The understanding of man's true nature.

What would happen in our understanding of man or society if we were to find evidence that men are naturally adept to hunting and gathering?

Responses would be appreciated.

The world would entirely change. WOmen would quit their jobs and become subordinate to men completely as efeeminate men everywhere would throw out their scented hair gel and go a huntin’ and a fishin to provide for their women folk.

I could see that happening. :smiley:

That to me would define somthing more closer to progression than all these secular material progressives could ever conceive.

Specifically I am wondering how such a understanding of human nature may affect our application of science or philosophy.

I dont think it would change anything. People would just be the same, How we act around people is diffrent than if a human is alone for long periods of time. without interactivity, we become wild animals. Society stabilizes Sanity.
Our natural insticts will always be there, as you say “hunting and gathering” but we always want what we “cant have” or “could have had” . What i mean is even is someone is Hung like horse, they dont neccesarily want to go do porn.
My generaliztion comes from my personal belief that women are literally better home makers, (not a shovinistic way) im just sayin between the ages of 1-10, i would rather have mommy around than daddy. Yet still these Feministas have a construed idea that men can stay home too, and they can but i still think that a women would do a better job.

Example: How many MALES out there are like MARTHA STEWART.

the tail wags the dog

erm… I’m pretty sure men are naturally adept to hunting and gathering and there’s lots of evidence for it.

What form would any further evidence come in?

am I missing something here?

Im pretty sure our understanding of man or society is totally subjective any how.

From a science point of view I guess man’s true nature is just to survive and breed. But science does not define reality in its fullest form. In particular science does not describe our experience.

I think maybe your question is asking if all we are is just hunter gatherers? I think not, man has ideas and creates on a massive scale compared to any other species. Therefore I believe man creates his own meaning.

I believe we as humans should delude ourselves in a certain sense with irrational outlets. We can, at this point in history and in the developed world, afford to not always to work towards survival and breeding and instead live life to experience more and more things. Basically if we can go out and create music or art, that ok don’t ‘really’ mean anything, but we can believe they do then we destract ourselves from the suffering caused by all desires. … p?t=159107

Leave a newborn baby in a field and see how naturally adept to hunting and gathering it is.

Absolutely nothing. People would be so conditioned to their current state that the data wouldn’t matter, with or without its revelation. Plus, people are so damned apathetic anyway…

But if we’re talking about this actually coming into effect in society, I’d say this would at least cause some reaction in the feminist community.