List the top 5 problems of the US
something like :
- crappy welfare
- shitty public schools
- dumb ass president…
I’m curious as to will end up being the most consistently mentioned problems…
List the top 5 problems of the US
something like :
I’m curious as to will end up being the most consistently mentioned problems…
Eh…those are really the bulk of what needs to change.
Education system ~ we are rapidly building a nation of pointless, undirected, shiftless morons.
Economic transparency ~ corporate and governmental, and I mean full disclosure, and actual criminal penalties, like life imprisonment.
Economic development ~ in the sense of communities and states, where it is not “corporation for its shareholders” but business for America.
Political destruction ~ Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government. James Madison
~ the system is no longer operating as a Constitutional government and needs to be dismantled, we don’t need career politicians.
Penal system ~ rehabilitative justice is a myth, and our society has no understanding of what actual “retributive justice” is … limit appeals, especially those with dubious or specious introductions of inconclusive evidence, prisons should be self-maintaining, and executions should be high in number and frequent.
#10 - Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Michael Jackson…shall I go on?
#9 - The fact that many believe that they deserve a Top Ten list.
#8 - A Roman Empire without the balls. A guilty, Jewish Hellas .
#7 - Pseudo-Democracy. Selfishness wearing an altruistic cloak.
#6 - Reality through fiction.
#5 - The culture of no culture.
#4 - The weakling made into an ideal.
#3 - The illusion of individualism hiding institutionalized conformity and mass stupidity.
#2 - Production and consumerism interpreted as happiness.
#1- Duplicity.
11# cult of personality
I’m in full agreement. I like what you said about career politicians. A politician who doesn’t have a career in politics would have about a 900% of being someone who should be in such a system. Perhaps a constiantly refreshing political system composed of philosophers would do some good.
Prisions should be self-maintaining. Afterall, they have workers at their disposal, so why not make use of them?
More like 1b and 1c, with 1a being an unConstitutional governmental form.
Abuse of Democracy so that voters do not inform themselves about the issues but just react to catch-phrases. Not participatory as de Tocqueville observed it to be earlier.
Dominance of a vapid, mind-rotting pop culture.
Isolation among former allies due to unilateralist foreign policy.
Hatred on hot button issues like gay marriage, race and ethnicity, religion, abortion.
A president ignorant in virtually all matters that confront a chief executive being elected twice by an ignorant electorate who for the longest time think this bumbler is a hero.
The increasing likelihood that the next president will be that unbearable shrew, HILLARY CLINTON.
Green house gas emissions.
The Iraq situation in its entirety.
Cultural crisis with assimilation of Mexican immigrants.
Oooooooooooo … yes, yes, precisely elucidated. Good poster, especially supported due to issue number 1. Guaranteed to bring the fall of the Empire.
Carafe of vino and talk of Rome anyone?