The Virus to Come

While history doesn’t repeat, it does rhyme.

Just as oligarchy/timocracy/democracy rose in Rome, Greece, Phoenicia and Carthage, before falling to dictatorships, which later became Christian, which later collapsed into a dark age, oligarchy/timocracy/democracy rose in Western Europe and North America, and I think they’ll fall to scientific dictatorships before collapsing into a dark age.

Nope, in the old days feudal lords would actually take care of their serfs. They’re going in for total extermination Gloominary, that’s what the vaccine is for. :wink: They might keep a few million serfs around, but the goal is depopulating a world of seven plus billion people to their coveted number of 500 million. I’m starting to wonder if they made a secret deal with the Chinese, you know, something like colonizing all of North America. Before they’re able to do that however they need to kill off all the original inhabitants. :sunglasses:

Also known as totalitarian transhumanism by the way. [With China leading the new world order within a global communist backdrop.]

By the way, if anybody thinks the Chinese will treat White Europeans any better think again, it will be historical revenge for the opium wars of the early nineteenth century for them. Revenge for them is a cultural thing that can transcend several generations, long memories those Chinese. They don’t ever forget much.

In the case of the United States it will be revenge for helping Chinese nationalists during World War II and subsequently Taiwan thereafter, the modern Taiwanese don’t know it yet, but they’re about to be sold out by the west on their island, I wouldn’t want to be in Taiwan right about now. Oh, and let’s not forget the Uighur insurrections either all backed by the west as well.

Oh, and one more thing Gloominary. China’s economy is supposed to exceed the United States economy by 2030 along with their yuan tied by Bitcoin. That means our timetable is a whopping nine years, if the past twenty years has taught us anything even in nine years a lot can change very drastically for the worst. Imagine a poisonous vaccine engineered with a delayed execution module of its host concerning terminal long term health side effects. :sunglasses:

Receivers might not notice anything that first two to three years of taking it, however, on the fourth or fifth year of gestation the terminal health symptoms will become very obvious. Innocent and seemingly nothing at first, but after a few years the real genetic payload takes effect.

I agree ZS, they want to kill 90% of us or more.
The US, Brazil and the western world as a whole, is at a crossroads.
They would rather see the US destroyed than increasingly turn to populism.
If the US submits to their neofeudalist agenda, it’ll be permitted to exist, in time perhaps merged with Canada and Mexico under the North American Union, the NAU under the NWO.
However, if it doesn’t submit, they will either try to take it over from within using as much of the military and paramilitary (Antifa and BLM) they can muster, and/or try to take it over from without (China), or nuke it.
Myself I think the geofeudalists will probably ultimately win, but it may take several years, or several decades to either fully subjugate, or destroy the US and any other part of the west that refuses to submit, but we shall see.
If they succeed, those who want to remain free will have to flee underground or well outside.

They won’t risk nuclear war, that’s why the vaccines, pandemic, and the lock downs exist right now, less messy that way being just as effective. Think of it as our century’s version of conquering entire continents without firing a single shot, these people prefer sanitized cloak and dagger strategies to achieve their collective goals when reality permits it. Of course the majority of the population’s imbeciles are none the wiser.

Won’t be a North American Union either, China will merely dominate the globe militarily, financially, and through all the world’s central banks along with the international oil markets, western neo-liberalism will pave way to a new global communist model where Washington D.C. is replaced with Beijing at the helm. [London and Tel Aviv too.]

Before all of that can come to pass the United States must be entirely destroyed or eviscerated, see the next nine and half years for details how as they unfold. :sunglasses: Welcome to the new Chinese century and brave new world aided by transnational corporations, banks, Google, Twitter, Facebook, a whole host of for hire neo-liberal western politicians, and the usual cohesive suspects that cannot be mentioned publicly. :sunglasses:

But well before that happens, a general recognition of what goes down will still require a visible reaction, through the emergence of a still functional dialectic( minus it’s (( material manifestation)) - thus, two camps will form, China allied with the US, and the English Commonwealth, VS. the Russian and most of the middle Eastern potentates.

