How much of a racial issue is there still, really? Being an academic who hangs out with other academics, I don’t see very much of one, so I’m probably not the one to comment on racial issues, besides just to say, among smart liberals, I don’t think there is one.
However, it is something I’ve thought about. Race exists, and there are racial differences - this makes it something worthy of thought, even if it isn’t really important at all. Are you contending that racial differences (or issues in general) are given more weight than they deserve?
I have heard a lot of criticism remaining about people assuming those dressed up in hip-hop garb are going to rob them, or how cops still pull black people over disproportionately more than white people, or things along these lines. Although these are stereotypes (whitey fears the hip-hopper, the cop pulls over the black guy), they are true stereotypes. However, unfortunately, the same is true on the other end. The cop believes the stereotype that black people are more prone to crime than white people - and he’s actually right. There are numerous political studies that verify this - in an objective sense, a disproportionately high percentage of black people are criminals compared to white people. Of course, it isn’t hard to see why - african americans are much poorer than white people on average, and poverty, across all races, is linked with crime. It’s nothing about black people specifically - the same is true with white trash, mexicans, etc. - but police perceive and understand these statistics, and act on them. And the result is something that is unfair to all the black people who get pulled for no other reason than that they’re black, but is still reasonable from the perspective of the police.
It’s a difficult problem, and the answer, I don’t think, can be “the police are racist - hire some police who aren’t!” The police, often, are being reasonable - but the people are also being reasonable in being pissed off about it. Similarly, I think you are justified in disliking that people fear you just for your race plus how you dress - but statistically, those people are also justified in their fear, not of you specifically, but of people who dress in hip-hop garb. It’s an unfortunate thing. What would a good resolution be?