The spirit of wisdom

Oh, ok I get it. I agree. Fighting over differences is endemic in humans. It has brought us to the brink of destruction. Psychopaths have a disproportionate amount power in the world. Even Heidegger the Nazi said only God can save the world. Like Christianity Hinduism envisions an avatar of God incarnating to save the planet. They see this as the evilest age —the Kali Yuga. The righteous of every stripe pray for peace on earth in spite pf what they see before their eyes. Such is faith which is constant and grounded in the eternal unchanging One. How do you see this cosmic drama being played out?

Every age has imagined that the end of the world is nigh.

I don’t see us in the evilest age, but I think that people are perhaps more deluded than ever. In the past, people knew how evil was influencing the world, but perhaps they didn’t realise how the line between good and evil runs through everybody’s heart. But do people, for all the knowledge we have, know this today? They cling to the material world and materialism and avoid introspection. They ridicule the spiritual and even the literature of the ages, focusing on the specific tree and missing the forest they are in. Their shortsightedness makes them vulnerable to approaching dangers.

Assuming we are spiritual beings living in a physical body, what will happen if we ignore this perspective after we have left our body behind? The great awakening could be traumatic, and the consolation that people who have NDE experiences have is that they can return and change their lives. What if you can’t return? I also see a great loss of possibilities in people who fail to see their potential, among others a coexistence as a huge motley species, united in all diversity.

What I have seen assures me that all consciousnesses will arrive at the ultimate goal of God realization. In fact, all are there in the Eternal Now. But, from the standpoint of the senses all is locked in a vast futile cycle of birth and death on a cosmic scale.


In Freudian psychology and even going back to the ancient Greeks. Earth was considered the father…. The phallus.

Space was considered the feminine… the door is masculine, opening it is feminine.

The space. The vacuum.

There’s currently a thread about the vacuum which people think I’m trolling. I could have posted this there. But with the reply of Felix…

It felt more important to post it here

Right like the lingam and yoni or yang and yin. They symbolize the duality of the phenomenal world.

Well. There’s a more simple way that humans think this way.

Women have holes, men have protrusions.

It’s not rocket science that people thought this thousands of years ago.

There’s definitely different psychologies in both genders because of this.

But I don’t think it’s a cosmic law.

I liked your use of the word phenomenal. It was well placed. There’s much more than the phenomenal

Of course. We are communicating on the phenomenal plane.
Here physical metaphors are used to refer to that which cannot be expressed directly.

As a dirty mirror must be polished to reflect one’s face, so the mind must be purified to see the truth.
As one can’t see a gem at the bottom of a stream whose water is stirred and muddy, so the restless, polluted mind must be purified by selfless service and stilled by meditation to glimpse reality.

Thank you for getting me Felix. It’s always a treasure in my life. I’ve met many toxic narcissists in my life. I’m not arrogant enough to think I can change them or even be protected from them. It’s just nice to be understood.

And to add to my last post Felix.

How many bag of tricks do you have?

Yeah. I’m that old. =)

Everybody needs to feel that somebody “gets” them once in a while especially introverted types.

Felix the Cat’s bag of tricks meant that though he was small he was infinitely resourceful. That made him a diminutive super hero. That captured my imagination when I was a kid. In fact, A bag of tricks is an apt symbol for the imagination.

I live a weird life. I can simulate multi entire cosmoses in my mind while walking through the worst hell realms ever conceived by sentience.

It’s difficult for me to translate in English what I see. I’m not this horrible person people think I am. I’m actually pretty chill. Some of the smartest beings in existence come to me to pick my brain or get my council.

I’ve met many specialists in some of the hell realms I’ve passed through to get me out. Things I’m not adapted to. It’s like the bill withers song lean on me.

Alienation is painful. “Lean on Me” offers solace. Just the idea that someone understands one is comforting when packaged in a soulful song.

Yes. I’m learning that I’ve survived such harsh hell realms that my casual banter can hurt people. I need to remind myself frequently that people haven’t been there.

When I stated that everyone knows most rapes go unpunished. Flannel asked me to stop.

It’s a fact of the species.

But I know more. In spirit (not in body) rape victims can exact revenge in ways the rapist can’t even imagine.

I like people. But I’m trying to get away from all of you.

I think you’re insane. Some wear their insanity as a badge of pride. About earth, I say it takes all kinds. The sun shines on everyone. The question for us is what to do with it.

The Swamis teach that the goal of life is the attainment of freedom from all sorts of misery, or liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. They counsel us to lead a well regulated, moral life. Moral life, they say, is the backbone of spiritual progress.

Psychopaths (soul sickness), sociopaths (social sickness) need to do things they don’t want to do to understand they’re not in charge.

The easiest way to do this is to force a serial rapist in high school to suck off a thousand dicks and swallow their semen.

Otherwise it’s the hard way.

This system will disable the mechanism in humans.

It brings everyone to shame and more compassionate to each other.

It’s not up to me to decide this to eliminate psychopaths. It’s up to you.

Women loathe men because of sex dimorphism. Men loathe women because they don’t have to try.

This world will die if the mechanism is not disarmed …, and it really does come down to sexual acts here.

How many dicks do I have to suck to get you to stop posting shit like this?

I gave you an unofficial warning about this already, so this is an official one.

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I have the women in my spirit as well.

They want to do this. They want men to understand what it’s like to be a woman.

If you want to argue with all the women.

That’s on you. I’m not only telling you what the women want, I’m telling you how to cure psychopathy.

Don’t tell me in this thread please. This thread isn’t about curing psychopathy or sucking dicks. Last warning.

This thread is about the spirit of wisdom.

Soul sickness is on topic.

How to cure it is on topic.

I’m sorry you can’t see that.

Maybe some day you will