The Relationship With the Self

[size=84]I thought about putting this post in Social Sciences, but it seems more proper in Psychology.[/size]

I’m curious how you would assess your own relationship with your personal self. Are you honest with yourself? Are we, as humans, typically more, less, or just as honest with ourselves as we are with other people?

To answer this question accurately, let us pretend that the technology exists to clone people safely without ANY margin for error. (That’d be nice in a way.) Consider for a moment if you met a clone of yourself. How would you feel? Do you think you would both strive to become different? Would you be able to get along with yourself?

To make this even more interesting, consider for a moment if you met a clone of yourself, but of the opposite sex. Yes, that’s right, the opposite sex of yourself. Hold it right there…
Now, deep down, we all have a balance of the masculine and feminine. This makes us who we are in terms of personality. Most people are about 60/40, or vice versa, give or take a few points. Some people have the balanced more tipped towards the masculine or feminine. The Governator for example probably has a balance of 75% or 80% masculinity and 25-20% femininity. A gay man obviously would have the scales reversed in opposition to Arnold.
So, considering if you met a clone of yourself of the opposite sex, how do you think you would relate to him/her? Would the connection be stronger than with a different person of the opposite sex being that you would both essentially be the same person inside?

Now the kicker… assuming you get along with your clone of the opposite sex, (and this is a question pertaining to your own ego and self-love), would you perhaps come to love your clone of the opposite sex? Would you perhaps have sex with your clone of the opposite sex?

Now that’s something to think about.

When we say “a relationship with our Self” this suggests us being another entity than our Self. Psychology has thrown around the idea of the “not Self”, and hindu thought contemplates this situation.
2 scenarios - the Overself and the Self looking at itself.
The overself is God-conscious. The self looking at itself is perspective looking at perspective, in an ever changing array of scenarios, views and judgements. :blush:

The best we can do is accept ourselves, - but yeah, we are always growing, and to arrive into the awareness of the Overself is JOY. :astonished:

In our thirst of contemplation, knowledge and wisdom, we can be taken through the depths of despair to the heights of bliss. Remember that the world exists regardless of our perceptions of it, and that everything recognised “out there” is all created by us - paradox. :wink:

that would depend on my female-self’s ‘assets’ if you know what i mean.

people can opress feelings and memories by redirrecting them as soon as they are being made. People with selective memories do the same.