Glad you answered!
I believe that standards are implemented by a mutual agreement. Once that agreement is only one-sided, standards start slipping and we lose the quality we were aspiring to. That seems to have happened. We struggled up to a standard and lost it again quicker than we could imagine because we were unable to recognise the gain as a gain and every step further as a loss. The political manipulation that went on after WWII has led to the situation we are in now.
I think I agree with what you say to a large degree, which does lead to what Anon said about accepting violence as a given and, consequently, becoming to some degree indifferent to it, whilst at the same time personally avoiding violence. As a pacifist, I have to accept that the consquence of my behaviour means that I have to become equanimous towards violence and suffering, whilst showing compassion with those suffering â which is a position that has a lot of problems attached.
Do you think that the Buddhist eightfold path is something for many people, or just for a few, like we have spoken about Christianity?
Good to hear from you!