the true meaning of MAGA and anti-vaxxers....

perpetualburn: Peter K might literally be retarded… don’t bother with him…
K: thus relieving one of actually thinking about what I say… the easiest way
to dismiss someone is to call them a name, “commie” “liberal” “Anarchist”
“retarded” it allow one to react to the insult instead of dealing
with the issues that person brings up…
“I don’t have to deal with Kropotkin because he is…“Retarded”…
see how that works…it is really quite a gutless way to dismiss someone…
not only gutless but cowardly…but that is the conservative way, isn’t it?
and I don’t have to deal with those issues by simple dismissing you as
a conservative…”

p:You can’t properly form sentences and paragraphs. Your logic is weak to nonexistent. Parodites fuckin’ A.I. expresses a greater degree of eloquence. Thus my estimation that you might literally be retarded, albeit a high functioning retard. I didn’t mean it as an insult. It’s just an observation.
K; I am reminded of the Einstein quote, “If you can’t explain it to a 6-year-old,
you don’t understand it yourself”

and when I express my thoughts on ILP, I always aim for a 6-year-old…and it is
good that you reminded us that not everyone here can comprehend at the
6-year-old level… and so, in order to help people like yourself to
understand, I need to drop down to a 5-year-old or perhaps even a 4-year-old level…

on a personal level, I find it very courageous of you to admit you can’t
understand me on a 6-year-old level… but I am sure with practice and time,
someday, perhaps, you too will be able to make that leap and comprehend me
at a 6-year-old level…Your battle to reach higher has inspired me to
try harder at explaining things at a 5-year-old level…perhaps then you
will be able to understand me… best of luck


Yup, dead Kennedys and 9/11 were inside jobs, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, there were no WMDs and ties with Al Qaeda, the banksters got bailed out, and every generation or few oughta send their government and the overclass to the gallows just to keep everyone on their toes.

Remember Antifa, BLM and illegals are immune from covid, allowing the former to riot and the latter to cross the southern border is necessary for public health.

‘It’s just two weeks to flatten the curve; it’s just two months; it’s just two years; it’s just two decades’.
‘You shouldn’t wear a mask; actually you should wear a mask; actually you have to wear a mask; actually you should wear two or three masks’.
‘The PCR tests are accurate; actually we’re recalling them because of all the false positives’.
‘The vaxxes are safe and effective; actually a lot of countries are recalling many of them’.
‘Once the vaxxes arrive we can go back to normal; actually we need to get at least 70% of the pop vaxxed; actually we need to get every man, woman and child on planet earth vaxxed’.

Thousands upon thousands of experts, doctors and scientists disagree with the loudest narrative, you can find them on some conservative leaning, alternative and independent media.
Some countries like Belarus, Nordic countries and some states like Florida and Texas are taking an entirely different approach to dealing with this, it’s not true it’s just a few conspiracy researchers online.
They’ll tell you to take unpatentable drugs or supplements like vitamin d and zinc for ‘covid’, eat whole foods, get plenty of exercise, fresh air and sunshine rather than locking yourself at home.
What big pharma tells you health is, is often the opposite of health.
They want you sick and dependent on their patentable drugs, or dead.

Xperts like Joseph Mercola, RFK Jr, Michael Yeadon, Robert Malone, Judy Mikovits, Sherri Tenpenny and countless others.

I do NOT agree with this guy’s political analysis, but he does have very powerful information and the timeline of the PLANdemic.

Covid began on September 11th, 2019 …9-11.


My country is now 90 per cent fully vaccinated, despite initial reluctance and protests by the nation, all of which failed to deter a very determined government. Two vaccinations, with the government pushing a booster is mandatory.

Whether one likes it or not, if a person wishes to continue working outside the home, visit a restaurant, a pub,or attend a wedding or funeral, enter a retail store, a show of proof of receiving at least two vaccinations is imperative to be able to enter any premises. Travel inside the country is also limited and this country having the highest rate of lockdowns worldwide, deters one from leaving their own state as it is not a certainty you will be able to return some time soon.

Masks are worn inside supermarkets, retail stores, beauty and hairdressing salons.

How effective are masks?

The ten percent of the population who are not vaxed are severely limited to where they can go and what they can do.

They can buy food, visit a doctor’s office.

You can begin with high standards concerning your own health, your body, but eventually the government makes it impossible for you to function outside the home, if not fully vaccinated.

What would you choose to do?

Remain unvaccinated?

I believe we have no choice.

Which is interesting in itself.

