The Supernatural or the mind?

Wasn’t sure where this went, but for some reason it made sense to put it here.
I don’t know much about psychology or neuroscience or much about the studies involving the mind, but I was curious to see if anyone believed in supernatural things like ghosts and exorcisms.

For me it’s all a matter of seeing or hearing it for myself, but sometimes I just can’t help but believe that there are things that we just can’t see or hear. I get that the mind is very powerful and can sometime conjure things that aren’t there, like seeing ghosts during ghost hunting expeditions, our mind wants to see it so bad that we believe a whirring light or a weird voice is evidence of paranormal activities.
How do psychologists deal with people who believe in exorcisms or ghosts, do we label them as schizophrenic or delusional?
If the mind is powerful enough to create multiple personality disorders, then is being “possessed” one of those personalities?

This depends how you or a psychologist would define what is “real”. They can label an occurrence as an abnormality of the physical brain, but that says very little about the nature of the occurrence.

If you’re interested what people feel about the unexplainable events, you can read about my experiences this thread:

Commonly that is the diagnosis, depends on the severity of the ‘delusion’ often they are simply labeled as excentric

Makes sense that it could be

However I would not like to rule out possibilities, psychology often dictates that a condition is not entirely a faulty or bad set of connections in the mind. The brain can be considered to simply be wired differently. For example people with dyslexia are more often than not good artists (I am an exception to that) Autists are normally very good at anything involving logic. (look up savants for an extreme example) People with OCD have a higher average IQ. A condition should not be labelled a disorder in my eyes. Though I must say from experience most will call their conditions a curse rather than a blessing.