The sheep and their sheepdogs

It’s amazing how when we stand up for what we believe in (when we express something out of the box) one of two things happen. We are either vehemently shot down by the sheepdogs (those making sure that the status quo is in tact) or we are laughed at by the sheep (those who follow the status quo blindly).

“There are two things you need if you are to uncover and communicate what is really happening in the world. One is to free of any dogmatic belief system. The second is not to give a damn what people think and say about you, or, at least, not to let that influence your decisions.” - David Icke, Children of the Matrix


Aren’t the sheepdogs trying to stand up for what they believe in too?

There is a third possibility, angel. In fact there are many. But one is that someone may disagree with you from outside even your box.

Icke is a sheepdog.

Of course. But what do they believe in? Where do they get their information from? Infact the sheepdogs don’t even know that they are sheepdogs.

Strictly speaking he cannot be a sheepdog. A sheepdog by definition is one who keeps the status quo in tact.


A sheepdog keeps his sheep in the fold. Icke has his fold, evidently.

Alright faust, you clearly think that Icke is some sort of Guru. That is your opinion and you are welcome to it I am not here to argue with you about that. This is not a comentary of the nature of the man’s character, but I have used one of his quotes because it resonated with a topic that has been on my mind. Please reserve your judgement of the man for yourself. This thread is not about Icke, but rather about what the effect of standing in one’s power has on one’s own psyche and on the collective psyche on the community at large.


Nor am I talking about his character, but only about his words, as that is all I know of him.

You have posted a link to one of his lectures, and have now quoted him.

And you have responded to a previous comment I made about him.

But now you wish me to withold comment on him.

Whatever you say, angel.

With regards to his words then faust, of these few that I have offered here or perhaps you are more familiar with his work than I am, how is it that Icke has his fold?

My response to your previous comment (that which defined what you saw as a sheepdog) was my defining what a sheepdog is (for me as I have presented it in this topic). Of course if you feel that a man who stands up against popular belief is a sheepdog, well then I expect you are entitled to that belief also.

I’ll re-define sheep and sheepdog. The sheep are the ones who follow blindly, you know the ones that dress the way they are told to dress, that buy the gadgets they are told to buy that fear the information they are told to fear and the sheepdogs are the ones who are barking fear into the heart of the sheep. They know they are more than the sheep, but they do not know that they are the gatekeepers of information barking their truths as if it were the Truth.

Again, this thread if you wish to comment, is on the psychological nature of what all of this means to us as human beings.


Whatever, I’m just glad I’m not a sheep.
I mean this is something most of us on this forum realized awhile ago: there are a lot of stupid people out there.
You can’t do anything about it except complain, its a shame.
At least people like us aren’t burned at the stake anymore, we are just considered the pariahs of ‘rational society’.

What does this mean to us as human beings?
Monkey see, monkey do.

LiquidAngel quotes David Icke - “There are two things you need if you are to uncover and communicate what is really happening in the world. One is to free of any dogmatic belief system. The second is not to give a damn what people think and say about you, or, at least, not to let that influence your decisions.” - David Icke, Children of the Matrix

Good for Dave, but its hardly original, Jesus said it first :wink:
Incidentally me and Icke were born in the same Crown Hills area of Leicester (England), and so was paranormal author Colin Wilson, I guess the place must be a spawning ground of prophets :wink:

My love goes out to LA! :smiley: ← that’s because she understands.

Suppression and encouragement of behaviors A & B:
The tools of mass-control.

Once the philosopher is fit to control him or herself, their main scurge be what was meant to control them.

Thank you very much for checking out David Icke.
It’s another step towards independent thought.

I don’t fallow Icke’s ideology, I just like how he deconstructed the standard and magority beliefs.


And I mean… it only seems natural that things have evolved into this way. Everyone here should concede that the most powerful method of control is not fear, it’s not even physical restraints – it’s thought. Once you have that you’re a very formidable foe. ‘The Truth’, ‘logic’, ‘facts’ these all just become convoluted catalysts for confusion in the massive pit of disinformation perpetuated by the western media. In this way they use the publics varying degrees of intelligence against each other. The more analytical person can ‘win’ an argument and still be completely in the dark.

