The Real Reason Why Deep State Attacks Trump:

You’ve made it abundantly clear that you cannot accurately or correctly guess the intention of others.

Your ‘empathy’ is lacking. People kill spiders from their home, because it is an instinct acquired by protecting infants and small children from parasites.

Actually… at this point dude.

You’ve become absurd.

“My direct quote above is:

“If a spider bite does nothing to any of us…”

You’ve already shown about 7 times in this thread that you can’t respond to what’s actually posted, and even less so… ponder it

I question your common sense…

Each post you respond, in my thread, that deviates my topic, is consent-violation. You are violating my consent.

Back on-topic… the Deep State attacked Trump, because he exposed their corruption in East Ukraine.

Hunter Biden was siphoning hundreds of billions of dollars from there in backdoor deals. Now we see that corruption in real-time, as Biden literally sells-out Ukraine to Russia, this last week!

We also see the Biden $1billion Equity deal with the CCP. What did Biden do? He surrendered Afghanistan, then handed billions of military weapons and tech over to our enemies there. Then he gave a Trillion dollar mining-operation to the Chinese.

Biden and the Deep State are literally selling-out US wealth and prosperity to foreign enemies, for pennies on the dollar.

Hunter Biden’s texts and emails were found YEARS AGO!

Hunter Biden convinced his father to run for Presidency, so he wouldn’t be arrested!!!

And people question why USA is crashing to the ground, out of the sky?!? It was right in front of your faces years ago!!!

Your TDS blinded you!!!

For one. You’re like a rapist who says you’re violating their consent for going to prison for raping someone.

For two. I don’t give a fuck about your stupid celebrities.

I have a job to do here. And it is so far beyond your comprehension that it’s laughable.

Off-topic… more consent-violation…

Next page:

You are some piece of work.

Your celebrities don’t matter.

Your thesis and antithesis don’t matter.

What does matter is that you become a person, a human.

Do you really think that because you have a narrative like this that you matter?

You do matter. But not because of this narrative.

The Biden’s. The trumps.

The nazis. The jews.

It’s laughable what you are.

The NWO? Fucking hilarious.

For geniuses of all existence, you’d make a really good stand up comedian. (At your own expense of course)

Did you have a mental breakdown or head injury when you were age 13-16?

You seem not to be able to hold a conversation very well.

It’s disrespectful, a consent-violation, when people invade other people’s threads without staying on-topic. You seem not to have learned this as most people view it as common sense.

This thread is about the United States Deep State Establishment, formulating Trump Derangement Syndrome as a direct retaliation for exposing and undermining their backdoor money laundering deals in East Ukraine over the past several years.


The United States MSM alphabet: ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, etc.

All of these ran coverage for the Biden Crime Family and their Syndicate. Hunter Biden explicitly begged his father to run for Presidency, when Joe Biden hesitated, because Hunter needed ‘Pardon’ status to avoid going to jail for a long list of crime, including pædophilia and every money laundering and racketeering crime known to man. When the Far-Left Dems Stole the 2020 election, the Chinese Communist Party laughed and mocked the U.S. that they (the CCP) were the only and last “sovereign nation” in the world. Unfortunately, that may be a true statement…

The MSM, mostly led by the CIA (through CNN), did all that they could do in their power to protect the Biden Crime Syndicate by spiking story-after-story of Hunter Biden’s racketeering charges between 2016-to-present. If they had not done that, then Trump would have won 2020 by such a landslide that not even gross and obvious Cheating would have saved the Democrat party. Hunter Biden, and the Biden Crime Family Syndicate, would have indeed been uncovered.

However, that did not happen.

As a result of all this, Joe Biden actively Surrendered Afghanistan, leaving $85,000,000,000.00 of US Weaponry and military Equipment and Arms, to be sold directly to Russia and the Chinese Communist Party. This was “part of the deal”.

But the bigger deal, was the $500,000,000,000.00 rare-earth Mineral digging contracts in Afghanistan, which the CCP was given rights to.

All of this was in-exchange to “payoff” the $1,000,000,000.00 equity deal between the CCP and Hunter Biden, to the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.

Essentially the United States has been “sold”, bought & paid for.

Because this level of corruption is so severe, the United States as all of our citizens have known it for the recent Century… [u]can no longer exist![/u]

Why do I state all of this? Because History teaches us the harsh lessons of what happens to such levels of corruption, tyranny, and injustice.

The Deep State, desperate to hold and remain in power, have lost all and any previous forms of Legitimacy. There is none.

As the CCP accurately laughed, jeered, and mocked, the United States “is no longer a Sovereign nation”.

The Liberal-Left Deep State Establishment, the result of decades of government corruption from Clinton to Obama to Biden… and their “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, have already destroyed this country and our people. The damage is already done. The only thing Americans can do, is watch our country bleed-out (since the wound is mortal), and prepare for the carnage that will ensue over the next 20-30 years.

US Enemies, foreign and domestic, would love nothing more to see the American populace in slavery, in Chains and Bondage, and it seems almost inevitable at this point. Your children will be sold to slavery, daughters to prostitution, sons to drug dealers, and Zero Hope in any previous glory of the United States Republic, Constitution, and People. Why is it as bad as I make it out to be? Because–the wound is mortal. A country cannot recover from this degree of Tyranny, Betrayal, and Treason.

It is only a matter of time now, prepare for collapse, prepare for war, and prepare to fight for any remaining Freedom of future generations. There will be many coming wars and world wars in this Century, as US Freedom erodes and disintegrates into nothingness.

Do the math…

For every $1.00 the Biden Crime Family and Democrat Traitors sold-out the United States directly to the Chinese Communist Party… Biden himself, personally received six cents on the dollar!!!

And the American citizen, the American people???

Your children, their children, and their children, are slated for a future of Slavery, Prostitution, and Indentured Servitude…

This act of Treason will go down in the history books for centuries to come. Historians will mark it as the death blow to the US Republic.

The entire world will be unsettled by this aftermath…

  1. The Chinese Communist Party, in conjunction with…

  2. A newly Orthodox Fundamentalist Vladimir Putin and neo-Soviet power, set apart by…

  3. The United Nations and European Union run by Klaus Schwab and King Charles of Wales through the Bilderberg Group…

  4. A destabilized and rapidly collapsing United States, disunity, paranoia, and distrust within the Anglo-American Establishment…

  5. Any and All newcomers who can compete with the rapidly changing times, technology, and global political maneuvers…

As the previous United States Hegemony disintegrates. Inflation in the United States is set to run-away, destroying the US Dollar.

The only thing foreign countries, and smaller countries, need to do, is offer a newer sense of Freedom, Liberty, and Libertine values,

To further seal-the-deal, death of US Hegemony, as the United States can no longer even lead in this moralistic sense.

You really don’t get it.

Even the terms:

“Deep state”


“Fake news”

That’s what Hitler used when germany was going through a Great Depression to rally the people towards a fake enemy.

The stuff bush did was to create the endless war on terror.

The stuff trump did was to destroy democracy.

I have a birds eye view of this though.

You see…

The narrative of trump, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Bush …

You’re so caught up in the narrative that you can’t see the misdirection.

The whole narrative is misdirection. And you’ve been misdirected.

Psychology and focus groups have come a LONG ways since the 50’s!

Trump was a pawn and you’re a pawn.

Even if it’s true that Biden is siphoning a billion dollars to make him look worse than lying, debt ridden trump.

That’s a win for the folks who feel like they need to pull strings like this to feel powerful.

You see… there’s so little you understand about the average human. They love drama and hatred.

Beautiful misdirection.

Definitely worked on you.

You’re like the person who sees a slight of hand card trick and really believe it was magic.

Don’t get me wrong… there is real magic in existence, just not here.

So you are “okay” with Biden selling the United States, to China, for a $500,000,000,000.00 rare-Earth mineral rites sell-off in Afghanistan???

That’s the difference between you and I. I’m not okay with it. It’s going to destroy the American Nation, and our American people.

Perhaps you are “for” it, because you hate America, as most Anti-Americans do?

you have seriously got to get some help man

no u

im not the one over here who’s like the last guy to leave the crazy concert. people are already off that shit man. the number of people who will publicly make the claims you’re making about pretty much everything is approaching 0.

hunter biden sold the us presidency to china for $1,000,000,000.00

no amount of u spamming is going to stop me reminding everybody consistently

and fauci is a pedo right?

and earth is flat?

u can pretend like hunter biden doesnt exist all u want …doesnt make him go away

nobody outside the bitchute bubble even knows anything about any of that shit nor do they care. people walking down the street dont even know who hunter biden is.