That is when this mix, if such moralistic predetermination can be admitted through it’s biblically described foreshadow.

Then , at that time , fast approaching, an Anti Christ will appear.

If so, this description fits the essential requirement of having faith in vaccination, as a prelude to a superconscious context from which the skyhooks of a transcendent objective motive for evolution can be sustained as an operational mode.

This newest formation will elevate the moralistic middle, consisting in refocus on Rome, and Tell Aviv.

Russia is allied with China, a difficult alliance to be sure but nonetheless present.

England is owned by the same bankers that own modern China. :wink:

As a pagan I’m not really interested in biblical dead Jewish fairy tales, however, it’s very clear that segments of the western elite cling onto them.

That is very real today. However, the post-post modern understanding will need to be re-interpreted to those whose understanding can not yet comprehend behind biblical interpretation.

The modern-postmodern comprehension can not believe as of yet, in the overman. Such is truly some kind of preparation for the reality of the overcoming the blocks conventional wisdom.

But I’d rather accede to Your suggestion, for the sake of argument.

Yea, that’s another term for it, totalitranshumanism.

I don’t have a crystal ball, but history tends to rhyme.

The way I see it, the 21st century AD American Republic is sort of like the 1st century BC Roman Republic.

Just as the Roman Republic fell to a dictator after a civil war, I think America will fall to a dictator after a civil war sometime this century.

One by one shortly thereafter, all democracies will give way to dictatorships.

I think the next half a millennium will be an era of relative stability, but far less democracy, freedom and opportunity.

A multipolar world, with no single superpower, but several.

The US will dominate North America, Brazil South America and so on.

The US, Brazil, the EU, Russia, India and China will each have their spheres of influence.

eventually they won’t even need soft kill, they’re just institute a one child birth policy like China did until they get the population down to more manageable levels.

The masses will be cybernetically and genetically modified into more servile creatures.

There will be pockets of resistance, in the countryside and on the outskirts of the metropolises where most will be herded, even within, and underground. Some countries may cling to older ways of doings things, but the majority of what once was humanity will accept this new normal, this totalitranshumanism.

It’ll be an age of scientism and technocracy, not a pagan, nor a monotheistic age.

At some point during the middle of our millennium this age may collapse into a new dark age.

Dead crucified Galilean Jews don’t interest me in the slightest or the fairy tales of saviors springing fourth afterwards, sorry.

You think Jesus or God will save you? Blind faith will get you nowhere. I have more faith in my god of chaos, mischief, war, feral nature, subterfuge, and the underworld than that of a dead Jew on his knees turning the other cheek, such a weak exemplifying God who never saves his weak followers whatsoever who are always sheep led to the slaughter because your shepherd is never to be found anywhere. Ponder that in contemplation.

Yo but there are some pretty cool strong Jews.

Abrahamism is cancer, I despise every shithole desert religion that sprang forth out of the dead sea.

You don’t know nothing.

The Catholic schoolboy upset that I don’t care much for his Jeebuz? What would Jeebuz do? :sunglasses:

I don’t like Jeebus either, I’m just saying.

You said weak Jew, there are some pretty cool strong Jews.

My favorite part of history is when the Roman leigionaires burned down the second temple, I really wish I could go back in time and get a photo of that. I would have it framed and installed on my kitchen wall. I wonder if the rabbis there cried in horror, it must of been a sight to behold, a regular fucking Kodak moment.

Just literally walking out of the temple on fire carrying off the ark of the covenant, where was their God on that day anyways? Jupiter was smiling on that day much to the dismay of Yahweh.

I have pictures on my walls of Jews flying Migs and fucking up anybody with an opinion.

It makes me cum to think of several armed states being reduced to begging for mercy within a week.

I bet that makes your inner Christian Zionist very proud of that. :laughing: