Here it comes…
It can be surmised in this sentance:
“Truth is technical.”
Trueness only is gained through systemization, meticulus systemization, of cause-and-effect process, and often, a degree of monastic generalization.
All “truths” are made into laws, codes, mathematical successions, reproducible and linguistic method or manor.
A dangerous arrogance
Washes over the primary upper-class sciences…
“Everyone was wrong, throughout all of history, except for us.”
All “myth”… It’s all “myth”, when it’s not scientifically accepted…
If humanity did have thousands of years
Of history,
A history of myth and of “false knowledge”…
Why is that gone today, all of a sudden?
If that falseness is still here,
And it claims to be
Absolutely true
The worm has made a cyst
Into the heart-wall of learning.
The worm has made complexity
And materialism
As the ultimate defense
AGAINST truth.
They ultimately comfortable
Living like a machine…
Doing work,
Work and slavery towards paradigm.
As I’ve listed in another thread
Complexity and mental speed
Have nothing to do with moderation
Or quality.
These properties are
Of mental “power”.
That is all…
Mental power, and power of ideology
Renders its sophisticated, popular, supported, technological “trueness”.
Persons whom do not have this “scientific” style
Cannot “prove” anything that they know or believe
So that none of the “scientific”
Will accept, or fathom, the un-“proven”.
It can only be “proven”
After systemized
Into complex
And rubbish.
It’s becoming
A consumable
Mass-produced product.
No more.