… 50?ie=UTF8
anyone read this yet? … 50?ie=UTF8
anyone read this yet?
Oh boy…one thing you do not want to do is accuse a somewhat violent religious movement that their leader was violent…I haven’t read it, but looks like an interesting read.
Has anybody else read/reviewed? Sounds like the pope got a copy.
The metapoint here is that both religions have been twisted into violence and diametrically opposed to create the conflicts which have always moved political stones throughout history.
Religion… being played like it always has.
Go on now, pick your side. Play along.
must’ve been an advanced copy.
By and large the pope’s speech criticized the wests immorality and seperation from god.
You don’t see scientists running out and burning effigies of the pope though.
Having read other historical criticisms of Islam and mohammed, not only are you wrong, but you are way way off. When christianity committed acts of violence it was out of context within it’s own belief structure… they had to seek approval from the pope to proceed with the self defense known as “the crusades”… this of course was 300+ years after mohammed and his followers had been busy pursuing jihad throughout the land.
This contradicts your previous statement… If it’s being played like it always has (Islam included) than there has been nothing twisted about it. Another problem is that you lack the understanding of the full nature of Islam… Islam is FAR FAR more than a religion… listen to the prime minister of Malaysia, who states; “It is not a democracy that we want, but an ALLAHcracy.”
Do you really think that is a mere modern misinterpretation? If so than these historical looks at mohammed are needed more than ever.
After you finish the one above, read Ibn Warraq’s “Why I am not Muslim”. Written by a former muslim, and with full documentation and sources cited.
Their own belief structure dictated by the Pope.
Come on Scyth.
It doesn’t contradict anything. Those two religions especially have always (or at least soon after Christ’s/Mo’s death) been used/twisted/whatever to create control and violence for political ends. The fact that it continues to this day doesn’t contradict that.
As for Islam, you’ll get absolutely no argument from me that says that they’re ‘great’ or ‘peaceful’ cause they’re not, I recognize that.
What I’m trying to say here is that Christians are being bred to hate Muslims and in doing that we just keep perpetuating this cycle.
You know it’s weird, people like you will recognize someone like Gandhi as a hero, but just sort of shrug at his pragmatics. He wasn’t some special genius that could tap into the peace stream. He just knew that this relatively simple concept works.
The question is: Do you have the balls to take one for the team? Can you tame down your natural impulses for a chat with reason? I know that we’re already in Iraq, I know the situation. I also know that ALL of this hinges on 9/11 – the next 20 years of the world’s history rests precariously on this single event.
A lot of Muslims -in that area- are violent, crazy dudes. Yes. But before you go down this road… the next paradigm of our world’s history, are you sure it was them who crashed those planes?
Be that as it may, the pope didn’t dictate the inquisition… and the pope’s response of the crusades took much thought and voting. It was a defensive response to the rise of Islamic nationalism.
See gobbo, this is what I’m talking about… Christ and mohammed were COMPLETELY different people. (assuming christ was even real).
We have writings of BOTH of their works and actions and words. Christ never lined up hundreds of romans, jews in the town square and chopped their heads off, then went and sleep with one of the dead men’s wives.
That’s the type of guy Mohammed was. He was a brutal conqueror, there is NO twisting of the religion to come to violent ends.
Again you’re dealing with two completely different belief structures. Mohammed built his beast as a political machination. Why do you think modern muslims want an allahcracy? To them a seperation of church and state is impossible, if you do that you defy god’s will.
Christianity has an out, said by christ himself… and that is what allowed democracy to develop in america. “Give to god what is god’s, and give to caesar what is caesar’s” This simple statement is a direct clause of the seperation of church and state.
So in conclusion so far:
Islam uses violence for political ends and has so from the beginning.
Christianity if it uses violence for such means is outside the dictates of the religion and will ALWAYS have a small following. It’s a perfectly healthy response for a religion to rise up in violence against violence. It’s common sense, if you don’t they will enslave you. Being a christian or a jew, UNLESS you were in spain was not a pleasant affair.
It was SO unpleasant that entire towns of christians tried converting so they could stop being the slaves of the muslims. The muslim leadership wouldn’t even allow them that slap in the face to their dignity and belief.
BUT yet you contradict yourself at every step. EVEN IN THIS POST:
“been used/twisted/whatever to create control and violence for political ends.”
and at the end:
“are you sure it was them who crashed those planes?”
That’s such crap dude. Christians are not being bred to hate muslims, they have compassion and pity for the lives they have to take. And yes… they DO have to take those lives. It’s us or them in this culture war, do you understand just how high the stakes are?