Now, at this point the obvious rebuttal is :

Right? I mean… I assert that America hasn’t been a democracy in 6 years. I assert Bush is a puppet who was told to blow up the Towers and kill people. I assert that Bush doesn’t give a flying fuck about killing American citizens. I even go so far as to say Bush (and the rest of those cock spasms) arn’t even American!

So stupid… who asserts? Better to just be critical. I mean after all… I could be slightly off base! What I say might not be entirely true so we should probably laugh and shrink back into pure abstraction.

Dan~ Icke deconstructs nothing. He presents a conclusion and then present facts, factoids and fiction without any attempt at causal connection. It is difficult to see why anyone finds him even interesting. He makes pseudoscience seem like the word of god by comparison.

Reptilians? He is laughing at all of you.

There is a method of formulating a theory and of testing it. Icke doesn’t even present the very weak implications of induction in his arguments.

This is not the view of either a sheepdog or of a sheep. The kind of binary view that angel presents is unconventional only in that it excludes so much. My point, angel, is just that. I am addressing your point. You are using the same kind of paradigm that Icke uses - there is only one conclusion that can be reached, no matter what the evidence. That is ther very definition of dogma. That you (angel) present this conclusion as two possible conclusions is a rhetorical device only. They are merely two sides of the same coin.

So, angel, I am responding to your post and to your point. You are presenting only the meanings to “all of us” that you wish to allow, and you have stated that you will not allow any other meanings. So be it. I have registered my objection to this, and will exit.

Dan~ Icke does not attack any popular belief - he invents them. I know of no one that disbelieved that an ancient, extraterrestrial reptilian race rules the earth. One would have to think of such a fiction in order to have any material disbelief in it. That is practically the definition of fiction, which is Icke’s stock in trade.

Icke, from what I heard, lives in a Mansion somewhere in the tropics. As I told Angel, if I had to take a guess I would say he was approached and told to misdirect his audience or else suffer from a ‘heart attack’.

Icke’s overall theory is besides the point, which I still feel you are missing Faustest.

Icke isn’t a finely honed philosophical machine, he’s not going to be constructing formal logical arguments anymore then the next dipshit we rely on to gather facts for us. It doesn’t matter how he gets to them, what matters is, taken entirely – how YOU get to the conclusion, whatever that may be.

Obviously, Faust, when you put together all of the facts, you slide back down into this philosophical limbo of criticality in which you have no real stance on anything – that is, of course, except for your motto: “I have no stance on anything”

That’s crap. Gobbo. I have a stance on the likelihood of an ancient, extraterrestrial reptilian race ruling the earth.

He presents no facts that are material to his case. He constructs no argument whatever. I have a stance on lending credence to a loose collection of “information” that is not connected to each other or to his “conclusion” in any way. I think it’s tripe.

Well, two things.

  1. I’ve already said Icke lies… I should have perhaps pointed out that it’s up to use to pick out what we construe as the relevant information.

  2. Saying A reptilian race doesn’t rule this earth is not a stance and you know it.

Honestly, I want to hear how you think the world operates.

Saying a reptilian race doesn’t rule the earth is not a stance.

I really don’t know what to say, Gobbo.

I am being asked to defend my stance that an ancient reptilian race doesn’t rule the earth.

I think I have better things to do.

My mistake.

As you said on another thread, I must be too old to see the reptiles.

You win. I concede.

Lizards. Yep.

What the fuck, Gobbo - it’s a fucking philosophy site.

I will only point out that there is a tremendous danger in taking this suggested approach to discover reality:

  1. You end up dogmatically rejecting everything (it’s nearly inescapable).
  2. You end up (dogmatically) overlooking accurate criticisms of your newfound ideology.


Nevermind the Fausty philosophical sidestep hissy fit, just answer the question.