The reason religion exists.

Religion was created a long time ago by some ingenious socialologists. Back in that time of course they were not called sociology, they were called things like Kings, and Prophets, and such. Basically people were looking to them all the time for answers as to why they are there, and what they should do with their lives. Many people felt that they did not have any direction, or they did not care. These genius sociologists saw a great opportunity to gain immense power and following. They figured if I can get all these people to believe in my story, then I could get them to do any damn thing that I want! So these religious folk create these stories, and they have all these moral standards and crap that they should practice. Really basic ones like being good to other people and treat them how you would like to be treated and stuff. Or be a good person and you wont be killed. It was sort of a scare tactic to control the populus. It is sort of like supply and demand. The sociologists saw a demand for a set of “rules” to life, or something that people could live by so they know they were doing the right thing and fighting the good fight, or otherwise going against the grain, whichever they would choose. Anyway since you all seem to be lost in this maze of theories and stories that have been created by society, i figured i would let you all in on the truth. Its obviously the only thing that can be true.

Thanks for the pointers.
take care.

Rocks were created a long time ago by some ingenious armsmakers. Back in that time of course they were not called armsmakers, they were called things like thugs, and bullies, and such. Basically people were looking to them all the time for protection from predators, and from the bullies and thugs of other tribes. Many people felt that they did not have any ability to protect themselves. These genius armsmakers saw a great opportunity to gain immense power and following. They figured if I can find a way to reliably kill the predators and the thugs and bullies from the other tribes, then I could get them to do any damn thing that I want! So these armsmakers magically created things called “rocks,” which could be thrown at the bullies and thugs and predators, or held in the hand and used to pound heads with, or if you really got fancy you could chip and shape the rocks into hatchet blades or spear points, attach them to sticks of wood, and really go to town!

Because as we know, the fact that something has been used for a particular purpose, shows beyond any doubt that the thing was therefore invented just for that purpose and for no other. So rocks didn’t exist before people got the idea of using them to bash other people’s heads in with, and they were put on the earth by those people specifically for that purpose.

Rocks existed before humans existed, religion was created.


(That was the sound of a point sailing over your head without touching.)

Rofl. Kudos, Navigator.

alright, alright, so we should all worship rocks and btw rocks were created by pressure and time.

You are still totally missing the point here, PM, which is that just because something has historically been used for a particular purpose, it does not follow that it was designed for that purpose. You are engaging in speculation founded upon convenience and your own desire for a particular answer, one of the most common of fallacies.


The true reason religion exists is for my personal amusement.

Depends on how widely we use the term: “Amusement”.

Freedom from suffering, and “the ultimate truth” are rather “amusing”, in the form of existential satisfaction, for example.

And yes, there were some ancient religions whom worshiped fetility and sexuality. The temples were like playboy mansions.

Glad you figured it out PM.