The cycle of violence will keep perpetrating itself as long as man lives, we are violent animals. Some of us are merely more civilized because we haven’t been in a mind control cult all our lives, that values our deaths for the ideal, more than our lives.
I think Gandhi was extremely lucky. Do you think pacifism would’ve worked in ANY other war in history? The only reason it worked is because the people respected him. Muslims don’t respect us, because we are the infidel. The Nazi’s didn’t respect us, because we weren’t “Pure” enough.
Pacifism is a nice idea, but unless the opposing side respects you, it’s useless and tantamount to suicide.
Really… so you REALLY think that pacifism would’ve solved WW2? WW1? The civil war? The Barbary Coast wars?
That’s where you’re wrong… it goes back to 79, when Mahmoud Ahmenijad lead a student rebellion to capture americans. It goes back to the 90’s when America was struck not only at home but abroad several times. The difference between those and the rest of the islamic attacks against america was:
it was right in our backyard.
It killed 3000 people.
And you are right in a way… but also wrong… the entire history of the future world depends on our actions in dealing with Islamic Fascism. There WILL be no freedom unless we fight for it.
No it wasn’t them screaming allahu akbar in victory moments before the plane hit the tower. The towers didn’t really burn for over 100 days causing the entire underground complex to go ablaze, bringing down tower 7.
It was bush!
Jesus gobbo, do we have to bring conspiracy theories into every thread?
“Allahu-Akbar is the weapon that gives us the courage to challenge all subjugation, political or intellectual. It makes us turn our attention to the Creator”
What’s even more disgusting though is that you think americans could do that… jesus that makes me sick.
All the Islam books can be found online and for free. You guys should look at those first so that you don’t dismiss the author, as making up false information.
I have not read the book myself, but if I did, then I would find one of those websites that has a search function and follow along.
yeah, and if you don’t want to pay for the authors book check out your local library. Especially for Ibn Warraq’s work. It not only covers mohammed but all of Islam.
Scythekain, This is all off the subject but I’m glad to see you believe in truth if you didn’t before. Sometimes I wonder if you’re theist but only claim to be agnostic so people will listen to you. Like I said, off the subject but been on my mind for a while, maybe you just have common sense and understanding of logic unlike many on here.
perhaps… I’m a theist stuck in an agnostic body.
thanks club.
club and mr. predictable, you should check this out:
I’ll bet it does.
Why doesn’t anybody ever discuss what exactly the muslims want from a political point of view ? I mean if there is a clear set of objectives that they want, why not discuss only that and get rid of all the religious crap ?
From what I understand they want all foreigners outside their countries. They want to be able to organize their countries according to Islam law or whatever etc. Why on earth should the western countries care at all ? Why on earth should we tell them how to live their lives ? if they want to live praying all day, with burkas or even if they want to live in a self imposed dictatorship, let them live like that. WHO CARES???
We should just do commerce with these countries and leave them alone. Now we have Afganistan in turmoil and Iraq all messed up. We should leave them alone, and I am sure they will leave us alone…
When those who believe only in the Easter Bunny and deny Santa start killing those who believe only in Santa and deny the Easter Bunny, only then will the absurdity of religion begin to sink in.
because religion and politics are intimately connected to them.
You aren’t listening…
Go here and listen to this woman’s lecture: … p?t=153009
Listen to what Mahmoud says… He wants to bomb and kill all the jews REGARDLESS of whether or not we are there.
Tell me why in every country that has muslims popping up, their is violence and extremism? Sudan? Do you think there problem is a mere civil war? Their problem is directly tied to Islamic Extremists, and that like the majority of muslim extremist conflicts has NOTHING to do with the US war in afghanistan and Iraq.
I’m not listening to them in that regard. I’m listening to them when they say they want to kill all the infidels. YOU AREN’T. When Hitler wrote “my struggle” (mein kampf), and detailed how he wanted to kill all the jews NO ONE LISTENED. And now his book is the number one best seller in Turkey, and the muslim extremists there are out fighting the Kurds in northern Iraq, and are talking about how they want to invade Iraq. Tell me what our war against islamic extremism in Iraq and Afghanistan have to do with Turkey?
Jesus pay attention… Islamic law is HORRIBLE. Listen to the lecture and if you still are wondering why you should care, then you are truly a lost cause.
BECAUSE IF WE DON’T THEY WILL KILL VIOLENTLY, THOSE WHO ARE NOT EXTREMIST MUSLIMS. Look at countries that are already ruled by such rule… Iran, they are shutting down secular universities. Saudi Arabia, they arrest and kill you for carrying a BIBLE on the streets. Egypt will arrest you and possibly kill you for converting to christianity.
