The Seven Celebrations of Christmas

Will you support all of the seven celebrations of Christmas, in the spirit of goodwill and peace on earth toward your fellows … just until the end of the year?

  • 1. I have a heart! You bet I will! Bob Cratchit is my hero! Hooray for Tiny Tim!
  • 2. Bah, humbug! No friggin’ way! Scrooge was right and money’s my god! If the widows and orphans and other weak among us can’t compete … then let them hurry up and die, and thereby reduce the surplus population!
0 voters

And now for something you’ll really like. :laughing:

As the winter seasonal holiday decorations push the Great Pumpkin out into the cold before his time, I’m thinking that now would be a good time to also begin taking action on forestalling the mayhem-as-usual that always forebodes misery for the world during the holiday season.

Thus, in the spirit of making the season bright (without the use of incendiary devices), at a time when we look ahead to both peace on earth and good will toward our fellows that are supposed to become December’s designated hitters for the war and ill will we sent to the plate during the previous eleven innings, wouldn’t it be nice if we could all do our part here at ILP and get a good head start at participating in the true spirit of love and kindness in which so much of the world will be wallowing as we approach the blessed holiday events? You bet it would, boys and girls!

So, with that self-aggrandizing thought in mind, I propose that we all advocate the following political policy positions for the remainder of the year … just to show how much we truly care for those in and around us … which also reflects on how much we truly care for ourselves :sunglasses: :1. Support the true pro-life position. The life of a unique human being begins at the moment of conception, and the taking of the life of a pre-natal human being via abortion is indeed the killing of a human being … who will never live again. So, be opposed to abortion for the remainder of this year. When the holidays are over, you can resume your fuk and kill policies and codependently rescue women on whom you project your unresolved family-of-origin controlled ego (as if that will ever resolve anything for you! :laughing: ).2. Oppose capital punishment. Sure, the vicious low-life scum need to be exterminated, but wait until January to advocate such. Sacrificing our psychological self by killing others of our own species just doesn’t jibe with the holiday spirit.3. Oppose euthanasia. I know, I know – there are a lot of dying and painfully depressed people, like the Republicans for instance, who lack the energy or incentive to take their own life. But hey – if they’re lingering, then they’ll still be around in January … you can surely live a little while with their pain you’re codependently feeling and wait until then to do them in, can’t you? Of course you can.4. Oppose fetal stem cell research. Yes, I know, there are plenty of degenerative-diseased individuals … who didn’t eat right, didn’t reduce their stress, didn’t extricate themselves from abusive relationships or dead-end wage-slave jobs, didn’t recover from their family-of-origin damage and did themselves in with drugs, religion, etc. to cope with the aforementioned … who need the brains of aborted children to quick-fix them up. But, hell – you can support the planting and harvesting of disposable people next year! Just give it a peaceful rest for the remainder of this one.5. Oppose war as a method of conflict resolution and economic change. Indeed, if peace on earth is your goal … for a month or so anyway … what better way to make that great holiday statement than to ask everyone everywhere to lay down their arms … and their causative capitalist sword of corporate colonial conquest … just for a little while, and go hug and dine with their enemies. After all, wouldn’t it be a good idea to get to know your nemesis before you do him in next year? Could give you a sizable intelligence advantage when the good ol’ hostilities resume after the New Year’s festivities are done!6. Advocate the surrender of every nation’s – including your nation’s – nuclear and biological weapons to the U.N. What better way to affirm a desire for peace than to move toward putting an end to the very devices that could destroy the world one hundred times over. The U.N. can surely handle them – by destroying them all – and we can most assuredly trust them to do the job. Now don’t get mad – again, you only need advocate disarmament for a couple of months – then you can resume your Mutually Assured Destruction policy after the New Year’s baby cruelly boots old geezer Father Time back into the scrap heap of history … history that also wouldn’t survive the WMD holocaust.7. And while we’re all at it, wouldn’t now be a good time to advocate the U.N. to be the new federal government of the world?! I mean, after all, people, the world is round, and there aren’t any other peoples, so to speak, within googols of miles! So hell, let’s hurry up and move toward this one-world economy and government we all know is inevitable … and do it with love in our hearts … as opposed to being resolved to it as a necessity by the handful of survivors after the nuclear calamity. Besides, humanity has been centralizing for eons, ever since we realized two heads are better than one against that wascally saber-toothed tiger. So, c’mon people – let’s advocate the ultimate in unity and brother-'n-sister hood forever and ever … well … at least for just the next 70-some days … then you can return to your dysfunctional individualism’s fear-and-contempt-based isolationist policies, with their attendant exciting risk of mutual annihilation, for another glorious year of international disharmony, chaos … and the murderous slaughter of innocent little children!I’m sure there’s more we can do, but that’s enough for now, don’t you think? … … No? That’s more than enough? … :confused:

