the true yin, completed by yang.

Nice to see the Xunzian return. Welcome back brother.

Hey, that’s enlightened, drunken, noisy idiots. Get your inflammatory commentary straight before you go spouting off at the keyboard!!!


Damn it!!!

Okay, I’m done now.

scythe, no offense, but some of “us” have as the very last desire, to be “in the company of others”, as it is clear that “others” are nothing but a colossal dissapointment and an irritation.

Singurality of entity is greatly preferable.

Progress has to do with development/learning/increase.

Satisfaction has to do with being happy about the way things already are.

“Spiritual progress” has to do with development of things that are “spiritual”.


I’d like to add, that our “spiritual side” is the energy part of our material bodies.

Hey good to be back. Lab’s been a bitch lately. That, and hard drive troubles at home.

Oh, and as for my description of humanity, Mastriani, I’m shocked at your correction . . . I was paraphrasing you, after all :slight_smile:.

That’s highly subjective don’t you think? and how does that complete your missing half? If you develop for purely selfish reasons, have you made yourself more “whole”?

Perhaps… perhaps satisfaction is knowing when you’ve done something well, and knowing when to stop beating dead horses.

okay, and what is “spiritual”? To me, nature is my temple. Waterfalls my pulpit. To me the road is my church. The accelerator my sacrament.

The food I eat is the energy part of my body.

you are dissapointed due to selfishness, and lacking the ability to strive for balance and compromise.

you don’t know how to be satisfied with others, perhaps because you don’t know how to be satisfied with yourself.

this is precisely the problem I see.

you are in a state of not knowing.

It is about comfort, if you fail to find comfort, (see my shoe analogy in your thread) you will never stop seeking. If you can’t get past something that makes your skin crawl and compromise, you’ll constantly be seeking out other people, other situations.

LOL. Wrong. “Others” are simply inadequate. Dissatisfaction comes from expectation, of which there is none, as a foregone conclusion.

Interesting how quick you are to assert your judgements as fact, without any prior knowledge of the individuals who are posting in your thread.

let me put it this way, I’ve walked miles in your mocassin and know where your coming from.

LOL. Oh, that’s rich, LOL.

No you haven’t. You don’t have the slightest idea where I come from or what I’m about … what an inordinately arrogant and narcissitic assumption … LOL.

Now that’s rich, a nihilist calling me a narcissist.


You all too well prove my point.

I am nowhere near a nihilist, even in the loosest defined sense.


how can you know?