the sculptures of reality

our succes and failures act like a sculptures hand in that they carve out our niche of existance. some of these actions subtly smooth our reality while some leave deep scars. truth leaves the deepest scars and hence define the limitations of our reality. when i fall out of a tree, the reality of gravity acts in a way as to impose a whole realm of potential limitations which are of a similar kind.

when we talk of possibilities, the actual attempts we make at executing any action smooth the image of our reality and help in re-affirming our prior limitations and defining us as people.

we have the capacity to become something, untill we make the leap and tread the tightrope of succes and failure, we never get an acurate picture of what we could become.

a man with a thousand failures may be a succes in comparison to a man who has never made the leap, but it all comes back to what we define in particular , as success.

Here is my take on this:

If success is subjective, then it really narrows what actual ‘success’ can be right?

Let’s roll with this definition: Success – A desirable event brought about by conscious intention.

Now, it may seem intuitive here that conscious intention then becomes a confluence of social forces, all playing by their own rules. So how do you really define success then, if there is no distinct line? Did you succeed in reading this sentence? If you, for example, attain a job did you succeed in that venture if it was given to you purely by random selection? Can you succeed in winning the lottery, and if so can you really call it an accomplishment?

In some instances the conclusion seems to be definite enough, a convenient categorization to make; but where then does this leave us? Most philosophers would go into some sort of analytical mess, but I think the answer can be found fairly evidently in physiology and now, recently, science.

We ourselves have the power to manifest what we want to happen. Imagine that our world is a giant book, and we’re all writing the story together. We’ve agreed on a common language (laws of physics, etc) and a few other things but it’s everyone’s dream for their own. If you get adept enough at writing you can make you will manifest.Most of the time we don’t see it because most people’s wills are concerned with dead end material shit, but there is a reason why when you go near the Dali Lama you feel calm, and why when you look at Bush you see nothing evil. There is a reason why certain athletes somehow just do what’s needed.

Instead of this war, though, that we seem to be having – especially with mother earth – we need to bring things back to a peaceful game of self realization and cooperation towards this endeavor.

success is attained when we accomplish what we set out to do. if i set out to pass a course in school, only 1 of two possibilities which will occur. i will either pass or fail, i can’t do both.

we measure success in relation to the goals we have. if i aspire to get a law degree, in the end, i will either get my degree or i won’t. there can’t be a much clearer line than that.

there is an obvious distinction which has to be made between conscious effort and luck or chance. its a matter of control. i am in control of my effort in any course i undertake, but the structure of the course is set out by the prof/education board. i have can control when i buy a lotto ticket and my numbers if i so choose, but the numbers that come up are relatively random.

ie there is no skill involved in winning the lotto and hence its not the same as making millions on stocks.

so, do we have to be in control to claim we have succefully done something? no. when we buy a lotto ticket, we make our attempt to win, and if our number comes up we we’re succesfull, regardless of the skill involved.

how can we measure success objectively?

i would say that we have no choice but to gague our relative succes by the result of our actions and in relation to our goal we set out to accomplish.