The Self Deified Atheist

[size=150]All quotes are from alt.atheism

BuddyThunder wrote:

“I’ve recently read a bunch of posts from the local theists of various unsupportable beliefs calling atheists worshippers of this and that.Darwin, science, money, rationalism, ourselves, and the senses have all got the treatment, but non sequiturs like this simply make the poster look hysterical and silly. For the theists among us: I am an atheist. I worship nothing… Incidentally, so do you!”

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Thanks for your post BuddyThunder

I’ve noticed this phenomena many times at alt.atheism.

Atheists seem to think if they ‘justify’ something in their mind, then the ‘god of logic’ will make it true in the real world.

Unfortunately they forget they are humans and not machines.

The nature of humans is that of imperfection - it is only the nature of gods to be perfect.

As such, what is logical is not always practical when it comes to humans.

And this fact is only magnified a hundred fold when the logic emanates from the sick atheist’s mind.

Whenever we take it upon ourselves to beat down others, we are headed in a direction of destroying peace. We destroy our own peace as well as others peace. It takes no energy from me to pass something by and leave it alone in peace. But it takes my energy as well as my peace to pick something up to destroy it.

When I posted this paragraph earlier, an atheist piped to call me a liar and accuse me of hypocrisy, telling me that I destroy a potato when I pick it up to eat it.

Natural law dictates I must eat, but there is no law that says I must spew venom from my mouth to destroy others.

If atheists can get over fishing for red herrings and get onto bigger fish to fry they will see a world of difference in their peace practice.

The destruction of inner peace by destroying potatoes comes about when I destroy my neighbors crop field of potatoes by poisoning them to bankrupt him in order to take over his farmland…it does not come about by eating a potato.

The God of Nature gives me potatoes to eat, the God of inner Peace tells me to not eat potatoes in excess or to destroy others if I wish to be at peace. I cannot see either God, I know not how they work, I just know they are.

See: … opic=342.0

Being truth based instead of ego based, I have no need for justification, I just seek the truth BuddyThunder.

See: … opic=532.0

I look impartially at theists as well as atheists. If I did otherwise, I could not be truth based, but would be ego based.

Do I seek to destroy atheists?

No, to do so would destroy me as well.

But, I do seek to have an opinion and comment on their actions.

And if what I say is false, then refute me, so I may adopt the truth BuddyThunder.

But, the facts show the more I write, the less the atheists refute BuddyThunder.

Atheists are a sad lot. They have no answers for me. You would think if they cannot answer a proposition, they would look into it for aspects of truth.

But honor dies where the interest lies BuddyThunder.

And with atheists their interest is in ‘claiming they do not worship anything under the sun’…well except worshiping themselves it seems.

But as atheists are ego based and not truth based BuddyThunder, they are run by confused passions and deceit, as their ego’s spin webs to make their delusional and toxic thoughts appear as truth to them.

How could they live otherwise? The toxicity would kill them!

So, I am afraid I must disagree and rest on ‘what is’ true and not what ‘you wish’ to be true BuddyThunder.

Now, you don’t have to rationalize and justify yourself to me my friend, you are free to do and think as you like BuddyThunder.

Thoreau once said when people invited him to dinner they put their pride in how fancy and expensive a meal they could make. Whereas he put his pride in how simple and inexpensive a meal he could make.

Where do you put your pride BuddyThunder?

Don’t put your pride in saying ‘I am an atheist and worship nothing’. May I be so bold as to suggest you put your pride in being at peace BuddyThunder.

Thoreau also said a thousand will strike at the branches of evil, but only one will strike at the roots…be that one atheist that strikes with truth BuddyThunder

But, no matter how you slice it, the fact remains, the confused, mind manacled, spiritually sick atheist do worship many false gods BuddyThunder.

Atheists worship their intellect, atheists make the test tube their god, atheists worship hatred, atheists worship ignorance and deceit…and atheists deify themselves BuddyThunder.

But humans do not make good gods BuddyThunder.

For once they become a god in their mind, they think they are perfect and lose that part of being human that distinguishes them from all else…they lose their conscience BuddyThunder.

And in the process, these self defied atheist gods loose all touch with humanity BuddyThunder.

We can see this come to life with the quote below from Enkidu. This same thinking that Enkidu uses to convince itself that it knows everything about everything is what fuels the delusional atheists mind.

This ego based foundation of godlike knowledge tells the atheist that they know the unknowable.

Such atheists are only haggard shells of a human, withering away in their hate based, delusional stew they call a life.

And as they live on a diet of hate and self righteous deceit - over time, this poison festers and yields them a putrid, cesspool of a life that manifests itself as the tragedy upon humanity known as the dogmatic, mind manacled, spiritually sick atheist.

The atheist that only has a foundation of ego and hate will never find peace BuddyThunder.

