The purpose of clothes?

A lot of people think clothes are for warmth and for fashion, but they’re all wrong. Clothes are for sex. By keeping our most attractive parts hidden it makes them more attractive. They become like the luxury car. Only afforded to a select few, and so, that much more attractive.

This is in fact the reason the caveman first sported his tunic. It is not for warmth as has been speculated in research on the topic.

I see your point, clothes can be changed according to what type of message you want to send someone, sexual or not. However I also see clothing as a sort of emotional barrier. A lot of times those who are insecure on the inside will cover themselves up more as to protect themselves from everything else. Those who are confident will be more prone to wear less clothing at the appropriate time. I have done it plenty of times, during an exam or a day when I didn’t feel well I would wear my comfy hoodie.

it’s all in the cod piece…


it’s all in the cod piece…

Yes, the cod piece makes the man.

You think guys wear less clothes when they’re more confident? Just wondering.

I agree to an extent. I know that 99.99% of clothes and other apparel are based on sexuality, as is almost everything else. Sex sells, after all.

But I’m not really keen with the idea of cavemen wearing clothes for sex appeal. I’m gonna do my homework on this.

I wear just what i have which is very little in quantity. I see clothes as free advertisement and sure they help in bad/good weather. Don’t think too much of them really. Sex appeal sure, more clothes equals hiding body maybe, but clothing is just a way to appear to dignify ourselves.

To make ourselves seem more unique in comparison to the rest of creation.

We wouldn’t want to be like the rest of creation in animal form since most human beings desperately want there to be a cosmic observer as to make us all special even when there isn’t one that only shows our insignificance in comparison.

Ok I am gonna tell you something. There is a lot of people in this world I have no desire to see walk around nakkid. I don’t want to see them nakkid.
Clothes is a good thing…yes.


Legality, fortunately, I can legally wear pajama bottoms and a closed bathrobe to the grocery store, and I often do.

Hotel management, I have to be dressed up all day, get paid for it, so in my personal life, I am a clothing minimalist.

Clothes are for editing and masking us from ourselves and others. oh and to keep from getting a wicked painful sunburn and sticky butt from leather furniture. Clothing allows people to sit on each others chairs. For some reason other people’s naked butts on my chairs makes me queasy, not too fond of the thought of my naked butt on unknown chairs either. :confused:

Tans may do some pple good and seeing everyones true selves may even motivate some to take care of themselves better.

Yea, you tan , I get 3rd degree burns… And the thought of your butt or anyone else’s butt on my furniture is just nasty. Clothes at least buffer our personal elements and the natural elements and leaving nasty little marks or smells on furniture. How beautiful would a person be, covered in bug bites? Or how nice would a body look when scarred from the numerous abrasions that our clothes normally don’t allow to happen. I am entirely grateful for the protection of clothes. :smiley:
Whatever else they may have developed for, clothes protect our delicate skins.

The theory that social nudity would get people to care for themselves better might last a few years, then the novelty would wear off and out comes the unhealthy look again.

Clothes: to conceal and imitate; to selectively reveal and instigate.
Clothes: how an animal pretends to be more than it is; wearing another’s furs and masking its vulnerability behind pretense.
Clothes: a marker.

I think men wear less clothing when confindent as well, like the guys who run around without shirts and those who would rather not. Well if you want to trace it back to the caveman era, I think some of you are right. Maybe different clothing came about for protection from the elements as tribes began to migrate, and also as something to differentiate the leaders from the hunters or something. Along the lines of history, you can see how clothing defines who had the power. Like in Japan for example, only the Emperor could wear this color, or have depicted this sort of dragon with this many claws. Eventually it evolved through history in this way to how we see it now. As for the sexual purposes for clothing, I think it has always been there, although now we don’t hide our wrists and knees, there are still parts hidden well enough to create curiousity.

That still doesn’t give me a good reason why people can’t walk around naked.

My stains on your furniture would make us closer kriswest…cmon admi it. We’d have stories to share!

ROFL and what stories they would be, I do hope you don’t mind the 37 cats, 14 dogs, one husband and one son? We are just a small family, of loving misfits. :laughing: You may want to wear a cup around here too, the dogs are not small and do love to jump up and say hi, the cats do too, My avatar is Stormy, she weighs in at 80Lbs She is the tallest but, not the largest…Now you see why I like clothes :unamused:

LOL You won’t be the same after leaving here, you will either run out screaming or laughing your head off… For you, I would throw a sheet on the couch. :laughing: :laughing:

:slight_smile: You’re too kind with the offering sheets. In regards to your animals: That’s a crapload, how you’ve remained sane is beyond me. I’ve only had a few dogs and most were troublemakers.

The stain stories is what id call them. Kinda like a cast on an arm or leg. my signature would be a stain or something of that nature. After a while we’d all be closer to each other and humanity would rediscover the kinship once lost prior to civilization. (Future sequence)"This stain came from an ole man named Smitty the Pirate who traveled the seven seas in seven days…etc

eww * shivers* I’m sorry but I’m the type that carries around Purel.