The symbolic world

Dude… are you high?

That’s an ad hominem argument in the form of an insinuating question.

In keeping with Bob’s original intention for this thread, let’s take a look at “The Language of Creation Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis” by Jonathan Pageau’s brother Matthieu. Pageau proposes that traditional cosmology differed from modern science in that it described reality in terms of symbols instead of in terms of atoms, energy or mechanical causality. He asserts that the specialty of modern science is the conceptualization of things as meaningless matter and mindless causality whereas traditional cosmology interprets “every phenomenon as the manifestation of spiritual truth.”

According to Pageau, at a metacognitive level, the Genesis story of the Fall matches the plight of humanity since the scientific revolution. When mankind fell their eyes were open to “a strange universe devoid of spiritual meaning”. They “saw their previous worldview as somewhat illusory”. But, while the technical discoveries of science seem to have debunked traditional cosmology, they ironically proved its significance at the level of symbolic interpretation.

What matters: the foundation of the symbolic world. Pay attention to what you pay attention to. When your thoughts leave perception, what is absent becomes present and what is present becomes absent. Often the transition from one to another happens unconsciously without notice and unwilled. Who or what is in charge?

I tried man but I can’t get further than 15 seconds into a Peterson video (unless he’s getting thumped in some debate).

Cognitive dissonance does that to people.