The value of a human life

Archie…to use the term ignore or any other term which somehow tries to degrade or lesson any religious scripture is sheer nonsens. If you don’t have any respect for any of the scriputures then thats fair enough, however to claim they are irrelevant is sheer ignorance and is almost comical. Billions of people around the world are given direction by these scriputures and you come out calling them irrelvant. I think you’ve made a mistake somewhere along the line.

You believe human life is valuable because that is what you were brought up to believe. Nature is objective and outside of the moral code with which we govern our society ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are myths. It is untrue to claim that you have an innate ‘right to life’ as you are born into an emotionless world. It doesn’t owe you anything.

What I mean by all this is that human life has no value other than in keeping our society together as it stands. By all means attempt attempts should be made to safeguard human life, but accept that this is just a point of view and there is no cause for despair in the death of another.