Despite Neil’s claims to the contrary…this is ‘universal law’ BuddyThunder.

We can see what happened recently at alt.athesim when we had a ‘potential atheist convert’ questioning their faith wondered onto our board.

They could see ‘atheism in action’ for themselves with many spiritually sick example members and their projection of this spiritual sickness and self hate onto others.

They left in a few days offering…thanks…but no thanks.

These potential ‘atheist converts’ soon go back to their priest or minister begging them to be admitted back into the flock…and who could blame them!

For the ‘God delusion’ at least delivers a modicum of peace

Whereas the hate fueled, toxic, cesspool of a mind that atheists rely on yields zero peace.

But such a mind is good for one thing BuddyThunder…it is good for poisoning the individual and everyone around them.

Be honest with yourself BuddyThunder. Can poison, hatred and destruction that the atheist offer ever yield you inner peace?


I submit that you all drop the pretense and lies that you have been grasping onto for entire life BuddyThunder and rebuild your life through a foundation of truth and testing and regenerate yourself into a truth based agnostic freethinker.

I’ve run into many of toxic atheists over the last 10 years BuddyThunder. And can tell you without any doubt, that the atheist that only has a foundation of ego, delusion and hate can and will never find peace.

When this self deification occurs, the result is always the same…they all self-destruct…the poison gets to them sooner or later.

Lets look at one such self deified atheist Enkidu.

Now Enkidu knows everything about everything and no one can tell ‘it’ a thing.

(BTW Enkidu, what is your gender so I may address you properly. I know you are a shame based individual and are predisposed to hiding. But offering your gender should be not be that big of a deal?)

Enkidu writes: "You (V) have nothing to say that we haven’t heard before, nothing to say that hasn’t been say better by others, and nothing to say that was worth hearing when said better by others. Your pathetic little turds of truth are unoriginal*, irrational, ill-conceived, ill-received, and devoid of value. But no, with all the understanding of diarrhoeic bull’s ass, you continue to spray shit with abandon. " (condensed)

When you become this mind manacled as Enkidu, you make yourself the god, you know all there is to know about everything under the sun and forget you are interdependent with others as well as the spirit.

See: … opic=613.0

Enkidu is free to have an opinion and speak for itself, but Enkidu also speaks for ‘all’ of alt.atheism as well!

Who do I tell you I speak for?

For myself, my sig line I have used in the past state…“any opinion expressed here is that of my own and is not the opinion, recommendation or belief of any group or organization.”

This is the clue of self deification BuddyThunder.

When we think we ‘control all’ and ‘can speak for’ and ‘know all’…we think we are god.

Now, Enkidu is not alone.

There are a few more mind manacled atheist gods here… Raven, Robibnikoff, Bilbo, Michael Gray, Kate, Floyd, Neil, Michelle, Parsifa, Martin, Lucifer, Syd M, John #1782, Kate, Hollis, Gail,…they are all good examples of this sickness of self deification.

They pass their time by as perennial fiends of shame and hostility, just more cowards behind their keyboards, provoking others through their frantic efforts to bloat their ego by degrading people in their misguided hopes of finding inner peace.

But peace eludes them at every step. The more they write, the sicker they become.

Can it be any other way when we administer poison BuddyThunder?

It is just like drinking salt water to quench thirst - futile.

So are the efforts of these sad and hopeless individuals that think maybe they can find inner peace by hurting and destroying others.

As James Allen tell us…

"Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results. Bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results. This is but saying that nothing can come from corn but corn, nothing from nettles but nettles. Men understand this law in the natural world, and work with it. But few understand it in the mental and moral world…


“To think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all - such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor.”

This doesn’t mean we have to not be concerned with danger to our well being by any particular group. but, it also reminds us we will never be at peace by fostering hatred for another.

As Enkidu tells us above…all this is nothing original*…what I’ve said nothing new - as Raven, Robibnikoff, Bilbo, Michael Gray, Kate, Floyd, Neil, Michelle, Parsifa, Martin, Lucifer, Syd M, John #1782, Enkidu, Kate, Hollis, Gail already knows everything about everything…

As I have told Raven and will tell the rest of you - we can change our current life, a life that yields us nothing but pain and suffering, into a new life of joy and inner peace. We transform ourselves by the simple action of taking that first step in the opposite direction that we have been headed in for so long…but I can’t take that first step for you my friend.

Also see: … opic=509.0 … df88ba1701 … opic=614.0

*For your information Enkidu, a portion of what I write is original, so you may wish to amend your words somewhat. But do not get stuck with ‘a thing being original or not original,’ just look at it for practical application for its truth with yielding peace Enkidu.

See: … ?topic=4.0

Take care,

V (Male)

Agnostic Freethinker
Practical Philosopher