I’m pleased to advise you all that I’ve finally been invited to move to the Vatican. This is proof that divine service even yields great earthly rewards. I may continue to post here from time to time, but theological research with my brethren will consume most of my time so don’t expect me to wade in your insolent discussions. With any luck you’ll all eventually realise that faith in God is the only way. Until then, beware of those with pure soul: a reckoning awaits you at their hands.
You’ve just relegated your divine promotion to that of mundane babble. I find that humourous.
See ya later judas…
Come on Zealot! How can you leave us now? Just when threads about nihilism are starting to spring up again. I mean, we need you. We need you to save us. Who better to represent the divine nature of God than his truest follower? I think you’ve got alot of work to do here. Good work. Don’t neglect it. Don’t neglect us.
Alright its BBQ time again Zealot is back! Which humans get cooked this time???
You mean God’s turning us over the rabble? Yikes! Anyhoo, have fun at the Vatican. Say hi to the Pope for me.