The things I do that not even I can logically explain. #3

If I may chime in here between your quarreling, it’s a ‘her’, not a ‘his’. All that is cannot come into existence without the womb, the doorway between worlds; the flesh and spirit.

This is precisely why the “Yoni” is a sacred symbol and can prop-a-gate (pun intended) everything that exists and has yet to exist, for it is the womb of the Universe.
This is also why the “feminine” energy of the Yin & Yang is “Yin”; and the very word “feminine” has the word “nine” in it. 9 is so divine, our ancient ancestors separated it from 1~8.

As for “Her Word”, you do not understand what this means either. Allow me to further explain it for what it really means, not how you interpreted it with your substituted reality.

The 12 Signs that encircle the camp fire of the heavens cycle to a full circle every 25920 Years precisely. That is 360° of a Circle multiplied by 72° of the 72 Muscles that allow you to utter a single word. If you only had 71 muscles, you would not be able to speak. You have 72 muscles connected to your 360 joints that allow you to say a single word.

Your skeletal structure has 126 Appendicular bones (and 80 Axial bones, I believe). 12 x 6 = 72°. Your arms also rotate at a velocity of 7200° per second.

She has 216 Names to Her Circle. That is 72 + 72 + 72. You will know “Her” in 2016, during the diameter of the Moon (2160 Miles) and the radius of Mars, the visible planet in 2016 (2106 Miles).

360 - 216 = 144°.

12 x 12 = 144.

The 12th Fibonacci number is coincidentally 144.

The DNA of “Christ” is 12 Strand x 12 Strand, or 144 DNA.

The womb called the Yoni or the Vesica Piscis gives birth to Light which is also called Christ, meaning Elechristity.

The womb is digitally and geometrically made of two circles that equal 360 Degrees + 360 Degrees, which is 720 Degrees.

The womb of the Universe is the “The Golden Ratio”.

T+H+E + G+O+L+D+E+N + R+A+T+I+O = 153 (153 = The Fish Of Jesus; John 21:11)

The horizontal line inside the Vesica Piscis is 153°.

The very significance of the number “153” is not only in the Bible, but was studied by the very man that discovered the 3-4-5 Pythagorean Principle.

The 3-4-5 Pythagorean Principle explains the secret to the Fish and its alignment with Sacred Geometry.

This is the Hebrew name of Christ.

This is the Anglicized name of Christ.

Jesus means Iesous, and Iesous means Zeus, which is the Roman interpretation of Enlil, the King of the King planet Jupiter. In 2016, Enlil will be usurped by the youngest Son, Apollo hence why the U.S has the ‘statue of liberty’, which is not a female but a hermaphrodite called Apollo. Apollo in Annunaki text is Ninurta, the Son of War, hence World War 3. Uranus usurped the Goddess, after She gave birth to Him; Uranus was usurped by Saturn, then Jupiter usurped Saturn and now the last of the Sons of Anarchy are going to usurp the latest King, Enlil / Zeus of Jupiter.

There is no “Jesus Christ”, because it was a scam started by the Roman Papal during the “Council Of Nicea”. Look it up before you respond with emotion and irrationality.

In fact, there is a group of evil individuals that call themselves “Jesuits” whom has power over the Roman Church as they call their Order “The Society Of Jesus”.
(If they are going to lie to us about the statue of liberty being a lady, instead of the God of War, Apollo; who knows what else they are lying to us about.)

Now let me show you why you do not want to associate yourself to Jesuits or Jesus / Zeus:

If you ever wondered why the Elite allows billions of people to freely pray in circles, while suppressing everything else – maybe it’s because the sheep are doing precisely what ‘‘they’’ want?

Think about it, the holidays that are associated with Christianity are not Christian, but Pagan. The week days. The months. It’s all Pagan. They want you to say “Merry Christmas” because it means “Mary’s Light And The Sacrifice”; they are destroying the “Light” of the Mother, through jealousy and envy. Their agenda is to destroy as much of the Mother as they can.

Presumably God is an English speaker, or French.
Mind-blowing, indeed.
I would have thought he spoke Hebrew or Greek, but no the numbers show that he is, in fact, an anglophone.
Greek alphabet has 24 letters.
Not holy enough.
But I’m sure some combination will be found to explain why there are 24, and not 25.

Don’t know how many scribbles the Hebrew alphabets has.

Ah, the young…to be forever 26.
God the youthful 26 year-old prankster.

We have mathematical evidence that the universe is built on an Anglo-Saxon/Norman mindset.
This is comforting because now I know that my prayers, although never answered, were, at least, understood by the almighty.
He was ignoring me.

Though, I do have my doubts - forgive me Lord - and He may very well only speak and think in morse code…beep, beeeep, beep, beep, beep beeep…

I bet they can find all kinds of juicy patterns in this sequence

Wait, God, the Universe, is sending me a message…
Yes Lord, I’m open to your incoming divine words…speak to me…

What can it mean?
I must break it down mathematically, using my Lord’s alphabet…

F = 6
U = 21…2+1=3
C = 3
K = 11…1+1=2

The pause is the place-holding 0.
God’s deep breathe.
We’ll skip that…

Y = 25…2+5=7
O = 15…1+5=6
U = 21…2+1=3

We always add because we must remain positive thinkers.

So… 6+3+3+2+7+6+3 =…wait let me get my calculator, working on the binary system…

Wait let me try a different way…
6+21+3+11+25+15+21= 102
1+0+2=3 AGAIN!!!

His message is 30, which is really 3.
The male sex organs are three…2 testicles, corresponding to the mother and the holy ghost, and the penis, the shaft, which is, obviously the Almighty one.
Isn’t it clear?
He is giving me the shaft, and his balls are clapping with positive joy, slapping, against my cheeks…which, not coincidentally, are also two.
He is raping me…or making Love to me…fertilizing me.

Wait…wait…there must be more to this…
If I take the three and invert it, positive/negative, we get the three-epsilon, inscribed in Delphi…if we connect the symbols we get an 8
8 is the symbol of infinity…

The 8th letter in the Greek alphabet is theta…in the English one it is H.
H is the symbol of Pisces, and theta is written in Greek as θ which is 8…and is the first letter in the word theos… God
This is getting freaky.

All Pisces are gods…Satyr was born in February and is a Pisces… he is divine.
Can it be more obvious?

Okay, let’s take this all the way to where it is taking us…to the END, as it were.

My anus is almost a perfect sphere, my human imperfections notwithstanding.
A sphere is a 0.
My crack is like a diving line ascross this circle.
It is Pi…Pi = 3.14…

3 morse code (dot) 5

3+5= 8!!!
My crack is the infinite divide of an infinite divine sphere.
This is freaking me out.
I am a genius!!!

Eh, I am glad to be called insane.

“I became insane from long intervals of horrible sanity” - Poe.

Hell, even I have to admit that this is brilliant.

Brutal, but brilliant.

The number “26” represents the Father; “216” represents the Mother and “6” represents the Son.

216 x 26 x 6 = 33696

3 x 3 x 6 x 9 x 6 = 2916.

54 x 54 = 2916.
(L+O+V+E = 54)

Now what is “2916” in English words, mathematically? Well, to put it as simply as I can without blowing up your brain, the identification of ‘The Trinity’.

The Mother is “The God Of Eights”; T+H+E + G+O+D + O+F + E+I+G+H+T+S = 148.
The Father is “Mark Of The Serpent”; M+A+R+K + O+F + T+H+E + S+E+R+P+E+N+T = 194.
The Son is “Mark Of The Beast”; M+A+R+K + O+F + T+H+E + B+E+A+S+T = 144.

The Number Of Man: 666. This is why Time is 6+0 Seconds, 6+0 Minutes & 2+4 Hours; Earth’s orbital velocity is 66,600 MPH and Man has 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons & 6 Electrons.
Man is destined to meet its false maker in 2016, hence 666+666+666+6+6+6.

148 x 6 = 888.
194 x 6 = 1164.
144 x 6 = 864.

888 + 1164 + 864 = 2916.

I’ll tell you what this number means, and why I have complete control over it. It is the magistrate of Pi; The Trinity, itself as the mathematical core consciousness to all things.

2916 x 360° of a Circle = 1049760, which is a 777960; if you close up the 7’s like an accordion you will get 21960, which is 3960 Miles of Earth’s Radius.

What is 777960?

