when discussing psychology. right, angel dear?
Um…an overmedicated populace because of a lack of faith?
Empty living? Please elucidate.
over medicated because of rich pharmaceutical companies wanting to be richer, creating symptoms that match every type of person.
Empty living?
Wanting, chasing, desiring the american dream, and all the disapointment that goes along with it. Making life more complex than it should be, only to regret it later.
Alright kev, I get that. I am uncertain though how all of this relates to nothing being sacred in society. I know that Hassooni is generalising, I get that part too. It’s just that well that it’s a sweeping statement to say that nothing is sacred, there are those that perceive money as being sacred, if one worships the god of things, then money would be sacred. But I’m sure he means something else…
I agree in spirit though though within society certain members hold certain ideas as sacred.
Our trouble is that society is backwards. Where society should serve to create meaningful individuality, somehow it has become twisted and now individuality is sacrificed to serve some sort of imaginary collective.
Nothing can be sacred under such conditions.
I’m not sure this was the intended meaning, but for me nothing is sacred is similar to how the nirvana rock band revolutionized rock music, imploring heart-felt lyrics, only to be replaced by souless pop music a few years later. Nirvana’s music was much heralded as changing the culture. Pop music was/is an embarrassment to culture. And yet, the popularity of both flow seemlessly into one another. Nothing sacred about that.
trends that we put on a pedastool only to then kick the pedastool over.
That’s my version anyway.
[b]sa·cred /b pronunciation
- Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.
- Worthy of religious veneration: the sacred teachings of the Buddha.
- Made or declared holy: sacred bread and wine.
- Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person: sacred to the memory of her sister; a private office sacred to the President.
- Worthy of respect; venerable.
- Of or relating to religious objects, rites, or practices.
Perhaps I am being too literal, or perhaps there is some esoteric subtext to this thread I am not picking up on, but the suggestion nothing exists in society which falls within the realm of any of the above definitions is just silly: one determines for themselves what is sacred and what is not in a free society.
If the suggestion is that nothing is sacred to everybody (i.e. society in the holisitc sense) I might be inclined to agree; yet such an observation is no more profound than the suggestion society’s ills are caused by the fact ‘everyone does not agree with everyone else’.
I guess there’s no real problem with society. Since problems have solutions.
im talking about western society, my mistake for not mentioning that.
the arabic word ‘hyat’ translates, in english… to arabic.
but i guess it doesnt translate properly
it means a couple of things…
if you tell a 15 year old -whose never watched a pg13 movie…- to have sex for fun… they would be like NOO, because he/she still maintains hyat
- i dont know if that is a proper way to put it…
but… yea… because they carry the sacredety of themselves… they are sacred…
and here in america, i have a few friends… who would play in bed with their girlfriend as much as they can… its because they have distorted nature, distorted hyat.
and i mean the english def. too,
hardly anybody, of religion, truly beleives in there religion, most are sceptical… and others just give up, and only label themselves. religion should be the most sacred part of our lives…
and plus, i recall people labeling things like ‘money’ as sacred… that is pretty wrong… money is a tool for survival, not an advantage over others to waste more resources.
though maybe a few spoiles would be considered ‘need’ to some…
Ok, but now you’re referring to something inherent it seems. The sacred which exists within human beings. If it exists in children, it exists in adults also, so to say that “nothing is sacred” is incorrect. But I do understand what you mean, that people generally have lost touch with this sacredness and this is where I see that psychological exploration is useful. So why have we lost touch with this ‘sacredness’?
Kev, that which is changeable cannot by definition be sacred. And neither can an interpretation of what is sacred infact be sacred Daybreak.
too much pornography?
Pornography did not cause people to lose touch with their sacredness - that is simply a consequence.
Products are taylored to be most stimulating.
Overstimulation and destraction from less exciting things, such as convorsations = less friendships, less love, malformed spirituality.
I think that the moblization towards mass production isn’t going to work, because it causes mass consumption, waste, polution, etc.