We have to tell them what to do, to not… is insanity. They want to live under 7th century law and spread that law throughout the world. PAY ATTENTION.
You should, because those VERY SAME PEOPLE are here in the USA. Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR, stated that he wants to see the US be a caliphate… A imam in Denmark in the year 2000, stated that “before 2050 we will declare sharia law in Denmark”
This is the fight for our lives culture and CIVILIZATION.
Appeasement will not work… feeding the crocodiles Israel, hoping that they’ll eat us last, is just that… they will still eat us. Just as Nazism continued well beyond it’s polish ambitions.
Certainly you’ve read history and know what appeasement did there? it just delayed the inevitable and gave Hitler MORE power.
Jesus your an idealist. 80% of the mosques in America are controlled by Islamic fundamentalists. EIGHTY PERCENT, that when a moderate muslim group calls out to march on washington against extremism, the three LARGEST muslim organizations, (CAIR included) speak out against these moderates and say “that is not the voice of mainstream Islam”.
You don’t have a clue the crocodile that is waiting to eat you, will still eat you even if we appease them. Osama Bin Laden was saying for the entire DECADE before 9/11 that he was going to RETURN* and attack American soil again. And he is but ONE extremist leader. As I’ve detailed the problem is spread throughout the world. malaysia, Thailand, Sudan, Eurabia…
Take your pick, the fight for culture is on.
That will never happen though phaedrus, because religions aren’t equally wise, or equally dangerous.
further, (this is an article about Brigitte, the woman in the audio lecture I suggest EVERYONE listen to.) … p?ID=21364
Here are some details.
There’s about 16,000 murders committed in the USA per annum and about 100,000 rapes.
And they’re committed by you and your anti-Muslim paranoiac-illuminatus brothers.
Get your own house sorted out (know thyself) and stop wittering on about Muslims!
the house is a deck of cards, atwitter like the roman empire with our senators diddling their young male pages.
There is about 16,000 murders committed each year, here’s my solution:
reinforce the death penalty.
Teach, and allow teachers to pack firearms so that way when a fucked up asshole like the amish shooter gets into the school, they can immediately take him down. They should make it PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE that the teachers pack heat.
Part of the problem is that we are becoming more like the roman empire and we glorify violence… you stick a kid in front of GTA and expect him not to become fucked up? The kid from the recent colorado shooting, said “he found shooting the other kids FUN”.
Now for the rapists, 1 easy deterrent:
Chemical castration.
But this is a country of pussies and is why the professor* (Who I quoted in another thread) is right… in the long run, Islam will win.
Hell they already have. They are allowed to indoctrinate our children with their fucked up religion. … E_ID=50562
And what does the supreme court do? overturn it? I hope you christians and republicans are paying attention to how well your government is serving you.
You wanna talk about crime and murder? It propagates because our prisons are soft. It propagates because we allow vermin with no respect for the country or laws of the land to live within them. LIke the illegal immigrant who shot the cop in the face FOUR times. FUCK HIM send him to the electric chair, yet we allow these “due process”, to ensure that he’s actually the one who pulled the trigger? WHY?
And not only that, we allow the mexican government to pay for his defense.
And here you are telling me to take care of my own? The countries fucked, the very best I can hope for is to warn a few people that it’s on it’s way down the tube. Maybe it will wake people up from their fucking slumber so they realize we DO need closed borders, and people shouldn’t be entitled to citizenship simply for huffing it across our borders. And that Islam has every intention of destroying our culture and replacing it with their own.
But … I know, that’s so much to ask for you to be less apathetic to the country that grants you the freedom to criticize it.
islamic indoctrination: … E_ID=50562
10 reasons why Islam will win the battle:, … 95,00.html
Do you think moderate muslims exist? Why aren’t they taking to the streets protesting the perversions of their religion? Why didn’t they yell it out the windows, that it’s not in the quran to convert people at gunpoint?
Why are you more concerned about trivial problems that will always exist within society, than the problem that could END our society?
Did you even listen to Brigette? I’m gonna guess… NO. Why don’t you listen to her and then come back.
also, phrygianslave the wise under your logic why would we go to war against nazism or communism?
There were murderers and rapists during the 30’s and 40’s but we still united as a nation against the idealogy(ies) that threatened civilization.
Here’s another important read. This time from a retired history professor in Canada.
Knowledge of the enemy seems to be what you fellows are unwilling to accecpt. Brigette herself, states that we are about to be conquered by a force we don’t understand. And frankly from reading the posts here I agree, there are many of you that really don’t get it.