And, again, I’m not saying you have to believe in peace and goodwill to your fellows or that you have to adopt these crazy notions like they were your permanent positions. I’m just suggesting that we do our part here at ILP to support the holidays in the traditional spirit of love and kindness they were originally intended … … … at least that was the original intent two thousand years ago … then the damn religious nut cases got a hold of the holidays, damn theocrats! You know, the atheists are right – if we don’t watch out, the theocrats are gonna … … … . :astonished:


whatever our differences, you know my vote, Jenny.

oh, and…


Sweet, Jenny. :slight_smile:

Votes you recieve for not complying to these rules are inexcusable. :wink:

If we truly believe the above positions to be incorrect, why would they be any more moral and good then our current ones?

Yay! Tiny Tim is Winning! Yay! :smiley:


Hey, wait a minute – somebody cast a vote for the Devil! Who’s the screwed-up Scrooge McDuck that voted the wrong way?! :imp:

  1. no

2 no

3 no

4 no

5 yes

6 yes

7 hell no

no = i disagree

What??? Five "no"s???

Can’t you temporarily suspend some of your anti-life reactions to exacerbated fear for even just a little while during the holidays???

What’s this world coming to when people actually root for Scrooge over poor little Tiny Tim?! :cry:

Why don’t you reconsider. Then see if an ILP administrator can change your vote for you. :smiley:

Don’t worry I did not vote, I would not take either choice. My choices are hardly anti life they are very much for living and life. I disagreed with a simple no, I did not explain my no’s, yet you jumped right in there and decided I must be anti life and fearful. You decided by observing one little word that I must have “anti-life reactions to exacerbated fear”. Interesting, very very interesting.

I have heart-enough not to fallow or accpet meaningless, repetitious, conformist rituals.

Seriously JenJen, if we’re pro-choice wouldn’t we think pro-life to be immoral?

Yes, some of us are simply more accurately perceptive than others who might minimalizingly belittle the reality of their reactions. :sunglasses:

Translation: “Politically, I think whatever my church leaders tell me to think.” :astonished:

Poor little Tiny Tim – poor, poor little fellow. :cry:

So? :confused:

It’s Christmas for “God’s” sake! :angry:

Jesus taught “live and let live” :smiley: … as well as “whosoever harms even a hair on the head of one of these little ones shall be in danger of Hell fire” :evilfun: .

Thus, with respect to the foundational right to life and the freedom-superceding right to security of person, the only immoral position on item number 1 is pro-abortion’s euphemistic “I have the freedom to do whatever I want” pro-choice. :astonished:

So for the holidays you must become pro-life. 'Tis the season, you know, for peace and goodwill among 'men (humanity) – violent murderous abortion simply doesn’t jibe with the seasonal festivities. :sunglasses:

Please reconsider the season and ask an ILP administrator to change your vote. :slight_smile:

Poor little Tiny Tim deserves better at this time of year than to be momentarily losing 4 to 3. :cry:

Er, no; this is the middle of October.

Although I would like to see Santa Claus and all the other commercial nonsense around Christmas burn in Hell, I kind of like Christmas itself - as a pagan feast.

I know, but hell – the stores are already pushing aside one of my favorites – Halloween – and putting up their Christmas decorations, so I just figured that meant a head start on Christmas would be a good idea. :slight_smile:

Considering the present poll results, it’s gonna take a heap of persuading to get everyone to get in the holiday spirit. So those of us who value peace on earth and goodwill toward 'men all year 'round are going to need all the time we can get to get people to change their erroneous minds before the 25th of December rolls around. :sunglasses:

Hey, hey, hey – watch your tongue, man! :imp:

You better hope Jesus wasn’t listening to you. :astonished:

I like the Winter Solstice, myself. :smiley:

Last year, though, I missed out on being our gang’s sacrificial virgin at the Winter Solstice party … again. :frowning:

I just don’t understand why all the guys won’t pick me. :confused: … … :astonished: … … :blush::laughing:

Not every virgin makes a sacrifical virgin. Hades raped Persephone, not Pallas Athena.

You compare Jenny to the goddess of wisdom and war? Has she charmed you as well now? :slight_smile:

  1. No, the fewer people extant, the greater the peace. I say, abort every third fetus as a matter of principle, and kill as many actual humans as possible. Just check with me first, about who actually gets killed.

  2. No. Same reason. Most of those on death row are troublemakers. We want peace.

  3. No one wants to be sick on Christmas. Kill 'em. Make a wish come true.

  4. No. With all those abortions, we might as well use up some of the parts. We put the turkey gizzards in the soup, don’t we?

  5. No. Christmas day, okay. Maybe Christmas Eve. But there is always the good and the bad side in a war. We’d do better to root for the good side, and wish total destruction on the bad.

  6. No. That would just level the playing field. Create more opportunity for conflict.

  7. No. The UN has shown itself to be corrupt. Just read the papers. And it has its own army, for crying out loud. Armies make noise. It helped make Saddam stronger with its underhanded dealings. It is evil.

Yes, folks. Philosophy-by-number. No thinking required.

Well, there certainly won’t be anything in Faust’s stocking Christmas morning … except maybe a bundle of switches. :astonished:

Juding by the way you voted, one would think you’re a frickin’ atheist! :imp:

As I recall, Tiny Tim said, “God bless us, every one.” He didn’t say "God bless us, every one, except Faust. No. He included you too. :slight_smile:

Yet this is how you repay him – by voting for Scrooge, Scrooge who would sell your soul to the Devil for a warm bowl of gruel. :sunglasses:

'Tis sad – there is no justice in the world. :cry:

  1. Yes. we’ve discussed this one before. Elective abortion is bad because it gives people the impression that they can just kill people who are inconvenient to them. We definitely need to do a better job of supporting women who are in a tough position because of pregnancy, but abortion is not the kind of support we need to be giving.
  2. Yes. killing others should only be in self-defense when there is no other option. In addition, the death penalty is very expensive to administer and they sometimes kill the innocent.
  3. Not sure. I know your argument that life is god-given and we don’t have the ‘right’ to take it away, even by our own hands, but I disagree. There is no god, man is alone in the universe, and because of that there is sometimes suffering that is meaningless and so intensely unrelenting that we might as well end it. That said, the decision should always be in the sole hands of the one who is considering ending their life. To allow anyone else to decide is to invite killing for convenience again.
  4. This one is so hard. Most of those embryos might as well be dead, since they will never get the chance to be unfrozen and implanted and grow up. And many people do really need help for legitimate reasons; it’s really unfair of you to paint them all as needing a fix-up for their self-imposed problems. I think allowing this research on the embryos may be the best we can pull out of a terrible situation. It’s better than throwing them out. And of course we should consider other promising stem cell sources as a priority over the embryonic ones.
  5. Yes, mostly; there are some rare instances when war is the lesser of evils, but I doubt any war since WWII has come even close. Just as unjust killing corrupts the soul of an individual, unjust war corrupts the soul of a nation.
  6. A lovely thought, but unless we can inspect for compliance worldwide, we take an unnecessary risk to our country. This place is far from perfect but there is nowhere better to work for a better world than in the free countries of the world. They will not stay free for long if we don’t have nukes but China does.

It is the job of the male to protect his family from predators, and in advocating this position I’m only fulfilling my function of protecting my nation from predatory dictators.

There will be no WMD holocaust so long as the US maintains its position of strength. The people will not permit it.
7. I would like there to ultimately be a world government. But I don’t think certain peoples would go for it. There would be many great dangers and risks. And if some asshole takes over, there’s nowhere to hide.