The Way To The Top

moved here, i see no essay - ben

What’s the way to the top? Top of Philosophy; of Politics; of Science; of Art; of everything else? Of course, the “top” here is only temporary.

Philosophy. Top men: Plato, Aristotle, Kant… What took them to the top? Widely appreciated theories would be the obvious answer. So, what made their theories so attractive while their contemporaries’ neglected? Science. Top men: Newton, Darwin, Einstein… What took them to the top? The same thing. Art. The same thing again.

What about Politics? What takes a politician to the top? Businessmen? What about them? The modern artists - performers mainly, and them?

Using the thinking if the Y, who appeared in the post Constant, this issue here is difficult to solve. Let’s be conventional for now. The kinds of men mentioned in paragraph 2, are proper professionals who, when doing the business that they are in, completely and purely devote their thoughts and actions into their business. The kinds of men mentioned in the above paragraph, are not as professional as the previous kinds. So obviously, the second group of men are more complicated in this sense, and this is the group which we’ll concentrate on. Reminder: our aim here is to find out the connection between the two groups, in order to work out the way to the top.


Hang on, maybe I’ll continue this essay when I reach 50 or something like that. But hang on, I want to know the way to the top now! Is there a way to know by pure reasoning though? Or own experience is required? Should be the latter one, because I just don’t know any topmen who’s not 50 or above.

By the way, this is exactly what I meant by “Start Writing, Stop Reading”.

Go to a top quality insitution and learn your trade. Do brilliantly well there. That’s the surest way in our world.


You saw no essay? You must be joking!

Do you see the message here?


“Insitution”? I don’t know whether is is one of your uncomprehensiable words, or you are simply getting Uniqorish. “Trade”? This doesn’t sound like you! Actually, my whole question was: what is the trade?