The real anti-american

Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails
January 16, 2009

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RUSH: I got a request here from a major American print publication. “Dear Rush: For the Obama [Immaculate] Inauguration we are asking a handful of very prominent politicians, statesmen, scholars, businessmen, commentators, and economists to write 400 words on their hope for the Obama presidency. We would love to include you. If you could send us 400 words on your hope for the Obama presidency, we need it by Monday night, that would be ideal.” Now, we’re caught in this trap again. The premise is, what is your “hope.” My hope, and please understand me when I say this. I disagree fervently with the people on our side of the aisle who have caved and who say, “Well, I hope he succeeds. We’ve got to give him a chance.” Why? They didn’t give Bush a chance in 2000. Before he was inaugurated the search-and-destroy mission had begun. I’m not talking about search-and-destroy, but I’ve been listening to Barack Obama for a year-and-a-half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don’t want them to succeed.

If I wanted Obama to succeed, I’d be happy the Republicans have laid down. And I would be encouraging Republicans to lay down and support him. Look, what he’s talking about is the absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as possible, from the banking business, to the mortgage industry, the automobile business, to health care. I do not want the government in charge of all of these things. I don’t want this to work. So I’m thinking of replying to the guy, “Okay, I’ll send you a response, but I don’t need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.” (interruption) What are you laughing at? See, here’s the point. Everybody thinks it’s outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, “Oh, you can’t do that.” Why not? Why is it any different, what’s new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it.

Were the liberals out there hoping Bush succeeded or were they out there trying to destroy him before he was even inaugurated? Why do we have to play the game by their rules? Why do we have to accept the premise here that because of the historical nature of his presidency, that we want him to succeed? This is affirmative action, if we do that. We want to promote failure, we want to promote incompetence, we want to stand by and not object to what he’s doing simply because of the color of his skin? Sorry. I got past the historical nature of this months ago. He is the president of the United States, he’s my president, he’s a human being, and his ideas and policies are what count for me, not his skin color, not his past, not whatever ties he doesn’t have to being down with the struggle, all of that’s irrelevant to me. We’re talking about my country, the United States of America, my nieces, my nephews, your kids, your grandkids. Why in the world do we want to saddle them with more liberalism and socialism? Why would I want to do that? So I can answer it, four words, “I hope he fails.” And that would be the most outrageous thing anybody in this climate could say. Shows you just how far gone we are. Well, I know, I know. I am the last man standing.

K: from Rush Limbaugh official web site, he hopes Obama fails. Which is sad really because he is hoping for failure
in the economic tough times we are in. He is hoping for failure in our foreign policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the other
places we need to work on. What a sad excuse of a human being, that for ideologial reasons, you hope your country

By the way, name me and give sources for, one liberal who wished bush to fail.


January 22, 2009 Evening Edition

Pray Obama fails

Posted: January 19, 2009
1:00 am Eastern

© 2009

Many American Christians believe, as an article of faith, that we are to pray for the success of our leaders.

It has become a sort of conventional wisdom among soft-minded believers. The biblical proof-text for this misguided way of thinking is Romans 13:1-4:

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

"Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

"For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

“For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”

What could be more clear-cut? At face value, it would seem the Bible is telling us government is a God-ordained good and that we are not to resist its terrors.

Many a coward has been bolstered in his conviction against challenging tyranny by not reading too deeply into the Scriptures. Yet, nowhere does the Bible ever suggest evil rulers are to be obeyed. When the rule of men conflicts with the commands of God, the Bible leaves no doubt about where we should stand.

That’s why I do not hesitate today in calling on godly Americans to pray that Barack Hussein Obama fail in his efforts to change our country from one anchored on self-governance and constitutional republicanism to one based on the raw and unlimited power of the central state.

It would be folly to pray for his success in such an evil campaign.

I want Obama to fail because his agenda is 100 percent at odds with God’s. Pretending it is not simply makes a mockery of God’s straightforward Commandments.

So you will not see me joining in the ritual of affirming Obama and his mission in public or private prayer this week – or any other week.

Instead, I uphold the words of Jesus in Matthew 15:14: “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” And I take warning from Isaiah 9:16: “For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.”

And please don’t tell me about “rendering unto Caesar.”

It’s important to consider the circumstances and the audience behind Jesus’ instructions to “render unto Caesar.” The Sadducees were attempting to trap Jesus into advocating open contempt for Caesar. He recognized their wicked and hypocritical little game and answered them with a totally truthful response that astonished everyone.

But think about it. There are two components to Jesus’ words. We are to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s,” but we are also to “render unto God the things that are God’s.” Well, everything ultimately belongs to God. But, most of all, this injunction by Jesus instructs us that government laws cannot trump God’s laws – ever.

If government commands you to do evil, as a Christian you must resist. There is no alternative. Citing the “render unto Caesar” line is an apologetic for accountability to God – nothing more, nothing less.

Furthermore, it needs to be pointed out that in America we don’t have a Caesar. Never have, never will. You see, our system of government is called a free republic, and it is based on the concept of constitutional self-government. We have no “rulers” in America – except ourselves and our God. We believe in the rule of law, not the rule of men.

This is an important distinction, not a semantic one.

Nowhere in the Bible does it teach us to obey evil rulers. Nowhere.