2021 warfare.

So you’re weak, and a slave.

I pity how low Humanity has fallen, that so many billions of people across the globe have completely given up their bodily autonomy.

Maybe Karl Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Eugenicists are right …maybe sheeple like you deserve to be culled?

Soon there won’t be many Unmotified, Pure humans remaining.

What does it feel like to have corrupted, sewage-blood flowing through you now?

No diferent from receiving these below:

Your medical provider will check to ensure that you are up to date on your measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. If you have no evidence of prior vaccination you will likely receive an initial MMR vaccine or booster.

You may need a tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (TdapdTpa) vaccination or booster before you depart to India. You will receive the booster if it has been more than 10 years since your prior vaccination.

Up until 2014, polio was endemic in India. Now, to maintain a polio-free country, India sometimes requires evidence of polio immunity before travelling from a polio infected country. Anyone travelling to India should be up to date on their polio vaccinations. If you received the vaccination as a child but have never received the booster as an adult, you may be advised to receive a dose of the polio vaccination (IPV).
Additional Potential Vaccinations for India

These are additional potential vaccinations for India that may be recommended by your medical provider depending on which regions you are travelling to, your prior vaccinations and other factors:

Hepatitis A
A Hepatitis A vaccination may be required as this viral illness can be transmitted through food and water and it is frequently recommended for most travellers to India.

Hepatitis B
This is another potentially serious viral illness that is transmitted through bodily fluids or blood and it is now considered routine for most travellers to India. A rapid schedule Hepatitis B vaccine is available in combination with Hepatitis A. Hepatitis B is considered a routine vaccination and many people under 30, in Australia, have had this as part of the standard vaccine schedule.

This vaccination is often recommended for those travelling to India, even those who are staying mostly in urban areas, as it is a potentially fatal illness. India is a high-risk part of the world for typhoid disease. Two forms of typhoid vaccine are available: an injection or oral form.

Parts of India have an active risk of Malaria, especially low-altitude areas, and therefore you may be recommended to take an anti-malarial prescription before, during and after your trip. Speak to your doctor about your risk for malaria while traveling in India.

Yellow Fever
Proof of yellow fever vaccination is only required if you have visited a yellow fever affected area within 6 days of travelling to India. Otherwise, if you have not, you will not typically be required to get this vaccination before you travel to India unless you are travelling to an area with a yellow fever outbreak.

Either you do not travel or have to work outside “the home” or you live in a shed somewhere in the woods, without electricity, heating, water, gas, you don’t eat, you don’t have dependents, you don’t have to pay rego for a car, you don’t have insurance to pay, you don’t have a mortgage.

You are a free agent, with no responsibilities.

It will all change when you have your first child, if you can get it up.

I can get it up for purebloods, don’t you worry.

So, why do you insist in lying against common sense, that an Influenza virus can be vaccinated against?

Are you claiming with the deeply flawed “rationale” above, that the Covid-19 vaccine prevents infection or spread?

No, because you’re a petulant liar who has been duped into losing your Humanity. … medium=web

Like I said, it is not an enviable situation, but there is no choice, if you have to pay your way in this world.

Slave-dialectic, trying to convince Free men and women, to become a Slave, just like her…

Mudblood, just because you have chosen slavery, willingly, doesn’t mean your rot will be inflicted upon others.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

I will protect the Free Humanity who remain after this blight. Protect them from the likes of you, mudblood.

Slavery is like drug dealers and their victims. They shoot children up with heroin. Those children, feeling guilty and self-hatred, want to convince others that they’re “not bad” and that those who remain free and pure, must also shoot heroin.

Fuck you. I don’t want my children to share the same planet with you, thrall.

It is obvious you are a loser.

While you are busy cutting and pasting your medical opinions on the Co-vid vax, try reading some of the long term after affects of Co-vid victims.

Bubble boy.

Let’s cut to the chase, Shieldmaiden. You are a complete and utter disgrace to your Heritage and your people. Your ancestors are ashamed of you. Not only have you turned your blood, into mud… but now the sewage in your body matches the sewage in your mind. You’ve never said anything of worth or value on this forum, ever. Ever. Think about that. Most posters are accidentally insightful sometimes. A broken clock is right twice a day?

Yours isn’t even right once. Now, cast your eyes downward when in the presence of Purebloods…

Ha. Got you angry, loser.

Why would I be mad? My blood is crimson red, not black and brown, sprinkled with salt and pepper Graphene-Oxide Nanobots.