Each of us views the world through our own perspective. For lack of a better world it is easy to consider ones own perspective as “real.†Different perspectives often seem less “real†than our own.
Unless that different perspective seems broader, or deeper than our own, then we may seek to incorporate that perspective into our own. Those perspectives that we judge as narrower or shallower than our own we tend to ignore or reject. Yet for the individual who has the perspective that we deem as too narrow or too shallow their perspective is totally real.
Is it possible to consider both the narrow perspective and the wide perspective as both real, at the same time?
For instance if you are dealing with another person who has a perspective that you evaluate as narrower than your own, can you accept as equally real both your perspective and the perspective of the other?
On the other side when is it good to defend the limits of your own perspective? For certainly we run into others who may think that our perspectives are somehow less real than their own. At such a time isn’t it right to defend your own perspective?
Good you mention this perspective thing Xanderman. I think of it as an big issue in philosophy, but haven’t seen it back clearly in other great ideas of philosophy (correct me if missed it), beside of the story of blind men touching an elephant, feeling the proboscis, it’s leg, belly etc. Each feeling a different part and drawing there conclusions.
I’ll make a methaphor of men wandering the earth. Those who are in the forest say earth is all green, those in desert claim it’s all sand and hot. The ones in the polar regions says it’s ice and cold. Those who wander lang enough (widened there perspectives)will see that the place they are living in has different enviroments. Those who can see beyond the obvious, see even more. See vibrations, structures and more that I don’t think of now.
If you say the earth is green, you’re partially right. But when you say it’s all green, your perspective was not wide enough. But from you’re perspective, the things you experienced, you’re statetement is true, untill proven else.
Important you have to realize everyone creates his own perspective. You’re or mine perspective can be wider, but it can be narrow also.
We can communicate about it . You said it well yourself;‘Unless that different perspective seems broader, or deeper than our own, then we may seek to incorporate that perspective into our own’. We need to be open-minded, instead of narrow-minded. Be free and don’t hang on to what has been. If the other like to keep his narrow-mindedness, it his own choice, his reality and his perpective. Make your choice, your reality, and your perspective.
Wow, big words for such a small human . Two cents for who can widen my perspective.