This is a time for principled biblical resistance, not phony Christian appeasement.

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. His book “Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice” has gained newfound popularity in the wake of November’s election. Farah also edits the online intelligence newsletter Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, in which he utilizes his sources developed over 30 years in the news business.

K: and another one, wishing Obama to fail. Low life human beings they are. Hoping their country fails for ideological reasons.



You fail for listening to these jerkos and thinking any conservative has to apologize for or defend them.

You also need to learn the difference btwn your Black Jesus and the USA. The 2nd day in on your Holy Unifier presidency and you are already casting aspersions at critics?

But sure, I think all of “the liberals” just loved the President in Thief who “stole the election” from Al Gore. :unamused:

“He is the president of the United States, he’s my president, he’s a human being, and his ideas and policies are what count for me, not his skin color, not his past, not whatever ties he doesn’t have to being down with the struggle, all of that’s irrelevant to me.”

That sounds reasonable. He’s speaking about specific policies, and he’s wrong to see those policies as the entirety of Obama’s plan, but it’s clear that he doesn’t mean for the US to fail, or for Obama to fail as a person, but for the policies with which he (Rush) disagrees to fail, and for Obama to fail in his attempt to implement them. And that sounds reasonable, insofar as it is based on a misunderstanding of Obama’s goals.

And really, it’s more effective and humiliating to Limbaugh to react by saying “Of course you hope he fails, you have no concept of what he’s trying to achieve.”

He’s your president. He’s your success. He’s your failure.

With the loss of self-responsibility, civic, and moral virtues, The Amerikan Republick has fallen.

What is is, and what will be, will be…

Can any of our words make anything any different?

I question if even a God can know the outcome of whatever!

realunoriginal:He’s your president. He’s your success. He’s your failure.

With the loss of self-responsibility, civic, and moral virtues, The Amerikan Republick has fallen."

K: if you stop reading the wingnut fringe of the right, you will notice that Obama has done more in two days about
self-responsibility, civic and moral virtues than bush did in 8 years. Did bush or chaney for that matter, ever take
personal responsibility for anything they did, I.E gitmo, torture, bank failures, Katrina, fiscal irresponsibility,
and you can’t even name anything bush or chaney did that promoted civic or moral virtures.


I think they took responsibility for it. They just never said they were wrong about it.

If you think they were wrong about it, then you were also wrong about it by association.


It’s Rush’s job to hate Obama. He wouldn’t be Rush if he didn’t say Obama sucked. We need Rush. I don’t agree with Rush, but I don’t think he is anti-American. He’s the epitome of America. The America that I hate, but America never the less.

realunoriginal: I think they took responsibility for it. They just never said they were wrong about it.

K: ummm, if think it it must be true, right? Actually you can’t even show me where they took responsibility
for any action they took. Feel free to show me the sources where bush or chaney took responsilibity
for actions taken.

RO: If you think they were wrong about it, then you were also wrong about it by association."

K: I dare you to tell me how they were right about anything.


I don’t really care if Bush or Cheyney were right or wrong.

The Republick was bound to fall sooner-or-later. These things happen all the time.

i think you’re jumping the gun at the behest of your schaudenfreud fetish, realun.

You know, I think the reason you like Limbaugh is that you are almost as much of an empty, hyperbole filled bloviator as he is.

PK: Obama has done more in two days about self-responsibility, civic and moral virtues than bush did in 8 years."

MORe: You know, I think the reason you like Limbaugh is that you are almost as much of an empty, hyperbole filled bloviator as he is."

K: Clearly you are lost and confused, if you think I like Rush. The rest of the statement doesn’t really matter much.


between your rants and being hassled by Faust, this forum is going to shit.

Let me clarify this so Faust will calm the fuck down and get off my ass.





Firstly, more or less, there is no need to shout.

Secondly, as a moderator here, I will get on your ass, and anyone else’s that engages in insulting ad homs. I don’t see them all, and many are judgements calls. But they are calls that I will continue to make.

I realise that politics can be conentious - but insulting fellow members is not politics, it’s a lack of pollitesse.

Well I’m glad you are dragging this out in thread.

I suppose the fact that I’ve been here for over 4 years and have only received about 8 PMs, mostly from you in the past few days is all my fault.


Faust, get off my fucking ass. If I insult someone I’ll insult them directly. Its not surprising your personal angst wth me is creeping into this thread and my PM box.

If I see empty statements, I will likewise note that.

If I see you hassling me, or making me the subject of the thread, I will note that as well.

Find someone else to bug.

Okay - none of this is going to be tolerated here.

I’m going to lock this thread temporarily. Sorry for any inconvenience.

This thread is now re-opened to ad homless discussion. Thank you for your patience.

I was listening to a criticism of the Bush administration today on NPR, and they were talking about how the Founding Fathers were opposed to war. The reason they were opposed to war was that it gave the executive too much power, in particular because during times of war you cannot criticize your commander in chief.

I’m thrilled that Obama is President. It think he’s already done a lot for the country, and I think he’ll do a lot more. I voted for him, and I would vote for him again. But I disagree with his plan to give businesses tax cuts to create new jobs, and I hope he fails in his efforts to get that initiative passed.

Does that make me anti-American? I guess I was literally anti-American during the Bush presidency.