The Subjugation Of Others Through Knowledge Idiocy

One thing that has always bothered me about human existance is that we acknowledge that human information and knowledge is relative yet we judge all human beings in our societies by it’s scale to see who will be the inferior slave or who shall be enjoying the fruits of life where we deem others not to.

Where does this judgement of people by knowledge and information come from?

Isn’t this just a big contradiction, lie and hypocrisy just waiting to explode?

We all know that classism is worthless and meaningless yet like a Alzheimers patient human beings keep perpetuating it as if they have become automatically forgetful through disease.

Now ironically many on this website dislike my might is right conception yet physical strength is one of the few things I have found to not be relative on this earth.

The power to subjugate is no more of a contradiction than the power to educate. There is a key connection here between knowledge and violence, but not the obvious one… it’s not because either are ‘contradictory’ or ‘hypocritical’ (because then ALL knowledge and ALL power would contradict itself)…

The connection is paranoia. Indeed, by asserting something like ‘might makes right’ so baldly, you’re glossing over the psychosis and end up supporting the state machine.

We’ve got to psychoanalyze institutions and figure out how social machines work, so we can fix them, and build new ones. Power and knowledge ought to be about philosophy, that is, creating new ideas, new spaces for expression and action and community.

To renounce the public sphere for a private space is precisely to give into the power structure which thereby administers every aspect of your life. The key point is that you’re not aware how much fascism still lies within you–all of us, right? We have to protect ourselves from being enamored of power, even unconsciously!

Since when does the majority agree that their beliefs are relative and unfit for the use of splitting people into arbitrary classes?

Please indulge me. :evilfun: