The Toothpaste Problem

I like to imagine a self-sustained community… It’s a fun day-dream.

There’s just one road-block that I just can’t find a way around: how the heck do you make toothpaste?!

There’s a company in Maine, called “Tom’s of Maine” that makes natural tooth-paste, but the ingredients they use seem pretty hard to get.

Has anyone already figured this out?

I used baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for toothpaste growing up. While making hydrogen peroxide isn’t easy on an individual level, it is readily available.

There’s a bunch of plants used for toothbrushes that also have chemicals to help with oral hygiene. … +bidentata

Cut out those carbs and there’s no need to brush your teeth :wink:

Yeah, baking soda works just fine.

So there you have it. You’ve solved the whole self-sufficiency dilemma.

Speaking of Maine, it’s a good place to learn about self-sufficiency. The real trick is to grow enough weed in a short season to have enough to keep you through the winter, and not get caught or have it stolen. The latter risk is greater than the former, by the way.