I wondered if it had been noted that the earthquake and resulting tsunami occurred at a time when there was a full moon and the planet was close to the winter solstice, thus producing the maximum gravitational tug that this little planet of ours ever experiences. This may be of no consequence whatever, but I hope it has been given some consideration.
I do not know if your assertion is correct or not, but I assume it is. I might add that on Dec 26, 2003, there was a massive quake around the city of Bam, Iran, which claimed appr. 30,000 fatalities.
yes avocet, geologists/earth physicists all around the world have been plucking their hairs. only way it could have been worse was if all the damned planetes were alligned, and even then would have been only slightly worse.
its like that canadian a while back struck by a bit of a sattelite at a time he was alone in maybe 400 square miles. horrible shit happens for no apparent reason.