The SD argument: The universe is superdeterministic based on the proof provided by quantum entanglement. Consequently, the existence of life proves life had to arise in our universe. According to Roger Penrose, there are 10^10^123 possible configurations of our universe. However, according to the mass ratio of habitable planets to the universe, only an astronomically tiny portion of possible universes could contain habitable planets. Life is not believed to be able to arise in the absence of a habitable planet. That means that the chances that our configuration of the universe with life being a random fluke is about .000003427928%. Because life is special, then a creator purposely selected our superdeterministic universe, because life must arise in it. We call this creator God.
According to superdetermism, there is deterministic physics underlying indeterminate physics. The superdeterminism is in the subtle initial correlations established at the Big Bang. Basically, superdeterminism disproves biocentrism.
Oh no. Don’t get me wrong. A rock is sentient. A photon is sentient.
Anything non self recursive (including computer code and platonic forms (eternal forms - the actual answer to infinite regress)) is not sentient.
Basically what you have here are a bunch of people who can’t understand that existence (including all of us) never began and never ends. They need initial cause. Initial cause will always be deistic in nature.
Even the theory of evolution is deistic in nature (the one common ancestor).
Of you want to keep going, I can keep explaining.
At this stage in my life, I’m not guessing anymore. I actually know lots of these things now.
Superdetermism also disproves infinite regress. Because of retrocausality, you would need infinite information in correlations for infinite regress. There is no evidence universe is infinite. So, can’t have infinitely dense information. Ergo, can’t have infinite regress.
Indeed, the reason the universe begins in a compressed state is to maximize the density for purposes of holding as much retrocausal information as possible. The universe wouldn’t need this squeeze play, if infinite density were real. Sorry, no infinite regress. You really ought to consider superdeterminism, because it’s probably true.
Existence never began. If it did begin, that means something had to have come from nothing. Nothing (by definition) isn’t there. That means that existence by logical proof is infinite.
Ask me more. I know you want god to exist. I get it. Let’s continue this discussion if you want to.
I tend to agree with John. The bottom part of a logically founded substratum is much heavier eidectically then the existentially progressive ascendency of life.
The gravity function of ‘Being’ far outweighs the evolutionary objective of the ascending instability.
That accounts for the growing hesitency in acclaiming endless .odes if ever widening sets of simulation.
It is, as if, the levels of reality which the ancients described as turtles resting on a vertical axis, are pre-figured contra-indicatively as getting smaller from a large toward a very small vanishing single turtle.
Pyramids also apply such a scheme, and the base substance of these similar basis of reference add to the contrary notion of modern physics as really the tip of the possible levels of energy expanded through analysis.
The product of analysis approaches the absurd notion of messing with subordinate levels of apprehension which is contrary to any objective representation of underlying levels of multiform simulation.
However, the real object of a constancy of preacquired eternal simulation , is probably to reconstruct an original continuos pattern of design, with near perfect unbounded schematic patterns, that need to open up increasing gaps of energy transfer( between inorganic and organic criteria for example); to transform the unity into a multiplicity of possible arrangements.
In other words, analysis for Itself is transformed into the discovery of many forms of relationships, which at a certain maximum apex, need to return to the same self conceived self. Otherwise Self is devolved into pure motive of objectivocation as a form of self determination, and becomes a mere axiomatically determined self of assimilation.
I will also put it quite simply for you. Creation happened. God is necessary.
If you would like a philosophical proof besides the scientific SD argument I presented here, then it goes like this:
Something’s got to be uncaused. An uncaused thing cannot be made of parts else it would be caused by those parts. Hence, an uncaused thing without parts must be real and be capable of creating physical reality. That isn’t nothing. It’s God.
You really ought to start thinking about superdeterminism, because it’s likely true.
Superdeterminism also has a fascinating aspect to it, which I call the SD force. It’s a force that brings the predetermined future together based on retrocausal information contained in the initial correlations established at the Big Bang. The SD force can be used to explain abiogenesis and other things.
I will be submitting your thesis to the george martin institute for metatheological studies for review. Fun fact; two of John Stuart Mills’s cousin’s grandchildren are practicing professors and scholars at the institute.
If you stop and think about retrocausality under superdetermism, you would figure out quite quickly that the information on the design of life must be contained in the initial correlations established at the Big Bang, which I call SD information. This SD information must be accessible in superdeterminism, and does explain that abiogenesis must have occurred with the aid of SD information where life is orchestrated into existence by the SD force.
However, because SD information ultimately originates with the creation of the universe, then God is the ultimate provider of SD information and the ultimate designer of life.
That creates a necessary linkage between the human brain computer and the being Existance of the cosmically recurring reality simulation. It’s like the anology of the brain being a doorway in and through which the cosmos manifests it’self, and the most that could be said is that such manifestation transfer of the various forms of energy is what god is all about. In that way the energy in its many gross forms really consists of a single source, and it is the unmoved mover, both potentially and actually, where there is no difference between them.
All states of energy produce the doorway to and through neural description and identification of all possible aspects of perception through analysis, except minus 1, that is It’s Self, which can not preceded to form an identical 1 to form another exactly identical.
Platonic forms are uncaused. They are not sentient. Even your hypothetical god needs platonic forms to exist. New here’s the deal dude. ALL of us were never born and ALL of us never die.
That’s boring as fuck. So is knowing everything by the way. Boring as fuck.
So, we as spirits got together to make our best plan AT THE TIME! To keep us entertained forever. Lots of things went into this plan. Birth, death, reincarnation, enlightenment and god.
I’m the being with existence 2.0 in my spirit. The old plan doesn’t work. It has chasmic flaws.
I know as I’m typing this that you have very little clue what I’m talking about or that a person like me is even possible.