3 x 12 Digits Of Pi (141592653589) = 424777960767
(424767 is simply another 777 as 4+2+4 = 10 = 1+0 = 1, demonstrating that Pi is equal to 777960777960… Iterated eternally.)

777960 is equal to 7776 x 90 = 699840
(699 + 840 = 1539, which is Jesus Fish x 9, or 153 x 9 = 1377; the 11th Note of ‘The Music Circle’ and the note G#.)

699840 / 9 = 216216216216216216216216216 = 9 x 216 (Sacred Name: 1944)

To put this in perspective, 216 is 6 x 6 x 6, therefore:

6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 x 6 = 1944

2016 - 1944 = 72°

You do realise you are wasting your life, don’t you? You can be doing something more productive…and actually beneficial.

Technically, Time was written by a species beyond us, hence why it is 60 Seconds (6), 60 Minutes (6) and 24 Hours (6). Saturn is indeed the Father of Time and the 6th Planet.

Therefore, Time is going to waste us, like Grand Father Clock ’ O.

The trouble is, he’s trying to waste everyone else’s, this is obviously a recruiting drive. It’s hard to see what he could do that would be productive or beneficial. Maybe he could go into accountancy. I’m sure the tax man would appreciate the way he works with numbers.

If I may, I will interject your baseless assertion towards me.

I often find that when an individual speaks of “everyone”, it’s an egotistical ploy that is sorely emotional and strictly self-entitled.

All I have to say to your vilification is quite simple, really. Self-humility is what takes you down my road, not self-righteousness.

I don’t think you meant to do it but you’ve just put forward a very compelling case in favour of self-righteousness.

How many people practice self-humility? Few.
How many people practice self-righteousness? Many.

Have I addressed you and others in my threads by addressing their word, not their person? Yes.
Have you and the others opining in my threads been addressing my work, not my person? No.

What does that mean? I have self-humility. I do not make any attempt to interpret you as a person, as I do not know you, but I know numbers and I know skepticism in all forms.
The ones opining in my threads have self-righteousness. Having an opinion is fine, but any form of self-righteous opining will only become that of a decadent and vicious cycle.

I cannot teach you about the harmony of the Universe when you cacophonously teach others how to respond to condescend and attack one’s person via sarcasm and apathy, rather than contributing to one’s work with insight and empathy.

I’ve looked at your “work” and my conclusion is that it’s not worth taking seriously. How is that self-righteousness? Nobody seems to want to buy what you’re selling so just learn to live with it. Your not going to get anyone to follow you “down your road” for fear of being called self-righteous.

Yes, you among billions of others that are not interested in what innovation does are not the newest breed of self-entitled judges in this world with the majority being skeptics and the minority being artists. It’s a tough position to make something that appeases an audience that doesn’t understand for even a second what it takes to be an artist.

The only time the people care about innovation is when it involves them. Otherwise, they do not care about it; it does not matter what you’ve been through to provide them the innovation either. They will be only interested as far as short interesting experiences may go, like how the number 621 can be 6 x 21 = 126, which is 621 in reverse; and how the number 351 can be 3 x 51, which is 153 in reverse that may be entertaining for a short while, but listening to the complicated details won’t be on their to-do list.

There is an attentive drought where ever an artist may find themselves, but the world is so vast that someone, somewhere is always watching and that is enough to inspire us to not be concerned about how many people we teach, but rather how much we can teach.

Name a timeline where a true artist was paid more money than a fake entertainer, then ask yourself how your judging of my architecture that I had built holds any water.
Even a court jester amuses the tyrannical king / queen with an attention span that equates punishment of pettyness to beheading you for stealing a loaf of bread.
By observing my fair share of ‘movie critics’, it had truly shed a light on how skepticism is no longer a proper response to a disagreement, but a means of inflating one’s self.
Your responses towards my work and referring to my work as “work” in parenthesis shows that you are not here to be a skeptic, but indeed that of a mental anarchist.

Am I on that list? Rofl.

you keep feeding them the highest truth and all they want to do is bash everything worth talking about.

this work is showing you earth is facing utter extinction from the God of Harvest

wake up???

so if you make an attack online to someone saying they waste their time and others, then your conception of time is really being put to purpose?

wow must be nice to be fed information beyond anyone can come forth with for free, with valid proof to back everything and you still are supremely repugnant
